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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Yeah, I mean I don't know if the cop who had his knee on the the guys neck was senior to the otehr cops? Regardless, they didn't know the force that was being applied to the neck, and it seems to be some kind of standard tacktic in arresting some people to make that move. As for racism, events like this make me realise just how racist my country isn't. I mean we have our aboriginal rights etc, and accusations from time to time of racism on public transport etc, usually coming from lower social economic people. But we are a very multicultural society here, and seem to be quite accepting. Of course tehre are the usual comments from time to time, some passive in jokes, others not so passive and innocent (usually from the older generation, or from the crowd who have the southern cross tattoos on their legs) As I said earlier, hard to comment on US stuff, and I'm sure the degree of racism varies from state to state and area to area within each state. but John Corabi spelled ot a pretty fair stance on what is going on over theren a Facebook post. Hard to equate rioting, looting , shootings, etc etc toany kind of reasonable protest, and all it does is direct attention away from the original issue.
  2. Is a riot without looting a riot? Not much to contribute here. Not my country and presumptuous to think I really get what is going on. But what is happening is doesn't look good. Not sure what the end goal is here, I believe the policeman has been arrested. perhaps a chance that iso-fever has taken hold a bit.
  3. I think it's a good song to cover. Easy just to update and rock up a bit. But I'd go further and change the tempo a little, with a significant heavy drum as the stand out sound, a constant flowing picking guitar throughout and some vocal harmonies on the chorus. Maybe gang type vocals.
  4. No reason given yet. I read an article from our Channel 7 today and they had no idea. As well as his actual achievements, they replaced Bruce with him as being in Kiss. Whoever wrote that was pretty half arsed.
  5. Weird comment for me. This album is closer to their early 'sing along' stuff than the last few albums.
  6. OK, so I played lots of otehr music on the drive up. But the next day I gave this a listen again, And I got what you were saying for sure. Although for me the synth was not syrupy and fit the music well, it was poppier and more AOR than I'd normally go for. I didn't hate it, but wondered where my previous comment came from. Until I got to track 9 I think, and that was great, Hate Gotham City, perfect average ending to a CD song. Also I liked the first song. Anyway, then I listened a couple more times on teh way home. I came home by myself so could listen loud and really get a feel. And I could see where my original comments can]me from. I really dug it. Will listen a couple of more times before I break it down, but I still say it's a great album. The new Papa Roach is pretty great. First few songs won't be for many here. Not really my thing either but I like track 2 even though the first few (and a couple later) are a bit grungy or screamoy or whatever) DeViscious was alos really good, really enjoyed that, surprised it didn't get more love here. Dirty Honey EP was also really good. Very Electric Boys fell to it.
  7. I gave this a listen yesterday after a fair break. Love it, still don't know why it wasn't loved here. one of their best IMO
  8. I mean my tastes fall fairly well with the 80's scene like most people here. Kiss, TS, Maiden, Motley, Poison, Warrant, etc etc From there to now, obviously everything is different. I have been influenced a bit by this site and the music thrown out. I am more AOR than I was. I just added 5 newish albums that I haven't heard much for my trip tomorrow. Captain Blackbeard, Dirty Honey, Fate's last one, DiViscious and Papa Roach are the albums I'll be checking out more. But if you were going to recomment music to me right now I guess looking at what I just put on my Spotify as my current staples. Bad City, Cats In Space, Gun, Shiraz Lane and The New Roses So anything like them I will be into. Somebody said NFO is a lot like Cats In Space which is why I will have a look someday. Carzy Lixx, and Crashdiet, I kinda knew I had to get to them, but found out about them late so was already behind. I did 2 Crazy Lixx albums, and now amd going through the Crashdiet. All about finding time I guess.
  9. Haha, Geoff. I guess you like what you like. Syrupy poppy synth is what I find hard to take. I don't break apart music and limit myself to expectations or differences with new singers. I tend to listen to anything and if I like it I do. I guess sometimes your mood can influence that> I like Yanni, Sarah Brightman, ABBA, Old Dominion, The Elder, Van Hagar I don't like much speed/death/etc metal, Judas Priest, 80's pop sounding current 'rock' bands, Carneival Of Souls, DLR VH I have a 7 hour drive tomorrow, so I'll give this a coul[ple of more listens and see if I lean more towards you or Glen. If I was in a tired/easily please/less critical mood when I first heard it, and don't think as much now, I'm happy to correct myself.
