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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Twister 2.0, I mean Into the Storm.


Yes it is an absolute rip of Twister.


I watched that the other day ... didn't they even manage to squeeze in a 'flying cow'? Or did I imagine that?

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Twister 2.0, I mean Into the Storm.


Yes it is an absolute rip of Twister.


I watched that the other day ... didn't they even manage to squeeze in a 'flying cow'? Or did I imagine that?


They most certainly did.

My wife caught it and was like, hey a flying cow...

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"House of Whipcord" (1974)

This British exploitation flick is a strange, sleazy combo of the Gothic horror and women-in-prison genres. A free spirited French gal living in swingin' London is kidnapped and deposited at a remote, privately owned women's prison run by an insane fundamentalist female warden (who is quite obviously inspired by Mary Whitehouse, the UK's infamous moral crusader and censor of the era). Features lotsa whippings, torture, a couple of murders, hints of incest (!) and a fair share of T&A, which kept me interested for a while, but eventually things got dragged out just a bit too long. Fans of vintage trash will get a kick out of it anyway.
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zomfg. That shark is doing an awful lot of screaming (or roaring?). But, I guess that's what sharks do, right?


Looks so horrible I would love to see it!



Do you get "The Grindhouse Channel" down under, Geoff (that's where I watched it)? If not, there appear to be several copies of it on good ol' YouTube, tho they vary widely in terms of picture/sound quality...this one looks like the best of the lot.




Oh cool, thanks for that. I'll try to do it to myself. Haha. Sadly, no, we don't get this channel you speak of. :(

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"K-9" (1989)

Enjoyable - if a bit generic - action comedy with Jim Belushi as a lone-wolf narcotics cop (is there ever any other kind in movies?) who gets saddled with a new partner - a stubborn German shepherd police dog named "Jerry Lee" - in order to bring down a drug cartel. The dog is the best actor in the whole movie.

"Savage Island" (1985)

Tedious chicks-in-chains flick about a gang infiltrating your typical hellish third-world women's prison camp to steal a fortune in diamonds... or emeralds... or something. Rumor has it that this movie was actually stitched together out of leftover footage from two other prison-girl flicks, which might explain why Savage Island is seemingly plotless and simply stumbles from one poorly-shot action scene to the next. The prison girls aren't even much to look at. The best of the lot is Linda "The Exorcist" Blair, who gets top billing but she's only in it for about two minutes, tops. Ignore, delete, destroy.
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"Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade" (2007)

This documentary looks back on the glory days of video game arcades and catches up with a select group of high scoring kids who dreamed of becoming "professional" gamers - before the Great Video Game Crash of '83 wiped everything out and they had to face the "real" world. Some have faced it better than others.
This flick works as a companion piece to The King of Kong, since it features a lot of the same people: kids who were famous for fifteen minutes in the '80s but have grown up into some seriously sad-sack mofo's who have obviously never kissed a woman.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be thankful that none of these guys live next door to you.
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  • My Little Pony

Jim Belushi as a lone-wolf narcotics cop (is there ever any other kind in movies?)


Heh. Right? When the reality is that narcotics is its own massive team.

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"K-9" (1989)

Enjoyable - if a bit generic - action comedy with Jim Belushi as a lone-wolf narcotics cop (is there ever any other kind in movies?) who gets saddled with a new partner - a stubborn German shepherd police dog named "Jerry Lee" - in order to bring down a drug cartel. The dog is the best actor in the whole movie.


"Savage Island" (1985)

Tedious chicks-in-chains flick about a gang infiltrating your typical hellish third-world women's prison camp to steal a fortune in diamonds... or emeralds... or something. Rumor has it that this movie was actually stitched together out of leftover footage from two other prison-girl flicks, which might explain why Savage Island is seemingly plotless and simply stumbles from one poorly-shot action scene to the next. The prison girls aren't even much to look at. The best of the lot is Linda "The Exorcist" Blair, who gets top billing but she's only in it for about two minutes, tops. Ignore, delete, destroy.

I like K9

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Weird movie.

Overall, watchable but here's why it was kinda average.

It was over 2 hours long.

