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Everything posted by Crazysam

  1. I was a little uncertain on what to expect when it was first announced, but I agree, if that trailer is any indication it has the potential to be an entertaining movie
  2. agreed, I've been a fan of Jake's since his days with Ozzy but unfortunately this album was a disappointment for me
  3. the new song is a bit average to me and I'd have trimmed off at least 45 seconds as it seems to drag on too long
  4. Pass...I liked their first couple albums, but I thought Endless, Nameless was dreadful and haven't been able to get into much of their stuff since then
  5. A fun song that musically sounds good, but David's vocals put me off a bit, he sounded a bit strained on the last few albums, which is understandable with age, but he sounds almost unlistenable at times on this new track
  6. TNT has been my favorite since the mid 80's, but I'll admit after their last few releases I've considered dropping them from my top spot. Many of the bands mentioned are some of my other favorites, so I'll share my rankings on a few TNT (top 4 are in my all time top 100 albums, but I'd suggest avoiding #"s 11, 12 and 13): Realized Fantasies Tell No Tales Intuition My Religion Knights of the New Thunder Transistor All The Way to the Sun Firefly A Farewell to Arms XIII S/T Atlantis The New Territory Dokken: Tooth And Nail Under Lock and Key Back For the Attack Up From the Ashes Erase the Slate Dysfunctional Lightning Strikes Again Hell to Pay Broken Bones Breaking the Chains Long Way Home Shadowlife Def Leppard: Pyromania High ‘n Dry Hysteria Adrenalize Retro-Active On Through the Night Euphoria S/T Slang X Songs From the Sparkle Lounge Yeah! Harem Scarem: Mood Swings S/T The Early Years Weight Of The World Voice Of Reason United Higher Believe Human Nature Big Bang Theory Thirteen Overload Hope
  7. solid tune, sounds better than most of the tracks on their the last few albums
  8. not bad, but similar to how I felt upon hearing the latest Hardline song, while I enjoyed the band's debut I'll have to hear more and better before I'd consider purchasing this new one
  9. new song is just OK for me, and as mentioned this one sounds even less like their early stuff, outside of the vocals, than the title track did
  10. decent song, but as Geoff mentioned, it doesn't bode well if your lead single doesn't build any excitement for wanting to hear the rest of the album, hopefully the next track they put out from the upcoming release will be better
  11. thanks for sharing the lists guys, always enjoy reading them, several albums I've not yet heard but intend to check out now
  12. good point, we'll see how the next promo track sounds, as far as production, if the same then you are probably right
  13. hard to know for sure, but sounds like one of those situations were one artist had a song which they offered to another and some changes were made to allow co-write credits, makes sense if what Doggy mentioned is correct about Scott Travis. Scott was in Racer X with Bruce and John Alderete, so if Jamie and Scott originally wrote it that relationship likely lead to it being offered to the Scream who changed it up a bit for their album
  14. gave this a listen, production is nice as mentioned, Toby sounds great, and overall it's a solid AOR release with a couple of stand out tracks in the middle of the album, but unfortunately this one just doesn't grab me like his debut did
  15. listened to this today, as expected there isn't anything resembling the style heard on Saints & Sinners, it has a much more modern sound to it (the inclusion of the cookie monster vocals on 'Beginning of the End' take away from an otherwise ok tune), while overall I was disappointed I still think it's a decent album, just not what I was hoping for from him, my favorites would be 'Above & Beyond', 'Leave This World Behind' and 'Who We Are', while my least favorite would be the final track 'Wrong'
  16. Nice tune, looking forward to this album finally being released, all 4 promo tracks have sounded good to me
  17. Rox Diamond - Let the Music Do the Talking. There were several weak albums last year, but in most cases I could still point to some positive aspects about them. Whether it be good musicianship, quality production, a good track or two, etc. But I'd be hard pressed to find anything complimentary to say about this release. Weak production, terrible songwriting, and an overall piss poor effort from a band whose prior two releases I enjoyed.
  18. agreed, especially during the mid-break of the song between the 2:20 and 2:54 mark, it has a definite Lep vibe
  19. Seems like a quick turnaround by these guys, has it even been a full year since the debut was released? The debut had a couple of nice tracks and this new song sounds pretty good as well.
  20. It's ok, I like the chorus, but was hoping for something more uptempo for a first single. Similar to the new Tora Tora it seems to lack the energy and spark of old, they sing about a shot of adrenaline but the song sort of plods along, especially during the verses. For me it is at least a step in the right direction after Simplicity, which I thought was by far their worst album.
  21. yeah, I'd agree neither track is as good as the three songs you mentioned, but I do think the style is similar to that earlier material which is probably why it appeals to me
  22. doesn't blow me away but I like it, very much a straight forward late 80's style hard rock song, sounds like it could have easily been written during the Surprise Attack sessions
  23. hmmm...quite the puzzle, I thought State of Salazar was correct based on Mike's earlier list but maybe it was Palace? If so, then Ghost is not correct which would mean Dynazty is likely the other (with KD) correct answer from Glen's list.
  24. well, that likely eliminates Creye, I'd suggest next person consider trying State of Salazar from Mike's list and either Ghost or Dynazty from Glen's list, placing them in spots 1, 4 or 5
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