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Films That-


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We've had,Horror,Comedy,Action etc etc.But what films break through the rugged exterior and pull at the heart strings,the tear in the eye,the quivering bottom lip and so on.I don't know why,but I saw Field Of Dreams again recently,and got a lump in my throat.. :crying:

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There are so many........The Family Stone was a very emotional movie for me to watch. I went to see "Reign Over Me" yesterday, and that movie caused me to well up at least once.


So, actually..............quite a few.....

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The Bridges of Madison County. That movie bring me tears... It's a great movie.

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It's already pretty well documented on the board but the hospital seen with the Kate Bush song playing in She's Having a Baby kills me every time.


Another is the a scene from a movie called Permanent Record. Not a very well known movie but did have Keanu Reeves in it. Long story short an overwhelmed teenager(Michael Elgart) kills himself by jumping off a cliff. At first everyone thinks he fell accidentally. The movie is about how his friends handle it and finding out it was suicide. Keanu Reves plays his best friend. Long story short, the students and school decide to dedicate the School's yearly musical to him. They are told that they can't by the school board. Halfway through the show, the dude's sorta girlfriend(Jennifer Rubin) stops and then starts singing a song that Keanu wrote. Students are crying, teachers are crying, even the drama teacher and principal are crying. By the time the scene was over, I was crying. Great movie that was seen by very few, but made a huge impression on my sappy ass.


Anyone else remember Permanent Record?

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When Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog got married at the end of "The Muppets Take Manhattan," I cried like a little girl.


No, I'm not kidding. I'm dead serious. And I was about 18 at the time!!

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What no Titanic? I though for sure you guys would get choked up when Leonardo DeCapricock dies at the end.


Don't even get me STARTED on Titanic. I actually enjoyed that movie when I first saw it in theatres, I took my wife (who was still my girlfriend then) to see it. But when that f**king movie first premiered on HBO about a year later she watched it SO many g*ddamn times that I never, ever, EVER want to see it again... and I swear I WILL punch Leonardo in the face if I ever meet him in person. :angry:


Then my brother had to add insult to injury by buying her "Titanic" on DVD for Christmas a couple of years ago. I was like "Gee, THANKS bro!" :angry:

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What no Titanic? I though for sure you guys would get choked up when Leonardo DeCapricock dies at the end.


Don't even get me STARTED on Titanic. When that f**king movie first premiered on HBO my wife watched it SO many g*ddamn times that I never, ever, EVER want to see it again... and I swear I WILL punch Leonardo in the face if I ever meet him in person. :angry:


Then my brother had to add insult to injury by buying her "Titanic" on DVD for Christmas a couple of years ago. I was like "Gee, THANKS bro!" :angry:


:rofl2: Sorry to bring up bad memories.

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What a nice topic, here's my story.

About a year and a half ago I went with my then 4 year old son to "Pooh's Heffalump Movie" an animated Disney movie aimed at the 0-8 crowd.

The big themes of the movie were "acceptance" and "friendship".

I had the kid sitting on my lap laughing and connecting with what went on on the big screen, it was the ultimate movie to see with a kid of that age and I'm pretty sure the dad liked it as much as his son.

When the very sweetly voiced main characters Lumpy and Little Roo finally got back together after a dangerous adventure and they ran towards each other a HUGE anthemic Carly Simon sung song blasted out of the speakers over scenes of Lumpy and Roo re-uniting and being really happy and my eyes filled up really fast right there and then.


You know, it's Disney.

They do these things really well, it's not for nothing the Disney Empire got so big and famous.

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It's already pretty well documented on the board but the hospital seen with the Kate Bush song playing in She's Having a Baby kills me every time.


Another is the a scene from a movie called Permanent Record. Not a very well known movie but did have Keanu Reeves in it. Long story short an overwhelmed teenager(Michael Elgart) kills himself by jumping off a cliff. At first everyone thinks he fell accidentally. The movie is about how his friends handle it and finding out it was suicide. Keanu Reves plays his best friend. Long story short, the students and school decide to dedicate the School's yearly musical to him. They are told that they can't by the school board. Halfway through the show, the dude's sorta girlfriend(Jennifer Rubin) stops and then starts singing a song that Keanu wrote. Students are crying, teachers are crying, even the drama teacher and principal are crying. By the time the scene was over, I was crying. Great movie that was seen by very few, but made a huge impression on my sappy ass.


