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Alleyrat - S/T


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The new Retrospect Records disc called Alleyrat is total junk!! I can't beileve they have ripped off another band!!


LOL!!! Just joking, I think the new Alleyrat CD is KILLER!! Well done Sam, fantastic artwork too!!


I look forward to more top notch Retrospect releases.


P.S. When I saw that you had released the Big Guns album, I nearly fell of my chair as we, Suncity Records have signed the Brittish version of the band and will be releasing their AWESOME second unreleased album early next year!!


Kind Regards


Suncity Records

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I'm not sure what this wise arse is trying to do but it seems like I can't even say anything positive about Sam's releases?? I have never said I don't buy Sam's releases, it's just that before I do buy them, I have to know that the band is getting their rightful royalties due to Sam's checked past. Sweat Teaze, Boss, etc.... What don't you understand about that?? I pride myself on my morals, you can do what you want!!


I have tried to refrain myself from answering these wise arse troublemakers (Mullethead comes to mind), this is my last time.


Kind regards


Suncity Records

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I'm not sure what this wise arse is trying to do but it seems like I can't even say anything positive about Sam's releases?? I have never said I don't buy Sam's releases, it's just that before I do buy them, I have to know that the band is getting their rightful royalties due to Sam's checked past. Sweat Teaze, Boss, etc.... What don't you understand about that?? I pride myself on my morals, you can do what you want!!


I have tried to refrain myself from answering these wise arse troublemakers (Mullethead comes to mind), this is my last time.


Kind regards


Suncity Records





I feel special that I am mentioned. Thanks David! Since you brought me up, I guess I'll give my opinion....When you go after someone every single time you post...you can expect people to respond as they do. I think part of the problem is that no one can take you as being sincere when you say something nice about Sam because it comes off as YOU being the smart arse. Just my two cents...


By the way, if you would like to start posting nice & people really believing you are being sincere...don't start off a post like this: The new Retrospect Records disc called Alleyrat is total junk!! I can't beileve they have ripped off another band!!


Not everyone thinks you are kidding....


The Wise Arse Troublemaker,


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My 2 cents, but I don't think there was anything wrong with David's original post at all. It comes across as a sincere compliment. The other people in this thread responding to it are the ones acting like pinheads IMO.




P.S. I say this having wished on many occasions that David would just keep his trap shut, as he has a tendency to post in a manner that does his label no good whatsoever, but in this case I think he's done nothing wrong...

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My 2 cents, but I don't think there was anything wrong with David's original post at all. It comes across as a sincere compliment. The other people in this thread responding to it are the ones acting like pinheads IMO.




P.S. I say this having wished on many occasions that David would just keep his trap shut, as he has a tendency to post in a manner that does his label no good whatsoever, but in this case I think he's done nothing wrong...




Well, me being one of those pinheads :P , you have to admit Dan that when you read a zillion posts that go something like this...



You're a fraud, you're an a-hole, you're not honest, etc...


that it kind of makes it tough to believe David is sincere. Constantly bashing someone and then saying great job is a bit of a 180 wouldn't you agree? If Sam were to do the same thing to David I would feel no different. Maybe I missed something, I dunno...


Again, just my perspective.



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I usually don't get involved in these conversations but fuck it, you only live once right? And no, I'm not just agreeing with Dan to suck up, not sure what that would get me anyway. ;)


David's post sounded like a sincere compliment to me as well. In general David does do some (okay more than some) slagging, no doubt about it and I think we (and Suncity) would all be better off without it. That being said, the totally over the top responses from a variety of sources (and not just in this particular thread) kinda make me want to defend him. But that's just me, and who am I to be taken seriously? :D

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I disagree,

I found the opening joke very tasteless and the second part is self-promotion. Between those I didnt see any complimenting at all, but it is my own opinion anyway, which I should have kept for myself, oh well... whatever

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Look , I don't really care if David was sincere or not.....this guy is obviously obsessed with monitoring my existence 24/7 and keeps bringing up shit from a long time ago. His comments are not wanted and not needed in the forum, so from now on my response to David will always be to 'fuck off'.

David is a smarmy , slimey , two-faced , back-stabbing , under-handed antagonist who I have NO respect for. He'll PM me being as nice as can be and then the next minute , take every cheap shot he can in a public forum.

Why even bother David? Just don't even comment.

