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Classic Rock Magazine Moan

Nick C

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You know I was gonna post a big article moaning about Classic Rock magazine and their infatuation with Zep, the endless mistakes in articles, the unending meaningless top 100 lists and their crap out of touch "reviews" if indeed they have even listened to the CD's they are reviewing. But I thought I'd cancel my subscription instead (I will I mean it this time ...the 12 months is up and I can do it now!) who needs boring old rehashed articles.


By the way their review of the Farewell album Isn't This Supposed to be Fun? is bollocks ... if copying Fallout Boy to precision guarantees the title of powerpop album of the year then I'm outta here!


So just a tiny moan after initially typing for 20 mins!

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You know I was gonna post a big article moaning about Classic Rock magazine and their infatuation with Zep, the endless mistakes in articles, the unending meaningless top 100 lists and their crap out of touch "reviews" if indeed they have even listened to the CD's they are reviewing. But I thought I'd cancel my subscription instead (I will I mean it this time ...the 12 months is up and I can do it now!) who needs boring old rehashed articles.


By the way their review of the Farewell album Isn't This Supposed to be Fun? is bollocks ... if copying Fallout Boy to precision guarantees the title of powerpop album of the year then I'm outta here!


So just a tiny moan after initially typing for 20 mins!

You Sir,have a very good point concerning their content....

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You know I was gonna post a big article moaning about Classic Rock magazine and their infatuation with Zep, the endless mistakes in articles, the unending meaningless top 100 lists and their crap out of touch "reviews" if indeed they have even listened to the CD's they are reviewing. But I thought I'd cancel my subscription instead (I will I mean it this time ...the 12 months is up and I can do it now!) who needs boring old rehashed articles.


By the way their review of the Farewell album Isn't This Supposed to be Fun? is bollocks ... if copying Fallout Boy to precision guarantees the title of powerpop album of the year then I'm outta here!


So just a tiny moan after initially typing for 20 mins!

You Sir,have a very good point concerning their content....



Is Fallout boy classic rock these days?

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You know I was gonna post a big article moaning about Classic Rock magazine and their infatuation with Zep, the endless mistakes in articles, the unending meaningless top 100 lists and their crap out of touch "reviews" if indeed they have even listened to the CD's they are reviewing. But I thought I'd cancel my subscription instead (I will I mean it this time ...the 12 months is up and I can do it now!) who needs boring old rehashed articles.


By the way their review of the Farewell album Isn't This Supposed to be Fun? is bollocks ... if copying Fallout Boy to precision guarantees the title of powerpop album of the year then I'm outta here!


So just a tiny moan after initially typing for 20 mins!

You Sir,have a very good point concerning their content....




I was thinking avery similar thing a couple of months back, but still haven't cancelled my subscription. You got me thinking again. Some of the articles are ok in it, but I too am fast becoming bored with the contentas well.

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I really don't like this magazine much. It's entirely full of bloody adverts, & it also completely refuses to accept that it is no longer 1978. A reviewer is supposed to have an appreciation for the different genres & be able to compare the sound of a band to other similar bands, to help those who might like to buy the product. They should also be able to objectively review material based upon it's merit. The writers are so utterly unhelpful for those wanting to understand what a band sounds like...


I stick to Metal Hammer...

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I really don't like this magazine much. It's entirely full of bloody adverts, & it also completely refuses to accept that it is no longer 1978. A reviewer is supposed to have an appreciation for the different genres & be able to compare the sound of a band to other similar bands, to help those who might like to buy the product. They should also be able to objectively review material based upon it's merit. The writers are so utterly unhelpful for those wanting to understand what a band sounds like...


I stick to Metal Hammer...


You have to remember that it's ex-Kerrang writers.


For those of you unfamiliar with Kerrang, it used to be a hard rock & heavy metal magazine :whistle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no such thing as a Sleaze Glam magazine or I would subscribe. I have no reason to buy any music mags currently out there. I don't need a know nothing telling me my music is crap and that I should love what they tell me to. Every time I read a mag it makes me want to break someones face.

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Every time I read a mag it makes me want to break someones face.


Jake, has anyone ever told you that seem to have anger management issues? :unsure:

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Every time I read a mag it makes me want to break someones face.


Jake, has anyone ever told you that seem to have anger management issues? :unsure:

Jacob...wait....he was only joking...put the knife down :lol:

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I'm one of the nicest and easiest going guys you'll ever meet :). It's just that it pisses me the hell off when music snobs in mags try to tell me that I'm stupid for liking the music I like. They act like they're the only ones that know anything. Every issue they tell us we should go out and buy the newest alternacrap/emo/rap/flavor of the day release because it's the best record ever. Some of that stuff just disappears no matter how hard they push it because it sucks. I remember how much they tried to push The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and that band just never went anywhere. Even after the band failed to achieve anything substantial praise, awards, etc were still being thrown their way. You never see a mention of any bands like Crashdiet who are on the rise. The only time you see a mention of glam bands is when it's an insult.


