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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. As suspected, not much interest in this album, but is has some great track. A Little Bit Off To Be Alone Darkness Settles In Leave It All Behind Brighter Shade Of Grey These are mixed in with a bunch of songs that don't do it at all for me, but worth wading through them to get to the good ones.
  2. That's ok, it's an easy statement to answer. You don't know any better
  3. If it's done year by year, here's mine. And below are my top 3 from each year. 2010 Bad City – Welcome To The Wasteland 2011 Warrant - Rockaholic 2012 Gotthard – Firebirth 2013 Pop Evil – Onyx 2014 Hot action Cop – Listen Up! 2015 Cats In Space – Too Many Gods 2016 Robbie Williams – The Heavy Entertainment Show 2017 Mr. Big – Defying Gravity 2018 Shiraz Lane – Carnival Days 2019 Cats In Space – Day Trip to Narnia 2010 Bad City – Welcome To The Wasteland Pop Evil – War Of Angels Sonic Syndicate – We Rule The Night 2011 Warrant - Rockaholic Whitesnake – Forevermore Sixx A.M. – This Is Gonna Hurt 2012 Gotthard – Firebirth St. Prostitute – Here Come The Prostitutes Million Dollar Reload – A Sinner’s Saint 2013 Pop Evil – Onyx Hardcore Superstar – C’mon Take On Me Trucker Diablo – Songs Of Iron 2014 Hot action Cop – Listen Up! Electric Boys – Starflight United Gotthard – Bang 2015 Cats In Space – Too Many Gods Pop Evil – Up The Burning Crows – Murder At The Gin House 2016 Robbie Williams – The Heavy Entertainment Show The New Roses – Dead Man’s Voice Kissin’ Dynamite – Generation Goodbye 2017 Mr. Big – Defying Gravity Cats In Space – Scarecrow Bai Bang – Rock Of Life 2018 Shiraz Lane – Carnival Days Roxanne – Radio Silence Ammunition – Ammunition 2019 Cats In Space – Day Trip to Narnia Tesla – Shock The New Roses – Nothing But Wild
  4. Listening to some Papa Roach that I had overlooked. My Heart Is A Fist Where they say "my heart is a fist drenched in blood" I heard "my heart is a fist transgender" had to look up the correct lyrics as they didn't seem right lol
  5. CureTheSane


    Why is there a big gap between those 2 sets of words?
  6. CureTheSane


    Quite possibly the longest sentence I've ever read...
  7. CureTheSane


    Yeah, we see most of them, I mean if you watch the news, which I generally don't. If news is important enough, someone will post it on Facebook. Anyway, it's fun to watch him tear into reporters, and then the reporters do heir loittle slot where they say what they want without him tehre to defend himself, which is very lame. Every country have their attacks on their leaders. our copped it pretty bad when he left for Hawaii during the start of the bushfires. But I think he has earnt a fair amount of corona redemption now though. Last time I looed today we had 2 new cases last week or so we've been around only 20 per day, and only 1800 active cases out of our total 6500 total infections. But Aussies are stll sooking, I mean not like the US is, just more behind the scenes. People having parties are resulting in $20K woth of fines - $1600 per person lol Giid that some people are paying back the debt we will have a bit early
  8. CureTheSane


    I'm not Trump worshipper, but I am able to look at him without the hate or love that others have. I guess I really don't give too much of a crap as I don't live in the US. I see the good that he does (which the Trump haters are either blinded by or find reasons to belittle) I laugh at the comments he makes. I disregaurd most of the comments the crazily biased Trump haters make. From an outsiders POV, I'd say he's been a fairly average leader, not much better or worse than those before him. He is everything I expected him to be having watched every episode of The Apprentice. Did everyone think he was going to be different to how he was on that show? Anyway, harsh call on anyone in the way they handles corona virus. Everyone slamming him for his actions, or inactions, only have any credibility if they can show that they were critical WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Hindsight is great (for everyone and also for leaders) As for the virus, Australia is looking at a tracking app for your phone to help control any spread. They say we need an uptake of at least 40% of people for it to be effective. Naturally there is a cry of privacy issues. Many will refuse to ever get it, but I will. I have no issues with that.
  9. Maybe it's just that not many people would dare be critical of rock gods Black Sabbath or Ozzy Anyway, the song should be called "Ordinary Voice"
  10. Yes, these are great songs. New singer holds it down well. Can't wait for more> I think I saw that more new music is due this year.
  11. CureTheSane


