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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Haven't looked yet, just popped up in my Facey feed. Will give it a go. I'm totally open to whatever it is like. Expecially with artists with Bucth, if you go in expecting a type of music, you're likely to be disappointed.
  2. Some people want to actively dedicate themselves to making positive changes. Trying to change everyone, which is impossible. Others are just happy to live as "un-phobic" or "un-ist" as possibble, and be able to grow and improve as the times change. There is a lot of guilt being thrown around out there. And from what I see, the police have been unfairly grouped into their own "ist" group, primatily in America. The biggest concern, as voiced here by quite a few, is the way the media don't seem to want to provide any balance and seem intent to cower behind the PC scaremongering.
  3. Was reading what DarkStone wrote before and it reminded me of what my wife said today which I kinda agree with, and that is that she is racisy in that she kind of hates the human race right now. I tend to agree. You're this, you're that. everyone is now something. If you're white, you have white privilege. Anyone not white would answer that with "now you get a taste of how we have felt" Kind of sick of people who don't know me make me feel bad for history because of the colour of my skin.
  4. Is it that surprising that a politician blame shifts? Trump is just more obvious about it. Only people why really should have an issue are those who want to jump on every comment and complain. The racist stuff shouldn't be coming from the president, or any politicians, joke or not. They should be settinga better example. Funny though
  5. Anyone heard this? Described as a rock opera. Released 8th May 2020 The Singer Gridlock Flyover State 6Ft Middle-Age American Man Fuck It (I Don't Like Love) Divided States Of America Out In The Open4:50Torn In The USA Blinded By The White Everything White Pretty Crazy You Gotta' Be Just Who You Are Forgot To Say I Love You
  6. It's callled passive racism. The description is people not necessarily intending to offend or be racist but likely the US Chinese community might be offended. I dare say if I made a joke like that in China, they would all think it is hilarious and not be offended at all. So I guess the question is - is this the end of stand up comedy? We have some dude here who does satnd up as a part of his series about disabled people where he talks with them and allows the viewers to understand them and their disabilities and see them for themselves rather than their disability, mixing it with disabled jokes. Is this all not PC, even though it does a lot of good to bridge gaps in society?
  7. In no particular order Gotthard Harem Scarem Captain Black Beard DeVicious Bonfire SteelCity Confess Collateral Five Finger Death Punch
  8. You possibly just started the AFL thread. Even though it started with a collingwood jumper. Swans won Essendon player has covid.
  9. Probably the ones I didn't like I'll still get to NFO though and see for myself.
  10. I get that, and I hear about it and see it on the news. I'm sure it happens here in Australia, but not nearly as much as it does in other countries. Some things are not specific to colour. We used to trade in the middle of shopping centres in "the round" like Def Leppard played. You had to keep an eye on everyone, and early on, I'd be all over the tattooed young kids who looked like they were on some substance etc Turned out that they were pretty up fronta nd it was the little old wealthy looking ladies who were the theives. I get teargeted at airports. Because I have long hair and to some probably look like I do drugs etc. And I'm cool with that. I'd rather securite hit up anyone who they define as being a risk. I was nearly strip searched going from Paris airport to Amsterdam much to the amusement of other watching. I know this is kind of different to wholesale persecution based on colour. I guess I am trying to understand why everyone here is jumping on the black lives matter protests. Either 1. To support other countries where it is a problem 2. Because it is more of an issue here than I am aware of 3. Because they have been bored during covid and decide to use it as a reason to get out
  11. It'd probably make more sense to me if you came back and said "maybe you not watching the video is your white privelige, by not bothering to learn about things that don't directly affect you and being able to sidestep them because of the safe colour of your skin" or something like that. Maybe my 'privilege' is not having to encounter much of what is going on?
