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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Yes. This is a contentious issue. Here the govt has asked for kids to stay in school, as if they are kepy home, nurses, doctors, and other valuable parents will have to stay away from work to care for them. School is all going back now and most schools are getting around 1/5 of the kids in. They are being kept segragated in classes some with different breaks for lunch etc, and many are learning at school electronically like the kids who are stayng home. So schools have become babysitters for kids of people who are needed on the 'front line' I would suggest that if this thing is to be eradicated, eventually, when numbers of infected are very low, schools will be closed. Otherwise a kid catched something from dad the nurse, passes it on to classmate, and then it's out again. We are very fortunate so far here in Australia. Out graph looks pretty nice, and add to that NSW are no longer reporting recovered patients. A few days ago they had 4 recovered, which is obviously incorrect. Argument is that the numbers are bnot accurate to indicate infection is worse than it actually is to scre people into conyinuing to do the right thing. Time will tell. I feel bad for Europe and the US and other countries where this is rempant. Kind of feel a little se;fish taht while it sucks not going out etc, we are is such a good comparitive position. Not to mention that Australia was in a great comparitive financial position to deal with this and will recover faster than most other countries. Still say gigs won't happen for 1 - 2 years. If they do, likely you'll be seeing Kiss in a 5000 seat venue rather than a 20000 seat venue. Is this the end of movie theatres? Will people all go back as soon as it's 'over'? Will only take a few months of people being cautions and not frequenting cineams for them to start closing for good.
  2. Last thing I am is pessimistic. What I am is a realist, and for the reasons I gave, I think that 12 to 18 months is more realistic than September for gigs.
  3. 100 cases was meant to be just in Australia, or any other country where tehre was a concert happening.
  4. To be honest, I'm on team Geoff, unless a vaccine comes along. The reason Greenland is clear is because they had 2 cycles with no new cases. 1 cycle = 14 days incubation period so 2 is 28 days. This applies to the rest of the world. How many people are going to a concert when there are even 100 active cases around? Many of those 100 would have had contact with otehrs, and the person you're standing next to could be infected. Let alone governments allowing people to be in those environments for leisure activities. Personally I would likely go along, if that circumstance arose and the powers that be decided to allow it as a reasonably safe event, but not sure there would be too many otehrs who would so the same. So for me, no vaccine = probably over 12 months at least with no concerts.
  5. Story To Tell is an awesome song. Love Shiraz Lane
  6. When is this out? im generally behind on releases anyway, but my kids gotca family spotify so in the most un-boomer way, immoving with the tech and if its on there ill hear it soo enough.
  7. I mean i slam it a bit, but thats mostly just for fun becaise everyone wanted to have babies with it and i didnt get it. My standards are generally lower than most here. If i get a few good songs off an album im happy. Not every disc has to be a winner overall. But good for people who froth this.
  8. Geoff, the first expo is retail and chaotic. Crazy packed. Second wholedale one is also very busy.social distancing impossible there as well. AFL was being shown in the US when their sport all ended and people were frothing it, so a shame that couldnt continue. Shit will be very different after this. Look at France. 10% of their GDP is tourism. Airlines will go bust, airfares will likely all go up. Will America get to depression? Unlikely, as the worst wont last for an extended period, but they may come close. Ive already set up contacts in china to shop for my business. Although there seems to be a fair anti china movement happening at the moment because of corona, i dont think it will last, but who knows?
  9. If you read the 13 pages you'd wee that your a lone voice as a fan of this album. Everyone hates it. haha, nah, everyone loves it, except me, who thinks its average compared to what I expected. A good album, but nothing more than that.
  10. I am booked in to an expo at th eExhibition Centre in June. Obviously not going ahead. Just heard it's been rescheduled for November. Who knows if it will go ahead then. Also have a wholesale gift fair booked for August, likely that will be set back to September. This is pretty important for businesses as it allows retailers to find new suppliers. And the government is all about getting the economy back on track etc. Talk of the NRL and AFL coming back sooner than expected. BUT Geoff does have a point re bands. Maiden said they will rescedule, likely they won't. It's not so much about what is allowed to happen, and even bands wanting to tour. Will be more about being able to attract a crowd. People will be careful as fuck for a year or two, vaccine or not. In the mentime worth checking out Sammy Hagar And the Circle doing their hook up video link songs. actually comes off pretty well. Good to see some bands doing sometjing nice for their fans, but then Sammy was always pretty cool like that after the pressure was off having made a gazillion dollars in Tequila etc.
  11. Doubt I'll be able to like Fire And Ice
  12. Still no concerts here. Kiss and Motley haven'y been discussed here, which is kinda surprising. Are Kiss going to pick up the farewell tour? and now possibly include Australia dates? Or have they played their last gig? Saw somewhere that someone from MC came out and said they it likely won't happen now as some members (Mick) find it harder and harder to tour. Maiden postponed here. There were still some tix which I was looking at, but now I'll wait until the new date is announced and hopefully pick up some better tickets from people who can no longer make it / don't want to be in crowds any more.
  13. Dabbled with it, and so far comes off as one of those albums where it's a gonna take some time and repeated listens to get into.
  14. I haven't heard it at all yet, but can say that it's better than HEAT
  15. Never really did this band, but somehow ended up with this album so giving it a go. Your Betrayal The Last Fight A Place Where You Belong Pleasure And Pain Bittersweet Memories Breaking Out, Breaking Down all great songs. Will have to check out more from them. A lot like Sonic Syndicate for me.
  16. Mentioned this one the other day. One of my faves
  17. CureTheSane


