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66 mustang

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"Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS" (1975)

The Big Kahuna of the "Nazi-sploitation" genre, "Ilsa" is the platinum-blonde, big boobed commandant of a Nazi prisoner-of-war camp who uses her male captives for her own perverse pleasures and the females for inhumane research projects. This movie's got it all, kids -wall to wall nudity and sex, gang rape, humiliation, castration, mutilation, torture, gore and more. This is easily the sickest movie I've seen in quite some time, it makes most so-called "exploitation" films of the 70s look like "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." I feel like I need to take a shower now!!
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Better than I thought it would be.

Kind of hide the story for the first half of the movie, and it nicely progresses.

Worth a watch, but wouldn't be adding it to my collection.

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R.I.P.D actually not as bad as I'd read,wasn't great either though,enjoyed the idea that they come back in other bodies to the outside world & deados and the banana/hairdryer as guns

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Legend (the recent Tom Hardy film about the Krays - NOT the Tom Cruise/Tim Curry fantasy-flick :))

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Haven't seen the former but the latter Legend is excellent :)

Never even heard of this newer one. I do like Tom Hardy, so I'll look into it.

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"Back Issues: The Hustler Magazine Story" (2014)

Extremely entertaining, often hilarious documentary about infamous Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt, who took the low road to the top of the adult-entertainment biz, becoming an unlikely champion for freedom of expression along the way. He may be one of our Great American a**holes but you can't help but admire the guy.
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"The Visitant" (2014)

An amusement park fortune teller inadvertently brings home a real spirit with evil intentions, leading to predictable haunted-house nonsense. This is one of those movies where the lead character is such a damn-fool idiot that she deserves everything that happens to her, haha.
This low budget indie is slightly better than shaky-cam crap like the "Paranormal Activity" movies, but that's not really saying much. Skip it.
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Haven't seen the former but the latter Legend is excellent :)

Never even heard of this newer one. I do like Tom Hardy, so I'll look into it.



He plays the Kray twins ... and does a pretty good job, too.

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Haven't seen the former but the latter Legend is excellent :)

Never even heard of this newer one. I do like Tom Hardy, so I'll look into it.

He plays the Kray twins ... and does a pretty good job, too.

I saw a movie poster for this, and realised I had seen the trailer before. Yeah, I definitely need to see this.

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"Fraternity Demon" (1992)
(no trailer available on YouTube)

A no budget horror/sex/campus comedy mess from Troma, aka the Toxic Avenger people. A college dork accidentally conjures up a blonde, busty "demon of sex and lust" on the night of the big fraternity/sorority mixer. Soon Demon Chick is stalking the halls of the frat house screwing the livin' hell out of everybody who crosses her path.
...sadly, this is not nearly as fun as I probably made it sound. The jokes aren't funny, the acting sucks, and I've seen porn with better production values than this flick. The few quick bits of eye candy aren't enough to make this mess watchable. AVOID.

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