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Reak Rock Fan = 9,000 posts


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Well done my friend, you bring a certain quality to this board (not quite sure what yet though) :drink:

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This is becoming a weekly event mate :tumbsup:

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OMG. congrats Faron


posting machine................. :bowdown:


Thanks Glen, trying to get 10,000 by my birthday, then I`ll be even older and will have to slow down :tumbsup:

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Well done my friend, you bring a certain quality to this board (not quite sure what yet though) :drink:


Thanks Jez, I`m guessing what`s slipped your mind is the football quality (team and discussion) :tumbsup:

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Faron! :beerbang:

Another celebration is in order for the weekend :banana::drink::bananamac:


I just hope my liver will hold out :unsure:


Cheers Dominick, any exuse will do :tumbsup:

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This is becoming a weekly event mate :tumbsup:


Thanks Dave, weekly is a push, fortnightly is my one goal in life, apart from reaching 40 :whistle:

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Nice one Faron...... :bowdown::guitbannana::beerbang::beerbang:


Cheers Ian, I`ll never catch you up in either posts or quality :tumbsup:

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This is becoming a weekly event mate :tumbsup:


Thanks Dave, weekly is a push, fortnightly is my one goal in life,


You poor boy!! There are little blue tablets avaliable ;)

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Well Faron, you really are a post whore :) Congrats! :beerbang:


Ain't that the TRUTH ! Weren't you at 7k just the other day ??


CONGRATS, anyway, mate !! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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