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The Pope

66 mustang

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I just don't get "it". I guess it is a huge deal to some. I'm not an over religious person and I'm go far from where I should be in my faith but needing a Pope doesn't make sense to me. Is is a Catholic thing, maybe that is why i don't get it. I need to be close to God and have a relationship with him, not worship the Pope. maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

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  • My Little Pony

I think he's like a lead pastor that looks after the Catholic church as a whole. But don't quote me on that, because I'm a Protestant. I don't know much about the inner workings of Catholicism.


"I can go down the road any time I want and walk into Harry's and hold my head up high, and say in a loud steady voice: 'Harry I want you to sell me a condom. In fact, today I think I'll have a French Tickler, for I am a Protestant.'"

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The whole pope/vatican thing is a headshaker for me...personally I'm an atheist so my comments may sound uninformed but it seems to me if you worship God you don't need any proxies in between you and him so what is the use of a priest/pope etc...especially when you consider the amount of money that goes into the Vatican...I would be willing to bet that if Jesus were to return he would never go near the Vatican as he would see them as a joke at best and an insult at worst...

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i'm more interested in the Jodi Arias murder trial.

they reconvene in 30 mins and then prosecution can continue ripping into her BS lies.


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Catholics don't "worship" the Pope. He is the leader of the Catholic Church. Ask yourself this...does your company have a leader? Does your town have a leader? Your country? Last I checked the Catholic Church is pretty darn big. I'm pretty sure that just like anything else on this planet it needs someone to run it as well.

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I'm not Catholic so it's a non issue for me.


Though I do find the non stop round the clock news coverage of all the pomp and circumstance sorta funny.


They could've cut all this bullsh*t down to a minimum by having Pope Benedict go out onto his little balcony over St. Peter's Square on his last day in office, with all the Cardinals gathered down below. Then he could've thrown his big ole fancy Pope Hat into the crowd and whichever Cardinal caught it got to be the next Pope. Quick and easy. :D

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Catholics don't "worship" the Pope. He is the leader of the Catholic Church. Ask yourself this...does your company have a leader? Does your town have a leader? Your country? Last I checked the Catholic Church is pretty darn big. I'm pretty sure that just like anything else on this planet it needs someone to run it as well.

You hit the nail on the head mate as the Catholic Church and alot of churches are big money spinners as well as spin doctors.The Catholic Church will need alot of that money to defend it's self when alot of the abuse cases hit courts around the world.I'm sorry as i am very cynical when it comes to the church and it's leaders.
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I'm not Catholic so it's a non issue for me.


Though I do find the non stop round the clock news coverage of all the pomp and circumstance sorta funny.


They could've cut all this bullsh*t down to a minimum by having Pope Benedict go out onto his little balcony over St. Peter's Square on his last day in office, with all the Cardinals gathered down below. Then he could've thrown his big ole fancy Pope Hat into the crowd and whichever Cardinal caught it got to be the next Pope. Quick and easy. :D


Moe: Yeah, alright, listen up guys, the Springfield Police have told me that 91% of all traffic accidents are caused by you six guys. [Moe's regulars exchange high-fives and cheer in triumph.]


Moe: Yeah, I know, I know, but the bad news is we gotta start having designated drivers. [the regulars moan and groan] We'll choose the same way they pick the Pope. [sets a giant glass jar with pickled eggs floating in it on the table] Everybody reach in and draw a pickled egg. Whoever gets the black egg stays sober tonight. :homer:

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I just hate that anyone cares about this. Like Keef said, to see this shit dominate the media for weeks on end just makes me wish large sections of the world would just explode and disappear. Fuck religion, fuck the pope. Fuck off my TV and concentrate on dogs riding skateboards, or some similar news item that is relevant to the every day human being.

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Catholics don't "worship" the Pope. He is the leader of the Catholic Church. Ask yourself this...does your company have a leader? Does your town have a leader? Your country? Last I checked the Catholic Church is pretty darn big. I'm pretty sure that just like anything else on this planet it needs someone to run it as well.

You hit the nail on the head mate as the Catholic Church and alot of churches are big money spinners as well as spin doctors.The Catholic Church will need alot of that money to defend it's self when alot of the abuse cases hit courts around the world.I'm sorry as i am very cynical when it comes to the church and it's leaders.


The whole sex abuse issue should never have occured...they could lower the cases substantially if they allow priests to marry or maybe priests should have to be castrated...after all if you aren't supposed to use them then why do you need them?

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I just hate that anyone cares about this. Like Keef said, to see this shit dominate the media for weeks on end just makes me wish large sections of the world would just explode and disappear. Fuck religion, fuck the pope. Fuck off my TV and concentrate on dogs riding skateboards, or some similar news item that is relevant to the every day human being.


A bit :agree: and a bit :rofl2:


Yeah, as an atheist I think religion is pretty mental and the idea of any kind of god ridiculous. But that's just my personal view. In fact, I think we should deify Richard Dawkins to make some kind of bizarre confusing contradiction. ;) I know others have different beliefs though, and this probably isn't the right place for a theological debate.


However, I did find the scenes at the Vatican interesting, and it was cool to see that this new guy has a sense of humour, which I didn't expect.

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