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66 mustang

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Railroad disaster flick about a runaway train packed with toxic chemicals, headed for a Pennsylvania city - and the only two people who can do anything about it are grizzled veteran engineer Denzel Washington and a rookie played by the new Captain Kirk guy (whose name continues to escape me). A cool, fast paced, blue-collar action/thriller directed by Tony Scott (Ridley's brother).

and based on a true story

Very good movie.

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I watched SUCKER PUNCH yesterday in the theater. I really like Zack Snyder's directing style but this movie fell a little flat for me. It was no 300, let's put it that way.

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"The Adjustment Bureau" with Matt Damon. Kinda makes you think "Could this be possible?"...

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Skyline - pretty good special effects. But the story takes to many things from other recent SciFi movies. Didnt like the very end at all. Thought it was stupid. :(

Ha. I kind of dug the ending. It was so out there it had me chuckling. But, my wife agrees with you. She hated it too.

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Skyline - pretty good special effects. But the story takes to many things from other recent SciFi movies. Didnt like the very end at all. Thought it was stupid. :(

Ha. I kind of dug the ending. It was so out there it had me chuckling. But, my wife agrees with you. She hated it too.


Kind of like the end of District 9. Makes you wonder if they will try and continue it somehow. :blink:

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"Runaway Jury" then "The Brave One" with Jodie Foster.

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La terza madre (Mother of Tears)


The third movie of the "Three Mothers" trilogy (Suspiria, Inferno and this one) by Dario Argento. Stupid garbage by the way, the best thing in it was that Dani Filth song during the end credits. And Asia Argento's tits.

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The Next 3 Days - for me it was an ok, one time watcher. too long and too slow moving for the most part.


The Fighter - still wondering what I thought of this movie. based on a true story too. I did enjoy the movie but I'm also wondering it it is a more than a one time watcher.


Rocky Balboa - again, another ROCKY movie. don't know why but I just got on a Stalone kick and wanted to watch the saga. I don't have Rocky V so that is the only one I've not watche over the last few weeks. sorry but I enjoyed this one as an ending to the saga. I think that the Rocky character has a lot of Stalone in him and Stalone put a lot of himself into the Rocky character to create a very good movie hero.


30 Days Of Night: Dark Days - part 2 of a movie that I thought was ok. in reality I thought the first one was a letdown. I know I'm in the minority on this though. the sequel was ok, a good watch.


Get Low - movie bassed on part true story and part tall tell. wasn't as good as I had hoped for but a solid watch. The funeral parlor guy I knew I have seen him someplace before. I couldnt place his face at all but I knew his voice. finally had to look him up and he was in the movie Friday Night Lights (the QB)

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The hype put me off seeing this film and I’ve seen a few reviews that say it looks great, but the story is unoriginal. I’m glad finally got round to seeing it as I thought it was fantastic. It does look great and the story is excellent imo. The characters are a bit clichéd, but I can forgive that. Sadly, humans really do behave in that way, but most people won’t relate that to the film as they are too blinkered (HH-ers excepted, of course).



Eight candidates sit in a room and have to answer one question on a single sheet of paper to get a job. Any guesses what they see when they turn over their papers? Might sound pretty dull and I won’t say any more about the plot to avoid giving the game away, but this is an excellent, thought-provoking film. Highly recommended if you like to engage brain a little bit when watching films (unlike my missus :whistle:).



Again, don’t want to give too much away to those who haven’t seen it, this is a good supernatural thriller-type affair. Couple of really nice scenes and some good twists. Recommended.


Clash of the Titans

I’d heard some bad things about this film, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s very different to the original, but I like both. Great special effects, good action scenes, overall a fun, easy watching give-the-brain-a-rest movie. I didn’t really find Sam Worthington convincing as Perseus, but Ralph Fiennes was great as Hades and the best performance for me was from Mads Mikkelsen as the tough 'n' nasty good guy.

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Eight candidates sit in a room and have to answer one question on a single sheet of paper to get a job. Any guesses what they see when they turn over their papers? Might sound pretty dull and I won’t say any more about the plot to avoid giving the game away, but this is an excellent, thought-provoking film. Highly recommended if you like to engage brain a little bit when watching films (unlike my missus :whistle:).



Oh yes that movie was quite good and your opinion is spot on about engaging the brain...


On topic: big movie day yesterday.


Julia-Nice little movie with a sex redhead in the lead role (Tilda something or other...).


Toothfairy-Good family film with the lovable Rock in the tough guy hockey player/tooth fairy role. The kids were laughing out loud most of the film.


The Incredible Mr. Fox-I was VERY apprehensive going in to this one, but surprise surprise if it wasn't highly enjoyable and again the whole family enjoyed it.


The Immaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus-Trippy little movie, with amazing special effects. Fair plot and Tom Waits as the Devil sure was fun.

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"Shutter" (2008)



Yet another Americanized remake of a Japanese horror film ala "The Ring" or "The Grudge." After a newlywed American photographer (Joshua Jackson of "Dawson's Creek" and "Fringe" fame) and his wife move to Tokyo, they find themselves haunted by a ghostly girl who shows up in all the photographs they take. Nicely shot flick has loads of atmosphere but unfortunately is not the slightest bit scary. The girl who plays the wife was hot though, as was one of the Japanese chicks. Skippable.

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Last coupla days:


"Splice" (2010)



Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley are geneticists who mix a lil' bit o'human DNA into their gene-splicing experiment, which produces a bizarre, childlike humanoid they name "Dren." They need to keep Dren hidden from the world (for obvious ethical/legal reasons) but as Dren grows up her human side takes a back seat to the other animals included in her genetic makeup, and things start to go downhill rather quickly, as you might imagine.


Folks, this was one SERIOUSLY effed-up movie. The trailer makes it out to be a straight up horror flick but it's something else entirely. "Splice" is weird, creepy, disturbing, cool as hell, and bound to spark conversation. My wife and I are still discussing it a day later!! Check it out if tragic sci-fi is your thing. It's a trip.


"The Book Of Eli" (2010)



Denzel Washington is a mysterious (and totally bad-ass) drifter in post apocalyptic America, protecting the last existing copy of the Bible in the world from evildoers.


Very slow-moving at first (it takes forever to get this thing going) but the last hour is great, especially the unexpected payoff at the end. Oh, and it's got Mila Kunis in it. :crazy:


Not bad, but I'd hoped for better.

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The Fighter


Loved the film, although, like many, I'm not sure why Mickey's trio of fights with Arturo Gotti was not at least covered in the prologue. Still, great film.

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