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Look , I don't really care if David was sincere or not.....this guy is obviously obsessed with monitoring my existence 24/7 and keeps bringing up shit from a long time ago. His comments are not wanted and not needed in the forum, so from now on my response to David will always be to 'fuck off'.

David is a smarmy , slimey , two-faced , back-stabbing , under-handed antagonist who I have NO respect for. He'll PM me being as nice as can be and then the next minute , take every cheap shot he can in a public forum.

Why even bother David? Just don't even comment.


The irony is simply mind boggling... in one fell swoop, you've managed to do the very thing that you're accusing David of doing at the same time you're calling him out.


Both of you spend far too much time and energy needling, provoking, and responding to, one another...



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David is not just responding to threads about Restrospect, he's starting them. I don't care how 'innocent' or 'friendly' the intent was, everybody knows this thread was going to eventually get ugly.


Just like Marium and Emily, two grade one kids in my wife's class who are now no longer allowed to sit beside each other, talk to each other, play together at recess or even look at each other. When they get in line one is at the front and the other at the back, when they are in the gym they are never on the same team and when they are asked to leave each other alone, it seems to add fuel to the fire and the fighting escalates.

BTW, my wife can't wait for this school year to be over and I don't blame her.

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Ok guys, new rule...Sam can't respond in any thread related to Sun City & Dave can't respond in any thread related to Retrospect. Sheesh...



I suggested this a few weeks ago but it never worked.


Ok, here's a an idea:


To keep the peace, the mods and I will delete any post made by either Sam or David either in response to one another, or referring to one another or their respective businesses. This also applies to any employees or represenatives of either party.


I've been tempted to do this at times in the past, but figured it would not be fair to delete one's posts but not the others... also I had said that "anything goes" in the Retrospect section.


With this, there will be no wondering if certain topics are off limits: any reference is off limits, including vague allusions.


If folks behave themselves, we'll never have to delete anything. Just pretend the other does not exist.


How's that? Fair?



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Believe it or not.... I've gotta side with Dave on this one. I know... shocking ...huh?


I for one didn't see anything wrong with the original post. Maybe Dave has just come to realize that Retrospect isn't going away... and he actually just wanted to compliment Retrospect on what it is doing right. He may not agree with everything Retrospect is doing, but it seemed to me like a honest compliment.


This is coming from someone who has had some very negative things to say about Dave & Suncity.



~ Dave~

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Dave , I didn't have a problem either until his 2nd post.


Anyhoo , I actually agree with Dan (for a change) on the 'idea' , so let's get it started.


Announcement coming soon in regards to lots of new signings and releases....


Retrospect is on track to slate its 200th release before Xmas.


Isn't that unbelievable? 200 releases within 15 months - Who would have thought? Thanks goes to so many here at the forum for hooking me up with so many artists and believing in this label...


You guys rock!

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Sounds like a great idea, plus I'll save a ton of money on popcorn. ;)



Blue.... That's one way to look at it.


I agree that maybe they shouldn't post in the others "area". David shouldn't post in the Retrospect topic. But to be fair... I think maybe David and Suncity should be given their own "area" also. That way Sam will have a more clear view of where to stay away from.


At this point in time, everyone knows where the regulars here at HH stand. So there really is no need to keep this bickering going.


Best of luck to both Retrospect & Suncity.


I know many of you don't care what I think.... but there it is anyway. :P


~ Dave ~

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Sounds like a great idea, plus I'll save a ton of money on popcorn. ;)



Blue.... That's one way to look at it.


I agree that maybe they shouldn't post in the others "area". David shouldn't post in the Retrospect topic. But to be fair... I think maybe David and Suncity should be given their own "area" also. That way Sam will have a more clear view of where to stay away from.


At this point in time, everyone knows where the regulars here at HH stand. So there really is no need to keep this bickering going.


Best of luck to both Retrospect & Suncity.


I know many of you don't care what I think.... but there it is anyway. :P


~ Dave ~


I don't know about everyone else, but I agree with you. :)

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Dave , I didn't have a problem either until his 2nd post.


Anyhoo , I actually agree with Dan (for a change) on the 'idea' , so let's get it started.


Announcement coming soon in regards to lots of new signings and releases....


Retrospect is on track to slate its 200th release before Xmas.


Isn't that unbelievable? 200 releases within 15 months - Who would have thought? Thanks goes to so many here at the forum for hooking me up with so many artists and believing in this label...


You guys rock!


I'll be expecting my millions to be rolling in by the end of the year!! :D



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