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Everything posted by Crazysam

  1. Nice, two albums that were in need of reissues, in my opinion. One with Rob Rock and the other with Jerome Mazza on vocals
  2. I was a fan of the band starting with Rage For Order on through Promised Land. I haven't gotten into much of Geoff's work since then. But my interest in Queensryche has been rekindled with the albums Todd La Torre has been part of
  3. while I wasn't a big fan of that project myself, I recall Stefan had posted a comment from Paul about a year ago, under the Breaking Music News thread, that Paul was also working on Darkhorse material
  4. HaHa! I thought that cover was pretty bad as well and if I were making a list of worst songs the Crue ever recorded it would be near the top
  5. New song is just OK for me. Doug and Keith sound as good as ever, but the songs just don't seem as catchy as the prior releases. I'm still looking forward to hearing the full album though and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised
  6. Queensryche lost me after the mid 90's with a string of average to downright bad albums. For me though, since Todd joined they've seemed rejuvenated. After giving this a few spins I believe it is their best effort since Promised Land. While it doesn't have any songs that match the quality of Rage, Mindcrime, or Empire albums I think fans of those early days will enjoy it, if they're willing to give it a chance.
  7. New single/video from Bret
  8. New track is OK, as with the prior single musically this sounds really good and reminds of the band's late 80's sound, for me though Dave's voice still sounds rough, albeit not as distracting, and the chorus gets a bit too repetitive
  9. I agree, he does seem like a bit of an odd fit for a project such as this
  10. yes, Tim "Ripper" Owens is the singer, if you've seen the Mark Wahlberg movie Rock Star that character was somewhat based on Tim and the circumstances around him being offered the job of replacing Rob Halford in Judas Priest in the mid 90's
  11. Guardian's second album Fire and Love is a good one to check out. Some of my other favorites would include: Joshua - Intense Defense, Angelica - S/T, The Brave - Battle Cries, Holy Soldier's first two releases (self titled debut and Last Train) as well as Rage of Angels - S/T (a few members went on to join Steelheart and played on that band's first two albums)
  12. Video for the second single "Never Let You Go"
  13. I thought this one was pretty good as well. I recall picking the cd up in the late 90's at a used media store. I had no idea who the band was nor what they sounded like, but took a chance figuring it had to be 80's style hard rock from the band photo on the back cover and the song titles. After giving it a few spins I was pleasantly surprised by how solid of an album it was. The second half of the album does dip in quality a little and you won't find anything overly original on display, but it is worth checking out if you have not heard it before. Feel the Fire and I Can't Wait are my favorites.
  14. I'm ok with Phil bringing in some layered vocals and production effects that remind of Leppard's sound, but for me the song quality isn't at the same level of great Def Leppard or great Tesla. That said, I did give a listen today and think it is a solid album. There were 3 or 4 songs that made me think I was hearing a leftover song idea from the Adrenalize or Euphoria sessions but a few tracks do have a more familiar Tesla vibe to them. I did find it far more melodic and consistent than Simplicity and I might even give it a slight edge over Forever More, but I would rank it below the rest of Tesla's discography.
  15. agreed, not great, but solid tune, it didn't really click for me the first time I listened to it but having given it another chance today I enjoyed it more
  16. In listening to this again, it does sound a little closer to the early Hardline sound than they have in awhile, I like it
  17. I like that track as well. I usually stay away from multi-vocalist projects as well, but the list of singers involved does look intriguing (besides Kent I'm a fan of Deen, Johnny and Dino) and Tony is a talented guitarist. I'm interested in hearing more from this one
  18. I saw the full length Def Leppard movie up on youtube a short time back, might still be there, and if you are open to buying a dvd it is pretty cheap to purchase, but I've not seen it myself recently on other streaming services
  19. As far as similar style to 80's era Treat the ones mentioned above are all good, I'd add three more albums to the list: Glory "Danger In This Game", Dalton "Injection" and Zinatra "The Great Escape", if you haven't heard those.
  20. New song still doesn't match the quality of 80's Dokken or early Lynch Mob, but it's solid for what it is. In fact I enjoyed it more than the first promo track from the upcoming release
  21. similar to the first two promo tracks, not bad but also not that great, I still think the style isn't far off from their early stuff, but it lacks the memorable hooks they wrote before, if I end up buying it will be out of nostalgia and wanting to support the band's efforts
  22. I was a little uncertain on what to expect when it was first announced, but I agree, if that trailer is any indication it has the potential to be an entertaining movie
  23. agreed, I've been a fan of Jake's since his days with Ozzy but unfortunately this album was a disappointment for me
  24. the new song is a bit average to me and I'd have trimmed off at least 45 seconds as it seems to drag on too long
  25. Pass...I liked their first couple albums, but I thought Endless, Nameless was dreadful and haven't been able to get into much of their stuff since then
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