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Bands you love, who's signature song you don't really care for

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Could be because the songs were overplayed when they came out, but here are some bands I personally love but don't really care for their signature, most popular or first ever released song.


Warrant - Cherry Pie (It's a party tune that is nowhere near as good as other tracks on the same album)


The Darkness - Believe In A Thing Called Love (Love the band but the song doesn't do much for me)


Danger Danger - Naughty Naughty (Never really liked this song and it was the reason I didn't get into DD before Screw It! came out a few years later)


Steel Panther - Death To All But Metal (probably their most famous track, but nowhere near as good as the majority of the rest of their tunes.)


White Lion - When The Children Cry (A good song but way overplayed)


Extreme - More Than Words (same reason as When The Children Cry)


Queensryche - Silent Lucidity (love the early releases from the band, but never liked the boring tune Silent Lucidity which became their biggest hit)


Papa Roach - Last Resort (they've matured since that was released)


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Haha, cool topic but hard to think of many off the top of my head.


I agree that 'Naughty naughty' was never one of my faves from D2, despite being a cool enough tune.


I think 'More than words' is still Extreme's best song, lol. But then again, I kind of dislike them.


Love 'Death to all but metal.'


I kind of agree on 'Sweet child of mine' because it is arguably the most overplayed rock song of all time, BUT, in those rare and infrequent moments where you can just hear a song like that for what it is as it it were the first time, I do actually believe that is an excellent song. If you can just hear it for what it is, hard as that may be.


Just trying to think of some more. I guess 'Living on a prayer' and 'Every rose has it's thorn' would be Bon Jovi's and Poison's, but aside from the inevitable overplay factor, I still love both songs. Oh, here's one:


Def Leppard - 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' ; one of their weakest songs from their prime, even if I still don't mind it. ;)

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Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard


Paradise City - GnR


Love in an Elevator / Dude Looks Like A Lady - Areosmith

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  • My Little Pony

I used to know a few bands that fit the description, but I can't think of them right now. But also, I wasn't alive when most of this music was on the airwaves, so I don't always know which songs were their hits.

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For GNR the track Welcome To The Jungle is one that I don't like, it is played at every damn sporting event. Sounds like a song played while rapping someone that is hogtied.


Queen's We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions are overplayed and irritating as well.

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  • My Little Pony

Unless of course you are in a stadium and your team wins...then 'We are the champions' is the greatest song ever written


Ha! Truu.

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AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long.

I didn't have any problem with this song until it was released as a single/video to coincide with the release of Who Made Who. Suddenly it was a huge hit, six years (!) after its original release, and MTV/radio ran it completely and utterly into the ground. The last time I saw AC/DC live in 1995 they opened their set with it (which was weird, cuz it was usually one of their encores as far as I knew), and at first I was like "Aaaack!" but then shrugged and thought "Ehh, well at least they're getting it out of the way early." :D

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AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long.

I didn't have any problem with this song until it was released as a single/video to coincide with the release of Who Made Who. Suddenly it was a huge hit, six years (!) after its original release, and MTV/radio ran it completely and utterly into the ground. The last time I saw AC/DC live in 1995 they opened their set with it (which was weird, cuz it was usually one of their encores as far as I knew), and at first I was like "Aaaack!" but then shrugged and thought "Ehh, well at least they're getting it out of the way early." :D


I still love it.

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Agree with Warrant Cherry Pie.

Also Bon Jovi who I think has a few signature songs but Wanted Dead or Alive blows. Soooo many other bands with signature songs I hate...

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AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long.

I didn't have any problem with this song until it was released as a single/video to coincide with the release of Who Made Who. Suddenly it was a huge hit, six years (!) after its original release, and MTV/radio ran it completely and utterly into the ground. The last time I saw AC/DC live in 1995 they opened their set with it (which was weird, cuz it was usually one of their encores as far as I knew), and at first I was like "Aaaack!" but then shrugged and thought "Ehh, well at least they're getting it out of the way early." :D


I still love it.