    I agree with most of that. No so sure about China. They were the origin and had less of an idea about how to handle this than anyone, and given the circumstnces, probably handled it as well as possible. Communism helped them get a handle on it. The Land Of The Free didn't entertain most of what China did for too long for fear of being labeled as totalitarian. But again, hard to blame any actions in this. Reminds me of a bunch of people who come out and cried on Facebook that we should have done more earlier. my simple responce was "post a screenshot of your comments calling for it back then" Hindsight is king. My daughter was at the shops yesterday (she works in a retail shop still open) and went to the supermarket and saw hand wash pump soaps. Limit of 2 per customer. So she bought 1. because there wasn't much and wanted to leave more for others. Problem is that we are pretty much out, and to get more will have to venture out to possibly infected people contact to find more.
  18. Of course this in nearly impossible. Top 100 would be way easier and every day the list would change slightly depending on how I feel. But below are 10 pretty safe songs to be in any top 20 or 30 that I might do. Until you Suffer Some (Fire And Ice) – Poison Poison Apples – Motley Crue Love (I Don’t Need It Anymore) – Union Take The Dog Off The Chain – Babylon A.D. Call Paul Stanley – Bad City Can’t Stop Lovin’ You – Van Halen Wanna Be The One – Haywire Promise The Moon – Dangerous Toys Face Down – Hot Action Cop Touch – Bad City
  19. Gave this a listen last night. Certainly got that euro theatrical feel to it. I mean I'll find a few nice songs on it, but for me, they are getting very close to the WASP amount of double bass drum. This is what killed WASP for me eventually. And before that I loved the double bass drum, but once WASP made album after album flooded with it I started to hate it
  20. CureTheSane


    It was Carol Baskin
  21. I Love You, Man was on the other night. Shit gets better every time I watch it. Classic movie.
  22. CureTheSane


    I've been watching Canada, as we were 'neck and neck' for a while in the infected rate. Unfortunatley I think you're double us now. The most sucky thing about the hoarders right now is that people couldn't get some shit for weeks. Now as it starts appearing on the shelves again, thise who didn't hoard are buying it all because 1) they need it because they haven't been able to get it 2) they are worried it won't be back again for ages so grabbing it while they can. Even with limits of 1 or 2 per person, the shelves aren't still staying full. What this means is that people like me are having to hit up 3 times as many shops to get what I need. This isn't helping infection rates with everyone doing this also. Supermarkets have started limiting the number of people instore at a time now here. Not sure how widely this has been spread, but I heard the other day how they define it as being 'over' When 2 infection cycles go by with no new infections, that's it. So a cycle here is 2 weeks for corona, so if a country goes 4 without a new infection, then they are clean. Shows just how long we have in store until shit starts to get better.
  23. CureTheSane


    So a question for other countries you guys have it far worse than anybody wlse, with around a quarter of all cases. Our news from overseas is somewhat fragements and Australia-centric at the moment. We hear the odd comment, like Trump saying it will all be better by Easter, etc What is the general feeling over there? Here, we are settling in for another 5 or 6 months of staying at home. We are very fortunate that we were in surplus as a country going into this, so are in a far better position than most, and can endure longer. But the US doesn't have the same capacity (much larger population) or the health care, and also are dealing with this huge amount of cases. So how long do you guys see this as going on? How screwed do you think your country will be coming out of this? People in Europe and the UK, how do you guys endure? You're all kind of connected (especially Europe) What is being said? Do you feel like you're getting the big picture?
  24. Had this and Dangerous Obsession on my list to get to for a while now and just gave this one a listen for the second time. I had dabbled with them before I wasn't much of a fan. Kind of a Steevie Rachelle vocal style which takes a little bit of getting used to, but I'm starting to dig it Catch The World Sweet Suffer In Pain Last Drifter Share The Space Galaxy Rider are the standouts so far Glad I have a few albums like this to occupy myself with for the next 6 months or so of corona lock down
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