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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Yeah, I meant to write Greece, not Spain, who were pretty well bent over by the virus.
  2. Yeah the UK is a quirky one. They have copped a bit for being slow to react, but on the otehr hand aren't as "she'll be right, need to get the economy going again, open everything up again" as the US is. India caught up to where I thought they always should have been. Of course it is far worse than their numbers represent as I'm sure tesing is nowhere as prevalent as in other countries. Spain and Norway seem to have done well consideing their locations as well.
  3. CureTheSane


    Of course Collingwood, Essendon, Richmond and Melbourne all have the home ground of the MCG where the grand final is played every year I hate that the AFL banned West Coast and Freo from training now that they can gather in up to 10 people there, because Richmond et-al complained about 'fairness' lol Anyway, maybe in the short term the will use the old grounds (those that still exist - I'm sure Victoria Park was sold) as the 'hubs' to get the game happening again, they don't need grounds with 100,000 capacity, just grounds that have, or easy to set up, camera coverage
  4. CureTheSane


    I used to go to Victoria Park to watch South Melburne play Collingwood. Very scary as a teenager in full Swans get up walking through the outer behind the goal square with a LOT of angry Pies supporters glaring at me. Recall there being a fairly large police presence and they also looked concerned that I was in enemy territory lol My first grand final was the Swans win after 72 years or so. Was amazing to be there, especially at such a close nail biter. i didn't even hear the siren because of the crown noise.
  5. So apparently Missouri may allow concerts again from Monday. Wow, was I wrong. Kind of. I have a reasonable understanding of the USA, and what goes on tehre. I never though for a second that this would be on the table. My thoughts on concerts were likely based on what I expect from Australia, and from other countries living in any kind of sensible world. Concerts now is crazy, especially when tehre are 30,000 cases per day and 1500 deaths daily. But I think I will reassess my thinking on when concerts are likely to happen. I reckon depending on the situations in the particular country, we are looking at the start of next year. Possibly a bit later depending on how fast they can be organised and whether people are ready to go out to shows again. Here in Australia things are looking up. We could be pretty clean in a month or so. Possibly a few months down the track pub bands may come back, but I doubt any name acts will get out here until next year. Also depending on how we regulate travel from overseas visitors it's likely that compulsory travellers will be allowed in for a while before tourists nad bands etc
  6. CureTheSane


    OK, for starters, you keep on talking about Collingwood in a favorable light and we will have issues Collingwood are the most universally hated club but no supporters. Even Geoff likely hates Collingwood, and he hates AFL My daughters boyfriend and my best mate are Wobbles supporters and I have a lot of fun constantly making fun of them. Anyway, that aside, the Swans are sitting 8th on the ladder We have the core of experienced youth to dominate in years to come. We've only missed the finals what once or twice in the last 20 years? We import and wholesale natural crystals (jewellery, carvings, geodes, etc) as our core business. Nothing too spectacular, just my wife and I working out of a warehouse in Ferntree Gully, but it means usually I get to go to China a couple of times a year, Tucson sometomes, and rarely India. Was looking at Brazil this year untill all this happened. We supply shops, market stall holders, massage therapists etc as well as online sellers. Through that we were able to purchase the National Dinosaur Museum in Canberra with a couple of otehrs, which is why I'll refer to travel there every so often. My wife's mother also lives there and she is pretty ill, so we were having extra trips on to of the 4 or 5 every year to the business.
  7. The Razor's Edge - Acca Dacca
  8. CureTheSane


