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Queensryche - Dedicated To Chaos

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Queensryche lost it many years ago, Promised Land was their last acceptable release. But this new one takes the cake for absolute CRAP!!!








Dedicated To Shit!!!! Is more like it.


I challenge any HH member to find anything good to say about these 2 piece of poop songs.


And to think Geoff Tate was in my top 3 vocalists list at one point in the late 80's and mid 90's.

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As a huge old school Ryche fan I hate to say that I have no interest in this band anymore and would still like my money back for the dreadful American Soldier among other recent releases. I always try to find something nice to say and even try to convince myself that it's kind of good but I think I've finally faced the fact that this band will never ever return to the former glories they had from 83-91.


Queesnryche = RIP

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Nothing worth having after Empire, even that was a 'safe' album so the writing was on the wall. It would be better if they split and as individuals in other bands maybe they could do something semi-interesting again.

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is operation mindcrime 2 any good?


It pales in comparison to the original OPERATION MINDCRIME, but if you compare it to the rest of the poop they've released over the past decade and a half, it's actually pretty damn good. It was the first (and last) QR CD I've bothered with since HEAR IN THE NOW FRONTIER.

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You can hear samples of every song here:




*Love the editorial review on the page:


Dedicated to Chaos is the sound of Queensrÿche marching forward artistically, philosophically and sonically. Their commitment to their craft is unwavering. Their ability to challenge themselves and create new soundscapes is unparalleled in hard rock. In an era when bands will sacrifice audio quality to crank out records, Dedicated to Chaos is a true "headphones record." Features the single "Get Started."



The only reason this is a "headphones record" is because you'd be damn well ashamed to let anyone else know you're listening to it! :rofl2:


I'm a big Queensryche fan, and have probably been more forgiving than many of their fans over the last 17 years; heck, I thoroughly enjoyed "Tribe" which was panned by... well, damn near everyone. Mindrcrime II was a decent attempt at a return to the sound of the glory days, and gave hope to their fans that they were back on track.Then the "Take Cover" CD featured a few decent cover tunes, but overall was fairly disappointing, while 2009's "American Soldier" was just totally forgettable IMO.


"Dedicated to Chaos"...well, there's no nice way to say it, sounds like pure, absolute shit. I've listened to the full songs, and checked out all the samples, and it's just plain depressing to hear what this once mighty band has turned into. :puke:

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You can hear samples of every song here:




I think I just threw up a little. :puke:


No wait.


A lot. I just threw up a lot. :puke: :puke: :puke:

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That was utterly atrocious. The worst songs off every album since "Promised Land" are better than this crap. What's with the ghetto and instant message song titles???

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Checked out the soundbytes on Amazon...some sound okay some sound crap though....nothing sounds WOW but then again soundbytes only give 1/10th of the picture - but if your hankering for the metal edge of old I think you better forget it by the sounds of it. I still like QR I even quite like American Soldier...mostly !! I'll probably grab this maybe when the price drops just to be a completeist nobhead (haha)having said that I didn't buy Mindcrime live at the Moore as I've had my fill of that cash cow, and haven't bothered with the covers album...yet.

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