    Just on the US protests etc. What the actual fuck? Seriously, this shit just confirms what people think about America. I said at the start that the US would be screwed because 1. the health care system there (or lack thereof) 2. that people wouldn't allow their 'rights' to be taken away. The right to freedom Ther right to bear arms The right to work The right to assemble The right to protest The right to form militia The 'obligation' to rebel against any law they see as being unjust. It just comes off that American citizens live in constant anarchy. Anything less is living in communism. Nobody trusts the elected leader. America will be corona free in a couple of years. Will be at a massive cost (in lives) but most people will have had the virus.
  12. CureTheSane


    I'm doing OK. My wife joked that shit hasn't really changed for me. As a general rule, I fucking hate people. They can't drive abd they can't walk in shopping centres etc. I've travelled a lot and find that here in Australia people generally have a serious lack of awareness or care for other people around them. Walking down a shopping centre aisle? Sure, just stop in your tracks to make a phone call, I'll walk around you, you fuck.... Anyway, rant over, but that's one of the reasons I don't go out much during the day. Although lately trips out have been much more enjoyable with less idiots around. We run our own business, which is wholesale, so whoile business has dropped off, we have taken the time to catch up on much needed work that has been set aside, Before all this happened we were about to book a week in Bali. Couple of days work to make part of it a tax deduction, and the rest of the time taking a break because we;d been so busy that we had earnt it. instead we got a corona-break. Business is starting to pick up now which is good.
  13. I'll admit that I've never checked out Vega before. Maybe I have and I didn't like them (somebody said keyboards are missing from these samples and maybe that's what put me off) Anyway, I really like these songs and will start my journey with Vega with this release.
  14. Every now and then I'll open a thread which really meant nothing to me because I'd never heard of the abne before. 4 out of 5 times it will turn out to be some pop synthy stuff, but every now and then I discover something new. I like this one, will check out the album and see if the first is on Spotify tonight
  15. Yeah, I do. Hard to put their sings on a mix. Maybe a few real stand outs that can stand alone. That said, I have hope for this new album. Production is a lot better, a bit cleaner and not every song is slotted into the same mould.
  16. I don't refer to it as Easter. I call it "Zombie Jesus Day" Little known fact, they found a bunch of foil egg wrappers in his cave.
  17. Well they have Mitch malloy singing now. Remember hearing him sing some old WG songs and they sounded great Elation shits all over Rising, and Jack's solo also shits all over Rising. So I always saw the split as beneficial for both the band and Jack, because if Rising is any indication, as a band they were dead in the water.
  18. Listened to the start of this a few times before I've got distracted and only had the remainder of the album on in the background. First 2 songs are killer Rise is ok, nothing special Love that Coming Home has a whole different vibe and sound. I think this will easily be my favorite release from them.
  19. I thought the same. JSS is one of those guys who always delivers at least a few great tracks. Also someone who's music takes quite a few listens to start to dig.
  20. I'm one of those (seeminlgly very few for some reason) people who aren't fans at all of Ozzy's voice. Kind of like, as I'm listening to most of his songs I keep thinking "I could sing taht better than him" and I'm no singer. Shame because it was a fair song, although the lyrics were a bit lame.
  21. Yeah this new phone tracking app is interesting Help controlling infection vs potential privacy issues I'll do it. Never really worried too much about who knows where I am and what I'm doing. Nobody is interested in that and this would only be used if i came into contact with someone who also had the app and they'd let me know to get a test. Can always delete the app when it's all over Doubt the required 40% population uptake rate would be on board though so it will probably flop. Good idea though.
  22. Like I've said before, I'm an optimist/realist. The optimist in me thinks that there will be a vaccine in the next few months. The realist thinks that human trials and doing things the proper way will bog this down for longer. My biggest concern is complacency. Things start getting better and people start to move forward. Boredom and getting sick of isolation will help this along. I want us to step up a level tp really stamp it out when we are getting close. Go to level $. Are we at level 3? If so go to level for in a week or 2. I don't agree with your suggestion that we are postponing the inevitable. With what we are doing, this should be controllable, and what will stop that is people going back to their lives too early, and weak governing that doesn't stamp it out. In other countries, it's hard to see an end. Europe and America. Africa and India when it really kicks in there. The worst is yet to come.
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