  10. Don't like the original much. This version is heaps..... worse.
  11. lol, everyone here is litterally judging the book by its cover
  12. Some people don't rate this, but I do as one of Stryper's best. More anthem than most rock anthems.
  13. So I listened to so NFO samples. Not sure I've tried them before. Possibly did and thought they weren't for me. Very synthy, but not syrupy synthy. I'll give them a go and see, Likely I'll weed out a few good songs.
  14. I did the same a while backa nd from memory much of his stuff was on the thrashy metal side. So there may only be a limited amount that I'd be interested in. Just need someone to point it out for me
  15. I'd buy a release of all these covers. Actually I wouldn't because Spotify, but if I was still buying music I would
  16. Wouldn't It Be Good is a great cover. Just how it should be done. Not so different that it deviates too much from the original, but different in many otehr ways. Nik Kershaw apparently posted about it being an excellent version.
  17. The Wrong Missy. See this movie. Fucking hilarious.
  18. Unauthorised, but has comments from all members. Only worth anything of most of them come out and say it's reasonably accurate. I think the best autobiography type book I've read is The Dirt. Enjoyed the way each mamber and others contributed their takes on things. you were able to figure out pretty much what actually went on through the different comments. Also really easy to read and didn't dwell on slow build ups with some stories. Straight to the point.
  19. I tried out New Religion And S/T and those that were ok or pretty good for me were My Medicine Blame It On Love She's Mine What Of Our Love Sound Of the Loud Minority I Missd the Mark All Looks No Hooks I geuss 4 songs per album is OK. I'll try to get to the otehr albums sometime.
  20. I've never really done Crashdiet Not sure why. possibly heard a song or two that I didn't like and was never inspired. possibly confused them with Crazy Lixx because they're bothe Sweedish and never a huge fan of Crazy Lixx Anyway, I have started listening to them.Began with Generation Wild. not sure if this is one of their better albums, but I'm enjoying what I'm hearing
  21. CureTheSane


    I mean what your saying is just wishing for a untopian world where everything is ideal. In reality, we have a virus that is a threat to worldwide health. Who knows the right or wrong ways to go about it all. Look at Russia. They were really slow to have the virus work through, heaps of time to learn from other countries mistakes, and they weren't able to. Look at Singapore, Germany, and a few others who thought they had a handle on it and relaxed restrictions and it spiked again. Look at China. Now we really don't know what is accurate there, but if their figures are even close to accurate, it speaks of how well versed they were in dealing with this virus having gone through bird flu, sars etc in the past. I travel (ed) to China twice a year and everywhere tehre were people in masks and looking after themselves. I thought it was weird until now when I see it as them not wanting a new virus to get them like the others had. The world coule have learn a lot from China ratehr than ostracising them for 'starting' it all. Anyway, it's time to watch New Zealand and Australia. both are easing restrictions. NZ has less than 100 actve cases, and Aus getting close to only 500. We are getting our sport back in a few weeks, and cafe's a nd resturants are reopening soon with restrictions in place. The only answer in reality is a vaccine. That may not happen for a long time, or at all. In the mean time, we protect the elderly and vulnerable and keep them as safe as possible. The economic ruin has only begun. In the coming months we will see the real destruction this has done. Tourism is dead and will remain so likely for a long time. Many countries rely heavily on this. Job losses, inabilities to pay mortgages, bad debt. This has the potential to make the GFC look like a walk in the park. Oil producing nations are paying companies to take their oil because it is more cost effective to do that than store the massive surplus of oil they now have. Then there are other smaller things that will all add up such as people all shopping online. The effect this will have when all this is over will be significant as many people would have never shopped online before and now enjoy it, forfeiting their local shops more.
  22. Up to track 8 at the moment. This sucks. Worst album of the year. Only joking, it's pretty damn good. If you don't at least like this then you have a problem
  23. CureTheSane


    You said it yourself. Many wouldn't get tested, making the whoele proposal unworkable and ineffective.
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