    Yeah it's weird at times. I mean at a drive-in, you drive a car in, stay in your car, you are alone the whole time. No change of transmission here, but I guess they have to fall into line with the whole essential shopping stuff regardless. All markets have been closed since it all started. I have expos and gift fairs booked, and they have been resheduled for November and at undecided dates yet. The Reed Gift Fair reckon they are still going ahead in August at this point. They get 30,000+ people through. Great for the economy as it helps businesses (wholesale gift fair) but no great for social distancing, so will be interesting to see where they go if measures are relaxed. I am not booked with them, but they normally exhibit with AGHA who are their rivals, but they work together. They have pulled out of August, so if it does go ahead I'll likely do both first (if the prices is right) I think people have adapted pretty well. Yesterday (Saturday) I heard the local shopping centre was as full as it was before all this, so people have decided to relax measures themselves it seems. Main thing to get back for a sense of normality is the football. Looking at June at the moment
  9. For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge - VH
  10. CureTheSane


    Yeah I thought the same thing. We atill have drive ins down in Dandenong. Not sure if they are open, either way it's pretty cold out right now. When cinemas reopen they will likely be seating people apart I guess Heard today Victoria has only 50 active cases which if true is looking pretty damn good. I know other States have had days of zero new cases. I think Northern Territory has had 2 weeks with sero new cases.
  11. Listening to both albums at the moment. Didn't know much about this band - possibly saw a post here and bookmarked them to check out later, which I finally am. Went from first album to second, and boom! big difference. Had a google and the vocalist left leaving them as a 3 piece with the bassist singing. Second album is more melodic and riffy and less 'heavy' Picked oit 4 or 5 pretty decent songs off the first album, most of which are mentioned above. Into album 2 now
  12. CureTheSane


    Well summed up. 100% feel the same way.
  13. Never heard their music, and have no desire to
  14. For me it's a GAF (give a fuck) this is none of my business I'm not American, so probably shouldn't have a say eitehr way anyway. Anyway, I'm happy to comment generally on my observations as they are presented to me by my media, but refrain from going into the politics per se' All that said, what America does, and (wrongly) how Trump acts impacts me. Actions affect the AUD/USD rate, and our economy in general. We are allies with USA so we stand beside America rote. We are also caught in the middle between China and America trade wars, with USA being our main ally and China being our main trading partner. So my following on what Trump does, and how it's reported is widely based on how it affects me and my country. I wish all you Americans here the best of luck in your moving forward, leaders and health and safety.
  15. Yeah they are on his Facebook feed. I followed him so I get to see new songs as he releases them.
  16. Poundcake is well out of his range. Either that or it clearly illustrates what an unbeatable vocalist Sammy is. Probably a bit of both. That was enough to put me of bothering to track down the others
  17. Maniac and St'Elmo's are great songs and great covers. The Rocky song is a bit of a nothing but also sounds ok. Does he post these on Facebook?
  18. CureTheSane


    Look the disinfectant stuff was pretty funny. Personally the first time I saw it I assumed he was stating (probably) a fact that disinfectant kills the virus in a minute on contact and that maybe the medical profession might use that kind of starting point to develop something that is injectable that might act the same way. Maybe I was wrong and he actually was recommending injecting it.
  19. Meh, never a fan of that song. More interested in why he's wearing his grandmothers clothes...
  20. CureTheSane


    Again from an outsiders POV. We see the trump comments, and laugh at them. We also see the hate an spite towards him, as well as the usual partisan objections to everything he does. Personally what I don't like is the belittlinga nd person attacks he gets. Since day 1 he's been brought down at every opportunity, usually not based on anything specific, just for a laff. BUT, he is your elected leader. People voted for him and he's the most powerful man on the planet. The lask of general respect is gobsmacking and this is what makes America look like a bunch of fools. You elect a leader and then slam him down, make fun of him, and try to make him out to be a fool at every occasion. I know people will say "he does that all by himself" and I get that but I'm talking about the immaure stuff just for shits and giggles. Like I said, it just makes America look backwater and foolish. You don't have to like him, but give him the respect he deserves in the role he has, if for no otehr reason that to present your country as civilised and somewhat intelligent.
  21. Always takes a few listens with FFDP But this time there are some terrible songs on the album, stuff that I know I won't like no matter how many times I hear it.
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