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Everything posted by Crazysam

  1. Ok, I'll take another guess at it... Amaranthe Kissin' Dynamite Care of Night Creye Disturbed
  2. Alright, here we go, my guess of Dan's Top 5 of 2018 is as follows Kissin’ Dynamite – Ecstasy W.E.T. – Earthrage Beyond the Black - Heart of the Hurricane Care of Night – Love Equals War Tremonti – A Dying Machine
  3. solid tune, hopefully they have a few uptempo tracks on the album, I'd like to hear George cut loose with some monster riffs and solos
  4. solid album track, but neither of the recent promo tracks have that wow factor that we've become accustomed to from these guys, like 'Shakedown' did for example
  5. another fairly average song with poor production, on the positive side he did add a guitar solo to this one
  6. Nice tune, this may have been accidentally placed in the wrong thread, but I suppose if you're a fan of one you probably will enjoy both bands, so we can consider it cross promotion
  7. Always enjoy hearing Doug and Keith tear it up, sounds similar in style to their prior releases which works for me
  8. agreed, the first half of their latest album is really good, especially the opening track 'Hysteria'
  9. quite right, that guitar intro does sound similar
  10. sounds pretty good, I still spin their debut regularly
  11. I'm liking the aggressive sound of that, nice way to kick off the new year
  12. Yeah the stuff Ron did after leaving the band was also quite different, so his departure may have truly been a result of not wanting to tour anymore. Hard to say though what they would sound like had he stayed.
  13. As others have mentioned, I always thought their first four albums were great. Even Fields of Yesterday, with previously unreleased material, had some good tracks. This new song is everything I dislike about modern day Lillian Axe, slow, dreary and lacking the great melodies of those early albums. Waters Rising wasn't too far removed from Psycho, I believe raw demos of those same songs with Taylor on vocals were floating around years ago. Starting with that album though the songwriting style shifted closer to Blaze's other band, Near Life Experience, and unfortunately I've been unable to get into much of it
  14. disappointing news, the debut is still my favorite followed closely by Clash of the Elements, but their other albums were solid too
  15. Sounds pretty good, thanks for sharing
  16. From what I've seen and read Judas Priest is still performing at a high level and Halford still sounds pretty good, especially when you consider his age
  17. since the 24 hours is about to lapse I figured I'd try to guess some of the remaining ones - # 7 Lynch Mob, # 10 Firehouse and one that I'm not too sure about is #4 ZZ Top?
  18. Of the ones listed, I'm looking forward to hearing the same ones you mentioned plus some that they left off like Kane Roberts, Tesla, Find Me, Roxy Blue, Spread Eagle, Work of Art and First Signal, assuming those are still on schedule
  19. song is pretty good, but I'm surprised by the comment that they decided to intentionally strip the production down, I can understand when a glam/sleaze group is going for a more raw sound but to me it seems odd for a project like this to take that approach
  20. You have me stumped on #'s 1, 4 and 5. I think I know the others but I will only take a guess on one so as to allow others to try there hand at it. I believe # 2 is Bangalore Choir
  21. Nirvana (and Pearl Jam) would be right up there for me too. I could not (and still can't) stand any songs they released. That alone would be enough, but as you mentioned the real reason I dislike them so much is the drastic, negative changes that happened in the hard rock scene following their swift rise in popularity.
  22. Yeah, not bad. The style is similar to their earlier material but the chorus doesn't really grab me.
  23. Thanks for sharing the update and the link. Some cool guests involved. It seems like Danny will be one of a few vocalists including Bryan Cole and possibly Terry Ilous. Of the three sample tracks I think After the Love and Sincerely Yours sounded pretty good.
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