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I may have to check out the linda lovelace.

It's a good read. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on it. A few real cringe-worthy moments and some say it's not the easiest read.



I made it through Gene simmons & the happy hooker. Bring it on :lol:

I haven't read 'The Happy Hooker' (though it gets a mention in 'Ordeal') but this is a whole different type of book to Gene's story. Some of the sex scenes are pretty graphic (which for me is a good thing - not sure how some of the orgy scenes would go down with the ladiez) and the whole dog thing is f*cked by anyone's standards... literally, by Linda Lovelace's standards. There is one scene, though - I won't ruin it for you - which refers to human excretion in a sexual manner and I just found that very f*cked.

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I ordered both Linda Lovelace's. I will let you know what i think after i get em read. i am a speedy reader.

Sweet, I was also looking for that 'Out of bondage' for a good price but apparently it covers a lot of ground that 'Ordeal' does and doesn't get very good reviews.

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KISS, Behind The Mask: The Offical Authorized Biography...

actually my second time reading it....


I read that. Better than Gene's me me me autobiography.

Backed...Packed with tons of KISS trivia known and not-so-known...

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Linda Lovelace was in the library courier today, started ordeal. easy read, holds my attention so far. I also got Out of bondage as well.

Sweet action. Let me know how 'Out of bondage' compares to 'Ordeal' and if it's worth tracking down.

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I finished Ordeal in a day an an morning. it was good. the fecal thing was over the fuckin top, but the dog thing took the cake. Hef ought to be ashamed of himself if it is true, i always thought playboy had class. Out of bondage more or less picked up where ordeal left off, but she had remarried and talked about that, and her legal and activist yada yada, I even skipped around some, didn't hold my attention like like Ordeal did. finished it in about a day as well. ( i am a speedy reader)...anywho, i wouldnt murder yourself or spend cash monies for Out of bondage if you are looking for more tawdry stuff. not there. from the library, but i wouldn't plop down cash for it.

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I finished Ordeal in a day an an morning. it was good. the fecal thing was over the fuckin top, but the dog thing took the cake. Hef ought to be ashamed of himself if it is true, i always thought playboy had class. Out of bondage more or less picked up where ordeal left off, but she had remarried and talked about that, and her legal and activist yada yada, I even skipped around some, didn't hold my attention like like Ordeal did. finished it in about a day as well. ( i am a speedy reader)...anywho, i wouldnt murder yourself or spend cash monies for Out of bondage if you are looking for more tawdry stuff. not there. from the library, but i wouldn't plop down cash for it.

Yeah, I kind of figured it wouldn't be my thing. I'm really not interested in what anti-porn and femenist things I'm sure she has to say in that book. If I see it in the library (which I doubt heavily) I'd read it, but otherwise I won't bother.


It's a toss up between the fecal and dog thing as to what was worse, but I have to admit I think I cringed more at the fecal thing. That was just f*cked... which is obviously not to say the dog thing isn't worse.


Playboy is all class. Gorgeous naked ladiez. If that's not class I seriously have no idea what class is. :)

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'Falling' - Christopher Pike

Loved it. Jeez this dude knows how to entrance a reader.


Now reading:


'Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue' - Neale Donald Walsch


This seems very interesting. If people ever wonder why I get so fired up and angry about religion and beliefs of religious people, I think I will just refer them to this book in the future as I feel it will be able to explain what I can't put into words better than I ever could. Similar to 'Sati' in concept, which I recently read also.

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now reading:

Spot goes to the zoo

The dildo scene in that is hilarious. Personally the twist at the end shocked me. Was it the polar bear that put the axe in the back of Spot's head?

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Just got The Saga Biography through today, so have started reading a few chapters. Thanx to Nick for putting me onto this one! :drink:

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'Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue' - Neale Donald Walsch

Finished this one. I have to say I was eager to have it finished too and I kind of feel as though I got the simple jist of it early on (because in a way I could never verbalise, a lot of it is how I feel about "God" and life). Although far more complex than how I'd ever worded it, I agree with a lot of what this book presents. Am I going to now become one with "God" afterwards and find out Who I Really Am? :lol: No, the book does get pompous at times but I would like to hear devoted Christian's views on it. I guess it only added to how little I think of religion of any kind, but I hope that whatever I say onwards about how much I disagree with the religious interpretation of God and how strongly I hate and cannot understand the idea of worship is... I hope it won't appear as though I'm quoting thoughts from I book I once read, which is kind of the opposite of what the book's about. HAHA! Yeah, I'm just talking to myself, but this is a good read. I would honestly recommend it to anyone, regardless of how pompous it seems at times.


After that I need something nice and simple so I'm onto:


'Road to nowhere' - Christopher Pike


Technically 'teen fiction' but I bought all these books and I enjoy these stories as much as any others I've read. :)

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Just finished the Golden Compass trilogy and must say very entertaining reading. For fans of LOTR, Harry Potter, etc...



Now reading: The Ruins by Scott Smith which I am assuming turned into the movie of the same title.

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Donato & Daughter. was made into a movie with Charles Bronson. about a cop and his daughter is a cop too, and they are after a murderer icing nuns.


Kinky..putting frosting on nuns...

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'Tommyland' - Tommy Lee ... so far this book seems to be in a good humour I'd not really expected.

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