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I Like Beer!

Blue Charvel

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I have one lonely beer in my fridge.

:yikes: that's cutting it WAY too close bro...


I have two beers in my fridge and a 12 pack in the cabinet waiting to be fridged. So I think I'll be OK for a little while.



See keef. With all the $$ you save on the damnable dip, you can buy more beer! :banger:



in other news. i need a beer.

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I LIKE BEER.......and I'm fuckin' paying for it big time as a result of guzzling a rather large amount of it last night with a mate.....I'm actually feelin' a bit :puke: .

It won't stop me though from havin' a couple more later on today :lol:

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I was at the fucking winery today and my buddy got so fucking drunk he puked on himself.

Anyway I drank to damn much wine and beer today. Goodnight.


I hate wine......to me it's like cats piss.. :unsure:...Not that I have tasted cats piss but I reckon they would be similar :puke:

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I was at the fucking winery today and my buddy got so fucking drunk he puked on himself.

Anyway I drank to damn much wine and beer today. Goodnight.

Whoa, sounds like a heckuva day!


We drank a case at a buddy's house and then headed back to my place to drink another case and seriously piss off my wife in the process with our partying in the basement until 4am. :anon:

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I have drunk to much beer since losing my license. I'm starting to wonder if this in uncool, or awesome.

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I have drunk to much beer since losing my license. I'm starting to wonder if this in uncool, or awesome.

Perhaps it is awesome in it's uncoolness?


Or perhaps it is uncool in it's awesomeness? :wacko:

Settled. It is awesome.

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2 hours away from the great escape out of this place and do you know the first thing I am going to do when I get home? I'm gonna have a Speckled Hen and chill the fuck out - anyone else want one? :drink:

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2 hours away from the great escape out of this place and do you know the first thing I am going to do when I get home? I'm gonna have a Speckled Hen and chill the fuck out - anyone else want one? :drink:


I'll take one :beerbang:

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2 hours away from the great escape out of this place and do you know the first thing I am going to do when I get home? I'm gonna have a Speckled Hen and chill the fuck out - anyone else want one? :drink:


I'll take one :beerbang:

Fucking oath I'll have one too!! 5 hours and counting until I wrap tender lips around the neck of a beer bottle and suckle like a man to a breast.

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2 hours away from the great escape out of this place and do you know the first thing I am going to do when I get home? I'm gonna have a Speckled Hen and chill the fuck out - anyone else want one? :drink:


I'll take one :beerbang:

Fucking oath I'll have one too!! 5 hours and counting until I wrap tender lips around the neck of a beer bottle and suckle like a man to a breast.


:rofl2: couldn't have put it better myself mate :)

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Spent the last few days down by the pool at our hotel in Vegas. The first day there we were buying beer from the bar and I ended up spending over $80 that afternoon alone ($5.50 per beer and $12 per margarita!). The next day we wised up and grabbed a bunch of beer from a liquor store down on the strip and snuck it out to the pool with us. All was good until the end of the day when the waitress caught us. So yesterday it was back to paying paying the price at the pool bar again.

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Second day without a beer because I'm feelin' shit and one of those days included Friday night without a beer or 6 and that is fuckin' unheard of.This has not happened to me since Bon Jovi released their last good album, that's how long ago it has been.

I don't know what is making me feel worse, the illness or not having VB in my system for 2 days :unsure: and to be honest, this third day is not looking to promising either to cleanse my body with some holy water :( .

I honestly don't think I could do a Saturday night without the consumption of my favourite drop :yikes: .


Please Lord, make me better very, very quickly.

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Jez -- another Speckled Hen over this way pleeeeease!!

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The Stag weekend starts in 2 hours, so getting my beer head on with a sniifty Speckled one before I set off. It's been nice knowing you guys!! :drink:

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The Stag weekend starts in 2 hours, so getting my beer head on with a sniifty Speckled one before I set off. It's been nice knowing you guys!! :drink:

I'm just waking up over here in the states and this guy's already out the door to tie one on. Have fun Jez! :beerbang:

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Just about time to mow the lawn and then head for the garage for some ice cold Coors Light.

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Second day without a beer because I'm feelin' shit and one of those days included Friday night without a beer or 6 and that is fuckin' unheard of.This has not happened to me since Bon Jovi released their last good album, that's how long ago it has been.

I don't know what is making me feel worse, the illness or not having VB in my system for 2 days :unsure: and to be honest, this third day is not looking to promising either to cleanse my body with some holy water :( .

I honestly don't think I could do a Saturday night without the consumption of my favourite drop :yikes: .


Please Lord, make me better very, very quickly.


I had given myself to 4.30pm, hoping by then I would be fit and healthy enough to twist the top off a few cold green ones and as that time arrived, I got off the couch whilst watching the footy and made my way over to the fridge to make the final decision on whether I was going to be able to consume or not :unsure: .

I opened the door and looked at them for about 15 seconds thinking I can't do this so I looked up to the heavens and asked the lord if he could shine his light down upon me to rid me of my illness so beer could be drunk............It was not to be so I said , I have to give myself more time and then try again :( .

4.35pm arrived :lol: so I made my way back to the fridge and opened the door to see those icy cold VB's looking me right in the eye and with no drooling happening around my mouth area, I decided it was not going to happen and just as I was about to throw in the towel and face defeat, there was a voice that entered my right ear.................It was the :devilgrin: and this is what he said.....



"listen here you fuckin' piss weak, limp dick pussy. Put your pathetic arm into that fridge you pathetic son of a bitch, grab a cold one out and take your sad and sorry arse back to the couch, twist the fuckin' top off and pour it down your throat you weak bastard..........It's Saturday, you are watching the footy not Brokeback fuckin' Mountain so I don't give a fuck how shit you feel you fuckin' little girl, grab a beer and get stuck into it for fuck's sake"


I did not want to piss the :devilgrin: off otherwise I could see something from the Exorcist happening to me during the night so a cold one I grabbed and made my way back to the couch and off went the twist top and I said to myself, "here we go".

The first mouthfull went down and three seconds later the customary " :homer: Oh yes" was shouted out :bananamac: .

Needless to say, several more trips were made to the fridge that evening.

The stuff is fuckin' medicine....... I will never need to go to the Doctors ever again to get a prescription for medicine, all I will have to do is go to the bottle shop :lol:

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