I'm not an AC/DC fan by even the longest stretch of the imagination (actually never owned a single CD of theirs in 100% honesty) but I never minded this tune either, when it comes on the radio.

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Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy. It's far from their best song and it's not even their own song. It's overplayed and I'm tired of hearing it

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Signature songs are rammed down the public's throat by the suits and ties at record companies and brainless radio programmers in their quest for separating bucks from the lowest common denominator. Therefore, they make the actual fans of the artist's entire body of work so sick and tired of hearing that same damn track over and over again that those fans come to despise what they are being force fed.


Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town has been overplayed to death except to those unfamiliar with anything else they ever did.


Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper - As far as so-called "Classic" Radio is concerned, this is the ONLY song B.O.C. EVER recorded.


Night Ranger - Sister Christian - If I never hear that sappy ballad again in the next several lifetimes, it will be too soon.


These are but 3 examples of bands I have much admiration for, but whose most recognizable (overplayed) songs drive me fucking batshit because I've been subjected to them more times than any human being should be. My definition of a brain-dead person is someone, who swears up and down that their "favorite" song by an artist is the one they've heard ad nauseum on the radio, and then admit they've NEVER heard anything else by that artist. These are also known as the "lowest common denominator" - unable to think for themself and search out anything new lest their lonesome brain cells suffer an overload from an absurd fear of too much information to process. To anyone stating, "Sister Christian is the best song Night Ranger made", I must reply, "You, sir, have obviously never heard ANYTHING else they've ever done. Go graze with that flock of likewise mindless sheep over there..... Oh, and take your stupid, fucking radio stuck on the "Classic" rock station with you." Programmed radio remains a boil upon the ass of humanity.

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I like a lot of 'signature songs' ... it would just be refreshing if radio stations played something else by the band concerned!


The exception is 'More Than Words' - if I NEVER hear that song again, it'll be too soon ...

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Livin on a prayer might be overplayed but its still excellent.


Most bands these days can only dream of writing something that good.

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I feel exactly the same as some of you, know the feeling too well but can't think of too many bands right now. A definite one for me is


Europe - The Final Countdown


Aside from the solo (which kicks ass) I don't like the song and never listen to it when spinnin the album, would have been better off with just 9 tracks in my opinion.


Also when I tell people I like Europe and think Final Countdown is a good album everyone's reaction is to either be surprised I listen to such a cheesy band or they start imitating the song or the main melody and I have to explain 'I hate that track but the album that it's on is really good'

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I feel exactly the same as some of you, know the feeling too well but can't think of too many bands right now. A definite one for me is


Europe - The Final Countdown


Aside from the solo (which kicks ass) I don't like the song and never listen to it when spinnin the album, would have been better off with just 9 tracks in my opinion.


Also when I tell people I like Europe and think Final Countdown is a good album everyone's reaction is to either be surprised I listen to such a cheesy band or they start imitating the song or the main melody and I have to explain 'I hate that track but the album that it's on is really good'




I knew someone would mention "The Final Countdown"! I absolutely love the song, although I know it's terrible, so I guess it's a guilty pleasure.


"Wind of Change" is the most apt example mentioned so far for me - not a bad song, but one of the worst on the fantastic Crazy World and they've done so many far, far better songs.


I'd maybe offer up Skid Row's "18 And Life", which used to be played all the time back in the day and for me isn't one of their better tunes, but I suspect their 'signature' song is more likely to be "Youth Gone Wild", which is f***ing great and rocks like a bastard.

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Yeah, I still like 'The final countdown' plenty too. And I may be one of the few (the only?) who actually likes 'Winds of change.'

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Yeah, I still like 'The final countdown' plenty too. And I may be one of the few (the only?) who actually likes 'Winds of change.'


Not the only one Geoff. I like it too ;)

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