Anyone else remember Permanent Record?

I remember "Permanent Record". Good movie and it did get me choked up. Others include:

"Saving Private Ryan"

"Forrest Gump" Last part

"Brian's Song" TV movie about Brian Piccolo of the Chicago Bears

I got a bit misty eyed in "World Trade Center"

"She's Having A Baby" Yeah the Kate Bush scene

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I was going to say Titani.......but I fear the wrath of FF! Instead, the first I can think of, I will say "Message in a Bottle" there are some touching scenes and/or meanings in this movie.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, &then, "Titanic" is a fine film to be sure, I simply have seen it soooooo many times that it has lost all impact with me. I do remember the bits that freaked me out the most though... the scene with the older couple in their stateroom, embracing on the bed as their room filled with water, and the scene with the rescue boat floating around amidst all the frozen corpses... that got me real bad, esp. the frozen mother & child...YEESH!

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I was going to say Titani.......but I fear the wrath of FF! Instead, the first I can think of, I will say "Message in a Bottle" there are some touching scenes and/or meanings in this movie.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, &then, "Titanic" is a fine film to be sure, I simply have seen it soooooo many times that it has lost all impact with me. I do remember the bits that freaked me out the most though... the scene with the older couple in their stateroom, embracing on the bed as their room filled with water, and the scene with the rescue boat floating around amidst all the frozen corpses... that got me real bad, esp. the frozen mother & child...YEESH!


Come on Freddy let us hear it...shout "I'm on top of the world" for us.

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'Perfect Storm' - the whole thing with Mark Walberg's death and his wife is f*cking devestating. I think I've almost cried at that numerous times.


And Marky Mark strikes again:


'Rock Star' - I seriously get teary eyed when their relationship falls apart in that film. :(


'King Kong' - When they shoot him on the island and capture him almost drove me to tears. The end is also unbearable.


And I forget what it's called but a recent fire movie. A big-time blockbuster. I think it has John Travolta in it. Great film, but extremely sad.

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'Perfect Storm' - the whole thing with Mark Walberg's death and his wife is f*cking devestating. I think I've almost cried at that numerous times.


And Marky Mark strikes again:


'Rock Star' - I seriously get teary eyed when their relationship falls apart in that film. :(


'King Kong' - When they shoot him on the island and capture him almost drove me to tears. The end is also unbearable.


And I forget what it's called but a recent fire movie. A big-time blockbuster. I think it has John Travolta in it. Great film, but extremely sad.

Ladder 49?

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'Perfect Storm' - the whole thing with Mark Walberg's death and his wife is f*cking devestating. I think I've almost cried at that numerous times.


And Marky Mark strikes again:


'Rock Star' - I seriously get teary eyed when their relationship falls apart in that film. :(


'King Kong' - When they shoot him on the island and capture him almost drove me to tears. The end is also unbearable.


And I forget what it's called but a recent fire movie. A big-time blockbuster. I think it has John Travolta in it. Great film, but extremely sad.

Ladder 49?

YEAH! That's the one. My wife was fully in tears and I was on the brink.

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Kids ones usually.....especially


Dumbo when his mum is rocking him in her trunk to comfort him while she is locked up in her cage!!! That really gets me.

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Kids ones usually.....especially


Dumbo when his mum is rocking him in her trunk to comfort him while she is locked up in her cage!!! That really gets me.


Haha, yes Nick, that IS the most savage scene of all Disney movies.

The whole Dumbo movie isn't exactly a happy one is it ?

Strange, strange movie that is.

I fact, the scene I described earler isn't a sad one, but a very joyful one !

Go figure. Am I a sap ? (hahaha).

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King Kong - when he fell off the building at the end, I was in floods of tears in the cinema and just a little embarrassed :crying:


There are loads of films but can`t think of any more :tumbsup:

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