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Erik Gronwall leaves Skid Row

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From Erik’s FB page:

Yes,  I have decided to leave Skid Row. 
The main reason being that it’s proved difficult to prioritize my health and full recovery as the lead singer of the band. ⠀⠀
In 2021 I was undergoing treatment against leukemia and that gave me a superpower called perspective. I decided to use that perspective and write down the values I wanted to live by for the rest of my life. On top of that list it says “health first”.⠀⠀
I’ve had to look at that list a lot of times this last year, questioning if I’m really living according to my values. At the end of the day I realized the answer was no. ⠀⠀
As a result of the treatments and transplant my immune system was impaired. You can think of my immune system as a 4 year old kid bringing home all kinds of viruses from preschool. It takes awhile to build up that resistance again but my immune system is getting stronger every day. However I’m still doing regular check ups (blood tests) at the hematology department in Sweden, which has proved challenging while keeping up with the Skid Row schedule. I have way too much respect for my medical history to push myself to the limit.⠀
I love Skid Row, I have nothing but respect for the guys in the band but I love and respect my health more. I understand that Skid Row is a touring band but like I told the guys: “if I can’t prioritize my health, then I’m not the right guy for the job”.⠀⠀
Please note, I’m NOT sick and it’s not that I don’t want to tour. I love being on the road. And of course we have tried to find the right balance together but at the end of the day I realized that it was better for me to step aside. ⠀
So now I’m going to focus on my full recovery, and come back stronger than ever.  Meanwhile I’m finalizing my biography. And I’m going to start writing my own music again. ⠀⠀
Lastly, once again thank you to everyone who accepted me as the singer of this iconic band. ⠀⠀
Always remember that no job, no money, no fame is worth your health or well being. Health first always. I owe this decision to the guy in the second picture and I’m proud to be able to say that I kept my promise to him. Health first! 
/ EG ⠀

Photo: @christianschneiderphoto



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From Skid Row’s FB page:


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I totally get it, but damnit I was looking forward to hearing a follow-up to “The Gang’s All Here”. I wonder what the Skids will do now? Might we see them bring in a female vocalist if Lzzy is well received? 🤔

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He did a Q&A a little while ago where he said moving to the USA was not gonna happen due to needing to be home in Sweden for healthcare, something he would not be able to afford in the USA, so realistically speaking it was always going to be difficult for him to stay with them long term with regards to touring. Recording is easy enough remotely, but you can't tour remotely.

He shot his shot, and got to spend time as a member of one of his fave bands, so nobody can begrudge him that.

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6 hours ago, whiplash1972 said:

I totally get it, but damnit I was looking forward to hearing a follow-up to “The Gang’s All Here”. I wonder what the Skids will do now? Might we see them bring in a female vocalist if Lzzy is well received? 🤔

I think Lzzy has the right chops as a temp replacement as her cover of Slave proves, but I can't see a lot of female vocalists being able to pull off a lot of their stuff due to how varied it is. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and reunite with Seb and Rob for one last hurrah.... yeah, I am delusional, I know.

Edited by Captain Howdy
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I don't think anyone can be angry about this (or I hope not, but this is 2024 after all). The man's been through a lot, and has done a lot despite his health issues.

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Just now, heavyharmonies said:

I don't think anyone can be angry about this (or I hope not, but this is 2024 after all). The man's been through a lot, and has done a lot despite his health issues.

Yeah, as someone who went through similar to him a year later, I fully support his decision. I will always be under the docs as well, but I think I have one big benefit over Erik in that my stem cell transplant used my own cells, where as I believe he had donor cells which probably means he might have to take immune suppressents which I don't. And even considering all that, I still have to be very careful which is why I no longer work full time, and even if I get slightly ill I am supposed to get checked out. Can't imagine the stress he has put his system under by touring.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and reunite with Seb and Rob for one last hurrah.... yeah, I am delusional, I know.

Well, they’re certainly not getting any younger; this might be a “now or never” moment in regards to Seb and Co ever reuniting. 

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Wish him all of the best with his health , hopefully we'll hear him again soon stronger than ever :drink:

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25 minutes ago, whiplash1972 said:

Well, they’re certainly not getting any younger; this might be a “now or never” moment in regards to Seb and Co ever reuniting. 

I'd have to agree.

