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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Room In Rome (2010)

Naked European women, lesbian, and Rome.

Strong keywords to an interesting movie, don't you think ?


Not to be confused as a cheap softcore porn, this is basically a beautifully shot romantic drama about two strangers meeting in a bar and went to a hotel room where the film evolved around only in this room and eventually love is grown.


A low budget i guess but you can't deny the cinematography. How the camera captured the painting, the room, the scenery, the bodies, and everything, it's enchanting. The conversation is ordinary but interesting to see how they roll. I don't find myself skipping the talking as most of the other drama did, but probably because at the same time, my eyes were glued to Elena and Natasha. The ending is a bit ambiguous, another open to anyone's interpretation type of movie whether they're together or not.

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Cowboys & Aliens


is it as shite as the preview looks lol ;-))


I'm loving the trailers - looks like ridiculous escapist fun with great special effects, i.e. a top evening at the cinema!

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"Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus"




SyFy Channel and The Asylum Studios bring us the long awaited follow up to "Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus," without Debbie Gibson this time (dang!). Instead we have Jaleel "Steve Urkel" White as a Navy oceanographer who's pressed into service by an elite squad of monster hunters when a Megalodon and a giant prehistoric Croc begin battling to determine which critter will be King of the Seas.


Utterly over the top, ridiculous, idiotic fun.

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Mr.Bean's Holiday(2007)

i always enjoyed Mr.Bean since I was a teenager and this movie is no exception. Though his move and mimic is getting pretty old and predictable, don't know why but it's always just fun to watch his movie lol yeah a very talented modern day Chaplin i must say, and looks like this is the last Bean series from Rowan. Some scenes are cheesy, some are throwable, but definitely there are some for the honest laugh.

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  • My Little Pony

Cowboys & Aliens


is it as shite as the preview looks lol ;-))


I'm loving the trailers - looks like ridiculous escapist fun with great special effects, i.e. a top evening at the cinema!


LOOKS AWESOME. I so want to see it


Yeah, it received mixed reviews, but I really enjoyed it.

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"X-Men: The Last Stand"



The X-Men "trilogy" comes to a close. Magneto's still bein' a pain in the ass, this time declaring war on humanity after they develop a "cure" for the mutant gene.


Meanwhile, Jean Grey goes batsh*t crazy and becomes Dark Phoenix.

This entry doesn't seem to be very popular w/fanboys but I didn't mind it. I guess cuz it's been years since I read an X-Men comic so I'm not that close to the material where I'd start picking out inconsistencies with the source material (which I'm sure there are plenty of).


By the way, extra kudos for the absolute genius casting of Kelsey Grammer (!) as The Beast -- I swear, when I read comics back in the day, he's exactly what I imagined The Beast's voice/mannerisms would look like.

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"X-Men: The Last Stand"



The X-Men "trilogy" comes to a close. Magneto's still bein' a pain in the ass, this time declaring war on humanity after they develop a "cure" for the mutant gene.


Meanwhile, Jean Grey goes batsh*t crazy and becomes Dark Phoenix.

This entry doesn't seem to be very popular w/fanboys but I didn't mind it. I guess cuz it's been years since I read an X-Men comic so I'm not that close to the material where I'd start picking out inconsistencies with the source material (which I'm sure there are plenty of).


By the way, extra kudos for the absolute genius casting of Kelsey Grammer (!) as The Beast -- I swear, when I read comics back in the day, he's exactly what I imagined The Beast's voice/mannerisms would look like.



Saw this in the theaters Man.. Pretty good flick and yea Kelsey Grammer was PERFECT as Beast!!! :tumbsup:


Now I gotta see X Men First Class......

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"X-Men: The Last Stand"



The X-Men "trilogy" comes to a close. Magneto's still bein' a pain in the ass, this time declaring war on humanity after they develop a "cure" for the mutant gene.


Meanwhile, Jean Grey goes batsh*t crazy and becomes Dark Phoenix.

This entry doesn't seem to be very popular w/fanboys but I didn't mind it. I guess cuz it's been years since I read an X-Men comic so I'm not that close to the material where I'd start picking out inconsistencies with the source material (which I'm sure there are plenty of).


By the way, extra kudos for the absolute genius casting of Kelsey Grammer (!) as The Beast -- I swear, when I read comics back in the day, he's exactly what I imagined The Beast's voice/mannerisms would look like.



Saw this in the theaters Man.. Pretty good flick and yea Kelsey Grammer was PERFECT as Beast!!! :tumbsup:


Now I gotta see X Men First Class......



Didn't like this one at all. Loved the second X-Men film, but this one was a big step backwards imo. Very average. The Wolverine film was much better and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool = awesome!

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Killer Inside Me (2010) - an enjoyable film. I remembered hearing about it as I watched it, due to the viscious beating of Jessica Alba's character. Pretty hardcore. Otherwise, Alba is sexy as hell and I enjoyed the story a lot. I admit I did find it a little hard to concentrate on exactly what was happening with the story, but it was still good stuff. Reading up on it afterwards, I did follow all that happened... just seemed a little vague at the time.


Fast & Furious 5 - harmless and admittedly entertaining, yet far-fetched, fun. A couple of sexy girls (one of the team and the local cop) don't do the film any damage either. Yeah, I enjoyed it.


The Tourist - slow paced and a little boring at times perhaps, but an enjoyable film regardless.

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Couple new ones, HALL PASS, ok, liked the actors but a little slow paced for me. Plus the graphic nudity promised in the disclaimer turned out to be wangs :(


The new ARTHUR, didn't like it too much. Russell and Judy were ok, rest of the cast weak. I did like how they made Susan a little more "evil", but the other tweaks and changes did nothing to better the film. I rewatched the original not too long ago, one of my fav movies. It's a little dated to me now, but still has way more humor and heart than the remake.

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Gone Baby Gone (2007)

Ben Affleck's debut as director and he picked Casey Affleck as the leading actor. A good drama movie revolving around the kidnapping of a little girl which turns out to be a surprising ending. Well played by him, and also by Ed Harris and Morgan Freeman as the detectives.

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!


One of my favorite movies and book!



Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes: This was REAL good and I normally don't aprove of remakes, but this is well done and the cgi looks amazing!




Bad Teacher: A few laughs, Cameron is looking tasty and uber slutty, but the redhead who plays Ms. Squirrel is a super fox!

Agree with Rise,a real good remake and awesome cgi and Bad Teacher was ok,the best bits being Cam.

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Race With The Devil


Just rewatched this cult movie from the seventies. Great blend of occult horror/thriller/action film with one of the creepiest endings. Cool.


This film is excellent, has always been one of my faves, never get bored of watching this

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