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I Like Beer!

Blue Charvel

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I think I died and went to heaven today. Sort of, but not really but I'll ramble on anyway...


I met up with a friend for lunch and noticed a sign at the bar saying 'All jugs of beer $10'. So I says to my friend; "How many schooners do you reckon I'd get out of a jug?" as I looked at her jugs. She tells me she reckons three, so as a schooner is normally $4 each I think, cool, I'll save a bit of coin so I'll do this. Turns out a jug holds 4 schooners, which I had to quickly down in an hour (and did so with ease) and because the offer applied to any beer on tap I got Coopers and loved every second of it. Best part of the story? I gave her a $50 to buy my $10 jug and a $5.50 bourbon and coke for my friend... she gives me $44.60 change!


High fives. Come on, who's first?!


Hey, come on guys. Don't leave me hanging.




I envy your massive beer power Brutha G. Me, I haven't had a beer in about two weeks. :( I miss it so!!

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Only 9 hours to go until I sit at home with a six pack, football and rock n'roll on the stereo. I count the minutes.

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Last night our team went to a japanese restaurant in Mountain View/California to have some sushi. I ordered a big bottle of Sapporo beer.


Pretty good stuff ! I was really impressed !! :chug:

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Last night our team went to a japanese restaurant in Mountain View/California to have some sushi. I ordered a big bottle of Sapporo beer.


Pretty good stuff ! I was really impressed !! :chug:

Most of the Japanese beer is based on the German lager style from what I understand... and it is pretty good too... :)

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I have no beer in the house :crying:


On the other hand, I do have cola and Johnnie Walker Red. :banana: As Wotty would say, "result!"

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The wife and I will be getting lit up tonight on Pain Killers so I will be posting drunk later.

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You have gotta love the good wife when she comes home from grocery shopping with 2 slabs of VB under each arm :lol:

:homer: MMMMMMMMMMMM....BEER :chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug:

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I had a couple of good ones yesterday while jamming some Rockarma with Jeff, our bass player. Arrogant Bastard Ale, followed by a Rogue Hazelnut Brown... brilliant! :drink:

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I just picked up a six pack of Michelob.


Your a bit behind Wes....start a chugin' :chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug:


That should cover your six pack of Mich.


Behind? But I already had 4 Molson's before going back to the store to get the other six pack. :beerbang:

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Arrogant Bastard Ale


Great stuff ... and the backs of the bottles make for hilarious reading as well! :drink:

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Had a couple of large cups of Pain Killers last night but only got me buzzed. If dinner wasn't so heavy I would have gotten annihilated.

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I've been out today on a bit of a birthday celebration.......the good bit was it was held in a pub and I got to watch the football while becoming nicely drunk. :beerbang:


Note please disregard any posts I make over the next hour or so due to intoxication.

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Just in case anybody here needs an excuse to drink a beer tonight:


Today, April 7, 2008, marks the 75th anniversary of the end of Prohibition in the United States.


On this date in 1933, the Draconian laws banning sales of alcohol were taken off the books and the BEER was allowed to flow again!!!


Hooray beer!!!



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Just in case anybody here needs an excuse to drink a beer tonight:


Today, April 7, 2008, marks the 75th anniversary of the end of Prohibition in the United States.


On this date in 1933, the Draconian laws banning sales of alcohol were taken off the books and the BEER was allowed to flow again!!!


Hooray beer!!!



sounds like it's time for a beer or 7

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I no longer bleed blood. I bleed beer.


Wouldn't that be awesome? Slitting my wrists wouldn't just be about being so emo anymore.

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