Certainly bummed about Erik but it was apparent the travel back and forth was taking a toll on him.  It was a fun ride while it lasted and re-kindled a lot of life in Skid Row.

But Skid Row now has to really look in the mirror as I don't think they'll find anybody better than Erik and all the gains they made over the last couple years are in danger of being lost.  There would be no better time than now to finally make that reunion and ride the wave into the sunset.  I'm really not sure if their split with Bach is repairable though.

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It is a bummer of course but totally understandable. TBH if I was Skid Row I'd be looking up Dino Jelusick as the longterm replacement. That guy has the chops and the charisma needed.

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Lzzy Hale issues statement on filling in for SKID ROW:

“I'm stepping in for a few dates as the lead singer of Skid Row! What an honor to call them my friends and a privilege to be sharing the stage with them! 

Erik, I wish you all the magic on your next adventure.

Now...which leather pants to wear?!!”

#rock #music


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1 hour ago, auslander said:

It is a bummer of course but totally understandable. TBH if I was Skid Row I'd be looking up Dino Jelusick as the longterm replacement. That guy has the chops and the charisma needed.

Sure he is a member of Whitesnake at the moment

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5 hours ago, whiplash1972 said:

Well, they’re certainly not getting any younger; this might be a “now or never” moment in regards to Seb and Co ever reuniting. 

This makes perfect sense, doesn't it?  So much so that it's likely never to happen. 

What a money-maker that would be, too.  "Slave To The Grind 2025 World Tour."  But if Gene and Paul can't make friendly with Ace and Peter or Jon with Richie (my gosh what a printing press for money either of those reunions would be), then I doubt Snake and Bach can come to terms.

There's not an ex-friend I know I wouldn't be willing to put-up with for a short while for that kind of money!  But I'm not them, nor them me.

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All in all, this is a great story. Erik played a brilliant, well received, albeit short cameo with one of our favourite bands. 

It was a win, win, win.

A win for us, a win for Skid Row (the album certainly put them back on the map) and a win for Erik, adding this to his already impressive resume.

The fact that it was so amicable with both parties is also great to see.

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Glad I got to see them with Erik in front.

All the best to him, definitely looking forward to his future outings when he is fully recovered.

Would be cool to see him form his own band, where he could take control, and play around in different genres, from full on metal, to soothing AOR, the guy is so versatile.

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3 hours ago, Kristian said:

Glad I got to see them with Erik in front.

All the best to him, definitely looking forward to his future outings when he is fully recovered.

Would be cool to see him form his own band, where he could take control, and play around in different genres, from full on metal, to soothing AOR, the guy is so versatile.

I posed him that exact question on his discord page as to what his future plans are....

He said he plans to relax for a bit, do his You Tube thing, keep writing new music and then will decide how to release that music.  He said as of now he's thinking he'll either do a solo thing or form his own band.  He didn't say this but I'd sort of envision a Daughtry type "band" where he kind of puts a band behind his name.

So essentially, I think you're right on with his plans.  Ultimately, I think like you say, the control is a big part of it.  I think he wants to be able to operate on his own schedule to maintain his health and family obligations.

It'll be interesting to see what sound the new material takes on.  It would seem logical to think it would be rock/melodic rock of some sort since that's really the type of music he's built his following with but he certainly has shown he can dabble anywhere from AOR to metal.

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19 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

Sure he is a member of Whitesnake at the moment

Yeah but are they gonna continue?

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51 minutes ago, lettard said:

Yeah but are they gonna continue?

I thought Coverdale's whole plan was that they would. 

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1 hour ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

I thought Coverdale's whole plan was that they would. 

Just without him then? When I come to think of it I read that a while back before he stopped the last tour.

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22 minutes ago, lettard said:

Just without him then? When I come to think of it I read that a while back before he stopped the last tour.

And it makes sense that Dino is with the band as vocally he is often compared to a cross between Cov and Dio.

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Erik announced on FB today:

Pre-order of my biography is now available in Swedish! I will sign this bad boy when you pre-order. Get it here: https://www.adlibris.com/.../signerad-power---musiken...
Sure there will be an English version at some point
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Erik posted a YT vid this morning discussing everything


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Na... I'm a no on Dino to much Dio sounding, but to bad bout Erik he was an absolute perfect fit but as to who to fill the spot I dunno.

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