  12. It did not. She posed some examples. I will answer each one as applicable to me “Privilege, when it comes to race, is about unearned rights. - not sure about this. We are a young country. Peole migrate here from all over the world, particularly Asia. I will say that we have a smaller Indigenous community in my state compared to otehr states in Australia I can walk into any store and find a doll that matches my daughter’s skin. - no problems here, we have dolls of all shades. From my recollection Bratz Dolls were around when my kids were young and had different races I can drive in any area near my home and not get pulled over- no problems here at all. 90% of my street is owned by asian families. I can go to the movies and hold hands with my partner [when I’m straight] and not fear getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. - people hold hands here, straigh or gay, without any issues I can wear a symbol of my religion like a cross necklace and not fear being called a murderer or terrorist.” - people tend to ingore this if they are not of the same religion. Every now and then there will be a 'no berkas in banks" comment, but not much else I honestly do not feel that whites are held accountable by any form of law here. I also do not this sexuality, age or religion play a part in descrimination as a whole. Now I know I am personalising the phrase "white privilege" But that is the point. How it is applied to me (being white) and how I am suppoed to interpret that. In that article she basically said that she lived in a white community with "little or no diversity" The video she linked was 30 minutes long, and I wasn't going to watch it all. But I skimmed through it and it was very specific to America. No problems with that, most of the ssues are there. So possibly unfair of me to ask the question here. Or maybe I am ignorant to some of the overall issues and that is caused by white prigilege? But I still don't get it all really.
  13. People on my big island over here seem to be much more racist than before all the protests and BLM stuff began. I like to think that I am the same as I always have been but there is one term that I am strugging with. White privelidge. Cana nyone clarify for me? I am interpreting this as people of any colour (including whites) labeling white people as a whole as being unable to understand the black POV because of the colour of their skin. Am I getting this right? Is this term as racist against whites as i am interpreting it?
  14. Yes, that was amazingly good Sorry, I was bored. I mean it's no Belly 2 Belly right Geoff?
  15. So as Jani Lane would say, it's..............
  16. Let me just come in and say that I am deeply offended with the objectifying of women based on their looks and bodies. Also the injustice that professional women on TV have a shorter life span on screen than men and are let go when any sign of ageing is evident. Then there's the pay gap between men and women as well. Sorry. Just wondered what it would feel like to take a compliment to a person and go rogue PC with it. It felt weird, and like I was making a massive issue of a few harmless comments, for anyone wondering
  17. It's really sad that in today's society, it's very hard to have a discussion about issues like this. It all really started with global warming, that's when the whole "you better be in line with my over the top PC comments of I'll destroy you" mentality kicked in. I had a discussion with my daughter about this tonight. She has a different POV to me, very different, but we listened to each other, accepted some of each others points, it got a bit heated at times, but in the end we slid a little to each other's POV's and left the conversation and moved on. If Leykis hasn't been branded racist either here or somewhere else I'd be very surprised. I don't think he is, and I take the time to read his points. I also read Glen's. I don't think Glen has been brainwashed, but he is certainly right at one end of the argument. I generally couldn't be bothered expressing what I think. Who needs to argue online? What will it change? In a nutshell I'll come back to generational change. It will take time, end of story. I don't want to comment on USA protests etc, as mentioned, it is not my business. But locally, how many of the thousands of people protesting Aboriginal injustice in Australia will still be doing so in a month? For how many more rounds will AFL players get down on one knee. And when they stop, does that mean they are withdrawing their passionate support?
  18. Pretty compelling stuff. Interesting to see a different POV.
  19. You know, that closeup of the band DOES NOT make me want to listen to the song. A stripper, or some otehr sexy girls, then yeah, imma click it.
  20. Yeah I was drunk a lot back then. Binge drinking for fun. Barely do these days, maybe 3 or 4 times a year. We have the 12 Pubs Of Christmas every early December with a large group of people. then There's new years eve and a couple of otehr times during the year. Still binge drink to get drunk Also we were starved for concerts. Americans don't know what it was like. I saw the Eurythmics & Cyndi Lauper at different times because it was better than nothing lol
  21. Nah, but at a Painters And Dockers show at the Palace I was very drunk. They encouraged the crowd on stage only to have bouncers come along and push everyone back into the crowd every 30 seconds or so. I waited for the last exodus, and jumped up and started screaming into a microphone. Didn't really know the words. Before I knew it I saw a bouncer getting ready to clear the stage so I decided to stage dive instead (on my own terms) Never seen a bunch of people part like the red sea from that angle before. and the drop was actually pretty ral, around 5 or 6 feet. Anyway, I landed and bounced up and didn't feel the pain until the following day. wasn't a real fan of this band either. Not sure why we were at the show. probably had nothing better to do.
  22. Thought I quoted PeterS. I agree with him. Not dreadful, but not a highlight for me.
  23. New singer was always going to sound a bit courser than the old one who was very smooth and rounded. I think I'll be more partial to this new guy, songs will sound a little less overproduced.
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