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What CDs did you buy this week?


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Eilleen Shania Twain-Beginnings


I remember when this first came out in the late 90's, then suddenly it was recalled due to some copyright issues.


Now there's about 5 different versions floating around.


Very good Heart style rock and recommended if you're a Paul Sabu fan!


I like Heart & Sabu, so i'm in luck. It was only $4.00. I'm even thinking about getting her country stuff as well..


I just found this about a week ago too, is yours a 2 disc? THe one I found has the original album in its glory and then a "remastered" version as well.

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Eilleen Shania Twain-Beginnings


I remember when this first came out in the late 90's, then suddenly it was recalled due to some copyright issues.


Now there's about 5 different versions floating around.


Very good Heart style rock and recommended if you're a Paul Sabu fan!


I like Heart & Sabu, so i'm in luck. It was only $4.00. I'm even thinking about getting her country stuff as well..


I just found this about a week ago too, is yours a 2 disc? THe one I found has the original album in its glory and then a "remastered" version as well.


A very good album in places which many 'rock' fans overlooked because of Shania's country label. Well worth checking out if you haven't heard it.

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  • My Little Pony

All three Electric Boys studio albums! All re-issues with loads of bonus tracks. One of my favourite bands. Why it's taken me so bloody long to finally buy these albums is beyond me. I don't make any sense, even to myself, most of the time.

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Pariah - 'To mock a killing bird'


Awesome cd IMO that brings back some great memories. :headbanger:

I think I actually bought it based on my memory of seeing you say how good it was on the forum. Don't let me down, cousin.


Don't, let me down.

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Pariah - 'To mock a killing bird'


Awesome cd IMO that brings back some great memories. :headbanger:

I think I actually bought it based on my memory of seeing you say how good it was on the forum. Don't let me down, cousin.


Don't, let me down.


To me they kind of reminded me of Skid Row a little but they had there own sound thrown in as well. The lyrics were very good to as he didn't write about your normal chicks, drugs, party type stuff but was kind of dark on many of the tunes which appealed to me. I think you'll like most of the songs but knowing your tastes I'm sure there'll be a few that you might not like but you've proven me wrong before so who knows.

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Pariah - 'To mock a killing bird'


Awesome cd IMO that brings back some great memories. :headbanger:

I think I actually bought it based on my memory of seeing you say how good it was on the forum. Don't let me down, cousin.


Don't, let me down.


To me they kind of reminded me of Skid Row a little but they had there own sound thrown in as well. The lyrics were very good to as he didn't write about your normal chicks, drugs, party type stuff but was kind of dark on many of the tunes which appealed to me. I think you'll like most of the songs but knowing your tastes I'm sure there'll be a few that you might not like but you've proven me wrong before so who knows.

Well based on that I'm excited enough. :) Sounds great... looking forward to hearing it.

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Eilleen Shania Twain-Beginnings


I remember when this first came out in the late 90's, then suddenly it was recalled due to some copyright issues.


Now there's about 5 different versions floating around.


Very good Heart style rock and recommended if you're a Paul Sabu fan!


I like Heart & Sabu, so i'm in luck. It was only $4.00. I'm even thinking about getting her country stuff as well..


I just found this about a week ago too, is yours a 2 disc? THe one I found has the original album in its glory and then a "remastered" version as well.


You have a double disc set? No! Mine is just one c.d. :crying:

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Fair Warning - Talking Ain't Enough: Fair Warning Live In Tokyo (5 Disc Box Set)

Reckless Love - S/T: Cool Edition +5

Terraplane - Black And White

The Storm (DK) - Black Luck

Kinetik Control - Chinese Medicine (Demo EP.)

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St. Paradise - St. Paradise

Vanderhoof - Vanderhoof

Angie Aparo - The American (with both Nick & Jez recommending this one I couldn't resist ... ! ;))

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All I Know - 'Vanity Kills'

Degreed - s/t



2 I am waiting on. Should be with me in the next few days.

Yeah, they look good. Andrew's done well. I played half the All I Know album this morning and I am loving it so far. Not your run-of-the-mill release at all. Great hook deliverers... yeah, I really dig it so far.

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All I Know - 'Vanity Kills'

Degreed - s/t



2 I am waiting on. Should be with me in the next few days.

Yeah, they look good. Andrew's done well. I played half the All I Know album this morning and I am loving it so far. Not your run-of-the-mill release at all. Great hook deliverers... yeah, I really dig it so far.


Cool. I really liked all the soundbytes for both of these, especially the Vanity Kills, so I await in anticipation. Will let you know my opinion when they both arrive.

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Arrived today...


White Widdow - s/t


Great choice ! :drink:

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