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HH Best of 2007 Awards posted!


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I too would like to express my fondness for that particular Scorpions album... whenever I get round to turning in my best of 2007 list to Detritus e-zine, it'll be at the top of my list as well...


Where's Blue Charvel's picks? Quit slackin' Pete!! :angry:

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Cool lists, guys. I always enjoy seeing them… even if they’re wrong. :P


Amazed to see The Poodles rate so high… that one really, really disappointed me personally. To each their own, though. I finally picked up a copy of the Scorpions CD yesterday so I can get a full 100% proper listen when that one arrives. It's definitely a good disc.

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I too would like to express my fondness for that particular Scorpions album... whenever I get round to turning in my best of 2007 list to Detritus e-zine, it'll be at the top of my list as well...


Where's Blue Charvel's picks? Quit slackin' Pete!! :angry:

Backed...C'mon Pete, where they at??

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Due to my new daughter, I had little chance to really check out alot of the new material out there. I've heard tracks here and there, but I would never rate an album based on 1-2 tracks, so therefore, I didn't include them. Maybe this year I'll get more listening in. :whistle:

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That CIRCUS MAXIMUS is a good pic in Dan's list, underrated disc that one. Surprised no-one really rated the TED POLEY or the WILDKARD CD's, two of the best AOR albums of last year IMO....

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That CIRCUS MAXIMUS is a good pic in Dan's list, underrated disc that one. Surprised no-one really rated the TED POLEY or the WILDKARD CD's, two of the best AOR albums of last year IMO....

Backed about Ted Poley. Still my fave HH-related album of the year and surprised to see it not acknowledged as much as I feel it should be. Still amazed by how high The Poodles album rates in so many lists. Stunned, I should say. :)

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I was quite shocked to see a Kid Rock CD rated that high. Maybe when the new Candlebox disc comes out, that could be rated as high as well? :whistle:

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I never heard the Kid Rock one... kind of interested to hear how it could possibly have rated that high. :)


Well, <ahem> because it's a really good CD. :christmas:


If the record label doesn't have "All Summer Long" out as a single come about May, they're nuts, as that's one of the catchiest songs I've heard in the last few years. :tumbsup:

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Hmmm considering all the love that the latest Scorpions release is getting maybe I need to rethink my original decision to not pick it up. I wasn't impressed by some samples I heard and wrote it off as crap but maybe I'll pick it up and give it a proper listen.......before I write it off as crap :lol:

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I was disappointed in the latest Scorpions disc. I'd read that it was a return to form and it starts off that way but about halfway through gets way too acoustic and ballad-heavy for my ears. It's definitely not up to the level of Virgin Killer, Taken By Force or Blackout IMO.

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Hmmm considering all the love that the latest Scorpions release is getting maybe I need to rethink my original decision to not pick it up. I wasn't impressed by some samples I heard and wrote it off as crap but maybe I'll pick it up and give it a proper listen.......before I write it off as crap :lol:


It's just my opinion but I really felt like they did a great job of modernizing their sound but still staying close enough to the Melodic Rock sound that we all love.

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