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..............and then there were 2


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I was surfing dude. Water was f*cking 14 degrees celcius!!! Still, it was a boiling hot day and the beach was the only place to be. Good surf too.

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Still a myth. I think if there were any sharks in the first place they would have frozen solid yesterday and floated away.

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Still a myth. I think if there were any sharks in the first place they would have frozen solid yesterday and floated away.




Sharks might be a myth but Nork Muffins are not a myth.

Jason likes his Muffins flavored with Platypus Semen.(He says it tastes like chicken)

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Still a myth. I think if there were any sharks in the first place they would have frozen solid yesterday and floated away.




Sharks might be a myth but Nork Muffins are not a myth.

Jason likes his Muffins flavored with Platypus Semen.(He says it tastes like chicken)


Backed. Nork Muffins are as real as today, but I hope you got this silly watermelon/shark fantasy out of your head. I find platypus semen tastes best on chicken burgers... taking the place of mayonaise. Adds a whole new dimension to the flavour.

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Still a myth. I think if there were any sharks in the first place they would have frozen solid yesterday and floated away.




Sharks might be a myth but Nork Muffins are not a myth.

Jason likes his Muffins flavored with Platypus Semen.(He says it tastes like chicken)


Backed. Nork Muffins are as real as today, but I hope you got this silly watermelon/shark fantasy out of your head. I find platypus semen tastes best on chicken burgers... taking the place of mayonaise. Adds a whole new dimension to the flavour.



Watermelon's are good, much much better than Platypus Semen I'd imagine.

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Preferences aside, they both have a similar effect. Watermelons make one's face wet as you attempt to eat those awkward smile-shaped heaven sent taste sensations. And platypus semen also makes your face wet after it's sent you off to sleep and drool drips onto your pillow as you think of patting a platypus and nudging it's bill with your own nose.

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If building sandcastles naked in my living room whilst making seagul and ocean noises with my mouth and hands is unbelievable... well, then I don't want to be believable.

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If building sandcastles naked in my living room whilst making seagul and ocean noises with my mouth and hands is unbelievable... well, then I don't want to be believable.



To be honest with you I found it very entertaining. :popcorn:

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If building sandcastles naked in my living room whilst making seagul and ocean noises with my mouth and hands is unbelievable... well, then I don't want to be believable.



To be honest with you I found it very entertaining. :popcorn:

Since I won 'Australian Big Brother' back in 2004 I try to be entertaining 24 hours a day... just in case someones's still watching.

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If building sandcastles naked in my living room whilst making seagul and ocean noises with my mouth and hands is unbelievable... well, then I don't want to be believable.



To be honest with you I found it very entertaining. :popcorn:

Since I won 'Australian Big Brother' back in 2004 I try to be entertaining 24 hours a day... just in case someones's still watching.




My dog and I are watching right now, although he is very confused, since up until now he thought that dogs were the only living creatures that could lick their own balls, but you have proved once again Geoff that you can do things that most others can't. :unsure:

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If building sandcastles naked in my living room whilst making seagul and ocean noises with my mouth and hands is unbelievable... well, then I don't want to be believable.



To be honest with you I found it very entertaining. :popcorn:

Since I won 'Australian Big Brother' back in 2004 I try to be entertaining 24 hours a day... just in case someones's still watching.

My dog and I are watching right now, although he is very confused, since up until now he thought that dogs were the only living creatures that could lick their own balls, but you have proved once again Geoff that you can do things that most others can't. :unsure:

Yeah, it's a bit hard for me. Because my balls are so massive and they slide along the ground and I do like to keep them clean, I scrub them regularly with a washcloth, but sometimes if I'm in a hurry my tongue has to suffice. Obviously women offer to do the task should I be in public, but in private sometimes I'm the only person I can truly rely upon.

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Many on the board tonight but no one in this wonderful thread.


So I don't have strippers and cookies like Justjason has but I do have Nork Muffins.


Come on don't someone want a Nork Muffin? Geoff? Jason? Pete? Nick? Anyone there?

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Sorry Wes, but this thread is kind of defunct for the moment. I'll eat your nork muffins but I can't really contribute further until there's only 2 people on board... which may not be for a while yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today is probably the quietest day on the board I've seen for ages. If it was Friday for everyone I could understand, but it's only Friday for us sexy Sydney-siders... and other Australians. Even the midday lunch-rush I came to expect this week, including Wes and Ryche was very brief today, and where's Nick? All the regulars are gone. I hope there's something good on TV there, guys, or I may just have to apply this can opener to this can of whoop-ass I have sitting on my desk.

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Today is probably the quietest day on the board I've seen for ages. If it was Friday for everyone I could understand, but it's only Friday for us sexy Sydney-siders... and other Australians. Even the midday lunch-rush I came to expect this week, including Wes and Ryche was very brief today, and where's Nick? All the regulars are gone. I hope there's something good on TV there, guys, or I may just have to apply this can opener to this can of whoop-ass I have sitting on my desk.



Don't do anything you'll regret cousin.


Can't a brother sleep? This creature of the night does get tired every once in a while.

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I may just have to apply this can opener to this can of whoop-ass I have sitting on my desk.

You bastard! You stole my can of whoop-ass! I was wondering where the hell that went!

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Yesterday (Sunday) morning there was a whopping total of 1 person on the board...Me. Not even any guests. But I took the hint and grabbed a quick shower and everyone came back. :tumbsup:

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Yesterday (Sunday) morning there was a whopping total of 1 person on the board...Me. Not even any guests. But I took the hint and grabbed a quick shower and everyone came back. :tumbsup:


Yeah, I thought there was "something in the air" !! :whistle: It's gone now ! ;)

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Yesterday (Sunday) morning there was a whopping total of 1 person on the board...Me. Not even any guests. But I took the hint and grabbed a quick shower and everyone came back. :tumbsup:


Yeah, I thought there was "something in the air" !! :whistle: It's gone now ! ;)




Yeah I noticed there wasn't much going on yesterday too.

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