They mixed up too many genres. There was crude and smutty comedy, slapstick comedy, long winded jokes, an action spy movie, tonnes of swearing, ditsy characters who were also ninjas and hard ass bosses who would never employ these fuck ups.

I can watch any of those types of movies, but mashed together it didn't work.

There were some funny moments, mainly Jason Stantham, but aside from that Melissa McCarthy was the same character she usually is and Miranda was straight out of her TV series....

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"Dr. Tarr's Torture Dungeon" (aka "Mansion of Madness," 1973)

Godawful boring Z-Grade Mexican horror flick set in a 19th century insane asylum. When a journalist visits the facility to interview the head doctor about a supposed breakthrough he's made in mental health care, he eventually realizes that the inmates have taken over the place. Slow paced, extremely talky and not horrific at all. AVOID.
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Weird movie.

Overall, watchable but here's why it was kinda average.

It was over 2 hours long.

They mixed up too many genres. There was crude and smutty comedy, slapstick comedy, long winded jokes, an action spy movie, tonnes of swearing, ditsy characters who were also ninjas and hard ass bosses who would never employ these fuck ups.

I can watch any of those types of movies, but mashed together it didn't work.

There were some funny moments, mainly Jason Stantham, but aside from that Melissa McCarthy was the same character she usually is and Miranda was straight out of her TV series....

Really liked it myself(and the wife).

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  • My Little Pony




Weird movie.

Overall, watchable but here's why it was kinda average.

It was over 2 hours long.

They mixed up too many genres. There was crude and smutty comedy, slapstick comedy, long winded jokes, an action spy movie, tonnes of swearing, ditsy characters who were also ninjas and hard ass bosses who would never employ these fuck ups.

I can watch any of those types of movies, but mashed together it didn't work.

There were some funny moments, mainly Jason Stantham, but aside from that Melissa McCarthy was the same character she usually is and Miranda was straight out of her TV series....

Really liked it myself(and the wife).

As did I. Melissa McCarthy held off playing her typical character until the end, and I thought she was brilliant. But most of the cast was great.

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  • My Little Pony

Toy Story

Toy Story 2

Monsters University



it was my sons 3rd birthday today so he watched most of his favourites during the course of the party in the backround :)

Both those Toy Stories are classics, haven't seen Monsters University, and Up! was good.

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Monster University is pretty good,I love the race scene were they throw the glowing balls that make the area hit swell up :)


ended our night with a few Monster Vs Aliens specials,my son loves them but strangely enough isn't big on the MvA movie hmmmm? I think its B.O.B the blob he loves :) he's having a field day with all the new animated movies on Netflix atm.

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  • My Little Pony

Monster University is pretty good,I love the race scene were they throw the glowing balls that make the area hit swell up :)


ended our night with a few Monster Vs Aliens specials,my son loves them but strangely enough isn't big on the MvA movie hmmmm? I think its B.O.B the blob he loves :) he's having a field day with all the new animated movies on Netflix atm.


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Typical Paranormal Activity styled last second jump scare. Which was nay jump inducing or scar. As with this ilk the staring at the screen and reading texts and chats while waiting for something to happen built the tension...if it wasn't a freebie from RedBox I would have been disappointed.

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"Raiders of Atlantis" (aka "Atlantis Interceptors," 1983)

A scientific experiment on the ocean floor accidentally raises the lost island of Atlantis - and its remaining inhabitants, a gang of face painted, leather clad, ultra-violent primitives ala "The Road Warrior," decide it's time for them to re-conquer the surface world.
This ultra-schlocky Italian action flick features wall-to-wall fistfights, gun battles and car chases in the apparent hope that the viewer won't notice that it doesn't make a damn bit of sense.
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"Hustler Squad" (aka "The Dirty Half Dozen," 1976)

Ultra-low-budget exploitation cheez set in WWII. The U.S. drafts a quartet of women with nothing to lose for a special mission: posing as prostitutes at a secret island hideaway so they can assassinate members of the Japanese high command. Not nearly as fun as it sounds due to the wooden acting and cheap-as-hell production values (even though it's World War II, everyone wears '70s hairstyles and fashions) ...but once the shooting starts it's entertaining enough.
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