The political views in music mags makes me angry too. One issue of Rolling Stone I read just made up a bunch of crap to try and brainwash those easily swayed to the liberal agenda. They should be ashamed of themselves. No one ever calls them on it so they will continue to do so. The stupid thing is that politics shouldn't even be a part of music mags. If people want to read about politics they should pick up Time or one of those type mags.


The whole thing is a heap of garbage. I don't need their useless musical tastes to guide me or their tainted political views.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Classic Rock's review of the new Asia cd highlights the fact they should stick to "arse-licking" Led Zep,and fuck off criticising albums they obviously haven't bothered listening to..


Arseholes !!!!!!!

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Classic Rock's review of the new Asia cd highlights the fact they should stick to "arse-licking" Led Zep,and fuck off criticising albums they obviously haven't bothered listening to..


Arseholes !!!!!!!


It sounds like the review they gave House of Lords "World Upside Down". <_<

They actually reviewed it twice, the first review gave it a 7/10 and then another reviewer two months later gives it a 3/10 and totally rips it. Another review I hated they did was Maiden's "Dance of Death" by John Hotten, who made the stupid quote "Nobody does Maiden like Maiden". I'm not even sure what that means. :unsure: Now I usually enjoy Geoff Barton's reviews.

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Classic Rock's review of the new Asia cd highlights the fact they should stick to "arse-licking" Led Zep,and fuck off criticising albums they obviously haven't bothered listening to..


Arseholes !!!!!!!


It sounds like the review they gave House of Lords "World Upside Down". <_<

They actually reviewed it twice, the first review gave it a 7/10 and then another reviewer two months later gives it a 3/10 and totally rips it. Another review I hated they did was Maiden's "Dance of Death" by John Hotten, who made the stupid quote "Nobody does Maiden like Maiden". I'm not even sure what that means. :unsure: Now I usually enjoy Geoff Barton's reviews.

It was John Hotten who "slated" Asia....

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Classic Rock's review of the new Asia cd highlights the fact they should stick to "arse-licking" Led Zep,and fuck off criticising albums they obviously haven't bothered listening to..


Arseholes !!!!!!!


It sounds like the review they gave House of Lords "World Upside Down". <_<

They actually reviewed it twice, the first review gave it a 7/10 and then another reviewer two months later gives it a 3/10 and totally rips it. Another review I hated they did was Maiden's "Dance of Death" by John Hotten, who made the stupid quote "Nobody does Maiden like Maiden". I'm not even sure what that means. :unsure: Now I usually enjoy Geoff Barton's reviews.

It was John Hotten who "slated" Asia....


John Hotten sucks ass and needs to only review shitty modern rock bands like Blink 182.

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I "discovered" this mag a few years ago and thought that it was pretty good. Some features about AOR and melodic rock but yes the emphasis on "classic" rock. I began to subscribe it. Then they revamped the mag, all the AOR/melodic stuff went out the window and all the excitement was gone. I soon cancelled my subscription. Now I've sold all my copies and won't even glance at the sad mag anymore.

Now I stick to the Fireworks magazine. I have subscribed it for a couple of years (before Classic Rock) but quit it a while ago and now I purchase it occasionally. Still the only music mag I buy.

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I "discovered" this mag a few years ago and thought that it was pretty good. Some features about AOR and melodic rock but yes the emphasis on "classic" rock. I began to subscribe it. Then they revamped the mag, all the AOR/melodic stuff went out the window and all the excitement was gone. I soon cancelled my subscription. Now I've sold all my copies and won't even glance at the sad mag anymore.

Now I stick to the Fireworks magazine. I have subscribed it for a couple of years (before Classic Rock) but quit it a while ago and now I purchase it occasionally. Still the only music mag I buy.


I've always wanted to subscribe to Fireworks but have never gotten around to it for some reason.


I do agree that when they revamped Classic Rock the magazine hasn't been the same ever since.

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  • 2 months later...

I noticed in the latest issue of Classic Rock they've rated Led Zep as the greatest live band of all time and The Who were rated 2nd. Man that magazine really needs to stop going on about Led Zep...it's starting to piss me off. If it wasn't for a few select articles I wouldn't bother with the magazine at all. Most of the album reviews are shit. The main article I enjoy is a tiny column early on in each issue called Lost Souls, were they give a cool rundown a band from the past - usually a rare sleaze/glam band.

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I don`t generally read anything new in these mags regarding latest news, other than maybe album reviews!


Just my opinion on that, I used to buy this regularly until I came across forums etc! :tumbsup:

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I just got the newest Classic Rock that's out in the states, the one with Kiss on the front.

My copy actually has Tommy Thayer on it, which is kind of cool.

For those that haven't seen the US mags they did the four different Mag covers, one for each member kind of like what Spin mag did back in 1996 for the reunion. I was a little shocked that Gene and Paul allowed Eric and Tommy to get their own covers.

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I blow hot and cold with classic rock mag. Some months it is a pretty good read, and others I skip through it in half an hour. This months edition was really good with the Southern Rock and Skynyrd articles and a good free disc as well. Next month, who knows!!

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I noticed in the latest issue of Classic Rock they've rated Led Zep as the greatest live band of all time and The Who were rated 2nd. Man that magazine really needs to stop going on about Led Zep...it's starting to piss me off. If it wasn't for a few select articles I wouldn't bother with the magazine at all. Most of the album reviews are shit. The main article I enjoy is a tiny column early on in each issue called Lost Souls, were they give a cool rundown a band from the past - usually a rare sleaze/glam band.


I have to agree that The Who is one of the top live bands ever. I've seen hundreds of show and bands over the years... and The Who was the best I ever saw. I never saw Zep... but I agree with The Who at the top of the list.

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For those that haven't seen the US mags they did the four different Mag covers, one for each member kind of like what Spin mag did back in 1996 for the reunion. I was a little shocked that Gene and Paul allowed Eric and Tommy to get their own covers.


I'll be surprised if anyone buys the ones with Eric and Tommy on the covers. :lol:

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For those that haven't seen the US mags they did the four different Mag covers, one for each member kind of like what Spin mag did back in 1996 for the reunion. I was a little shocked that Gene and Paul allowed Eric and Tommy to get their own covers.


I'll be surprised if anyone buys the ones with Eric and Tommy on the covers. :lol:



I wouldn't be that surprised if people buy the Eric cover, cause He DID have a hand in a couple of Kiss's albums being made.. Tommy?? Nope, just a fill in guitarist, nothing more..... :whistle:

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For those that haven't seen the US mags they did the four different Mag covers, one for each member kind of like what Spin mag did back in 1996 for the reunion. I was a little shocked that Gene and Paul allowed Eric and Tommy to get their own covers.


I'll be surprised if anyone buys the ones with Eric and Tommy on the covers. :lol:



I wouldn't be that surprised if people buy the Eric cover, cause He DID have a hand in a couple of Kiss's albums being made.. Tommy?? Nope, just a fill in guitarist, nothing more..... :whistle:


My wife, knowing that Ace is God to me, bought the Tommy Thayer cover probably just thinking it was Ace.

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    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
    • Cheeky, getting your artwork in there. I wonder how you did that.  I like the vocal track on #1 and that'd be my pick. I personally don't dig the female versions of songs, because I'm not a female (yet?) and as these are songs written by ourselves I personally feel the best interpretation is an AI dude voice taking the place of your dude voice. 
    • Yeah, that's great but this is obviously an accomplished musician probably completely in control of this output... not done with Suno, I'd bet. There's definitely dudes out there who are perfectly capable of doing their own music, like this dude, but for whatever reason might not be able to put a project together, again, for whatever reason... but this definitely feels a lot more like AI feeling in the missing gaps for someone otherwise in complete control of what he wants.  Either way, it is very cool indeed.  As Darkstone says, I'm not sure paying is the way to get the best results. I'm also not saying it isn't, especially with other platforms that are not Suno. I think already knowing what you're doing, musically, is the best way to get best results, personally. Suno, for example, is just perfect for someone who might enjoy writing lyrics but is not in any way shape or form an accomplished (or even adequate, lol) musician.  But yeah, it's pretty cool for some fun. I'm not sure if you checked out my links above. Keeping them pretty quiet due to lyrical content, lol, but you might dig some of the stuff in my links. 'As the moment passes by' and 'I'll wait for you' are two of my personal faves. Along with 'Faith to fall.'
    • Yeah, musically it's what you want, but vocally... Maybe Alex should take some vocal lessons from Ken Tamplin. ;}
    • Your Eyes - Darkstone (2024) Two versions of my song number 6     https://suno.com/song/e8c1e85b-21ee-4d35-a64b-e786f00944d2   https://suno.com/song/9144c77a-bd7c-49c1-9508-f724d0832fdb
    • Yep, although I was never a massive fan.
    • Yes, celebrating their fifty years. There only two original members left in the band. Dusty might agree with me the Angels died when the original singer passed away.
    • It's just not the same without the Doc though...
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