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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Agree probably their worst album. Only keepers for me were The Groover Mountains And Sunsets Sleeping In The Worlds Smallest Bed
  2. Yeah, saw that recently. I think it was the first seson. Pretty cutting edge given when it would have first aired.
  3. So I've made my selections from this. My keepers are Headlights Lights & Shadows Disco Volante Tonight Midnight Cruiser Young Hearts solid album, little bit removed from what I normally go for, but like i said, good music is good music
  4. lol What happens in China... Damn how fucked up did that become
  5. I didn't see that, but the wealth is being shared in China to a large degree, and overall living conditions are improving. My suppliers keep on raising prices, and the reason I get are that the younger workers are much more westernised and want to party and go to bars and nightclubs and this costs money, so they ask for more, and gradually pay rates raise. Where I regularly go, there are 3 McDonalds withing 50m of each other. I won't even start of the infrastructure and the scale of what is happening over there. It still blows my mind when I tracel from city to city and the sides of some roads are lined with 10 to 20 storey buildings for miles and miles. But there still is a long way to go. The labor that is used to make my products is dirt cheap still, and it would be absolutely impossible to have them produced here or in the US for half the cost. But what the people see is life generally getting better, and overall, those I know well over there are pretty happy.
  6. The Chinbese aren't starving. You don't see ice cream stands there, you see queues of people lining up for squids on a stick. You wank down the streets and schoolgirls are eating their squids. Just because it's different doesn't make it bad. That said, I've been to wet markets, lots of crazy stuff there. Same with the Chinese medicine shops. I enjoy China, and the people there are generally extremely nice. I tend to defend it to others who don't really know it ay all. But there is merit that this did all come from a lab. I still lean towards come kind of weird food. But their figures don't make sense. 2 or 3 cases per day with th epopulation and closed living conditions they have? Nope But then I know people in China and trust them. They say that they are all back to normal now and covid is not a concern any more.
  7. I agree. Men and women should compete against each other in the Olympics, and all sports. There should be one worldwide ruling justice system. One awesome worldwide healthcare system that allows full care for everyone. I could go one sarcastically, but people want easy and quick andswers and THEY JUST AREN'T THERE For every issue that exists, there are reasons, excuses, etc Women are syill the only sex who can carry a baby. They generally need 4 weeks at least after it is born to recover/care for the baby. Some choose to stay at home longer. Nothing wrong with this, but it doesn't hel;p them in the workplace, where some employers want/need consistency. Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate for equal pay and responsibilities, but everything is not as cut and dry as some would like it to me. When you mention healthcare, I presume you are including the starving and sick in third world countries? I mean, sure, we all want that eutopia. No famine, no poverty. Just won't happen. Some things can be changed, and mindsets can be altered. Some people will give more respect to blacks now, just like they did after Rodney King, but mark my words, in a month or so, all these protesters will go back to their lives, no longer active and caught up in the movement and oit will all peter out, just like it did 20 years ago. In the wake of this, some people will improve and be better, Some.
  8. I'm sure you'll be shocked to discover that I think HS is their best album
  9. Never much of a Hoodoo Gurus fan Good Times was great 1000 Miles Away was good The rest - meh. And for me When The war Is Over is uncoverable. Johnny Farnham or not, nothing touches the opriginal.
  10. It's a delicate issue. Not one I'm overly prepared to be involved in an open discussion about. Types words are easily misinterpreted and I don't want to go through having to defend my comments for how I meant them rather than how they were interpreted. What I will say, if that KROF hit the nail on the head with the word generations. Gradually things are changing. My kids and their friends are very different to me and mine at the same ages. Much more tolerant, more accepting, less passive racism/sexism/homophobia/etc Growing up, if something was lame, we said it was 'gay' If things like that ever slipped out to my kids growing up they'd be horrified and us older people learnt that times were changing and we needed to as well. My fathers generation is stll very racist/homophobic/etc, mine has adapted somewhat, and my childrens childred will be on a new level of acceptance and equality. it will all happen in time. We will see if it can be forced I guess.
  11. I LOVE this song. Love how there is a guitar solo only one minute in. Chorus at the start and the end, with verses in the middle Ian Moss sings the first two verses and then Jimmy Barnes the third Kind of can be interpreted as a good sum up of 2020 so far.
  12. Papa Roach - Who Do You Trust? Great album, one of their best
  13. I haven't given this enough time yet to form an opinion. I've struggled with Dynazty a bit. Heard it a few times, but that band usually takes a bit longer for me, lieke 5FDP and a few otehrs. I thought Stephen Pearcy would be the same, but after maybe 10 listens I could only find 2 1/2 keepers
  14. Well to be fair, I think "what the fuck" about most things you write That explains the Sambora thing. Was wondering if it was a Bon Jovi reference. Wondering what Richie did now... Anyway, probably time for an avatar change. I'll go with something more in line with my tag.
  15. Chris said on Facebook that they were 2 short of an album last week, so I dare say it will happen. The Heat Is On is great, definately one of my favorites. Only ones I wasn't a big fan of was the Rocky and the James Bond songs. Nothing wrong with the covers, just not a fan of the originals.
  16. Year, I just moved my pile of books to read from beside my bed. Guess what, I NEVER read anything in bed, so best I try somewhere else. This one may be ok. Always saw Tesla as a fairly sensible band, but maybe that is way off?
  17. We have protests on Saturday for Aboriginal inequity. Stupid timing, they are just feeding off the sentiment of what is happening in the US. We are doing so well with covid, and this can really fuck it all up. They are claiming it as an 'essential service' even though public gatherings are still banned. Our state leader is too shit scared to hand out fines, which would help to the tune of 50 million if the claimed 30,000 turn up Would be interesting to see if fines started coming out if people would get violent. Probably. Anyway, fuckheads. If this causes a big second spike, then I'll be pissed.
  18. Stoopid Aussie reporters have put themselves in the line of fire over and over just trying to create a headline.
  19. Yeah, it seems Trump supporters will never be convinced he's dome anything wrong, ever. Likewise, it seems anti Trump people will never accept that he has ever done something right. It's almost like he is a religion Never convince anyone away from their views.
  20. Who is Sambora? Did I miss something? I generally agree with all of your post. Trump, love him or hate him, has also done a bunch of other good things, which have reveived little to no credit. There are no real guidelines for a pandemic. well I'm sure tehre are now, but in the end, America did something wrong. I don't know what, but the numbers are comparatively huge to other large nations. Then the only link the virus has to the riots is that I'm sure some of the violence was born out of iso frustration and anger and what they are doing is making the virus situation worse with large close gatherings.
  21. My perception of the media, here, but particuarly over there, is that they will find any anglle the blame Trump for anything and everything. People won't think of Trump for a second when they look back at all the riots etc in 10 years. Corona may get him though. He made a lot of comments he had to backflip on. no problems with that generally, but as the President, he should have been more cautious and said less, until he knew more about it all. His advisors may have let him off the leash, or maybe he ignored them. But things can change quickly. if America develops a vaccine, he may undo a lot of the damage done.
  22. Yeah, I never said that. I compared the US to Australia, where like it or not, racism is much less. Please, draw some conclusions for me as to why all these people holding up signs saying "I Can't Breathe" and "black Lives Matter" is not based on what these people (a lot of people) are considering an inequity in society over there based on colour. What we see is a whole lot of people rioting, protesting and filling up Facebook feeds etc, complaining about racism in the US. Please, tell me how we have misinterpreted this? Tell me it's a small section of society (a minority if you like) who are complaining. Tell me they all are basing their conclusions on the death of one black man by one white man and that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE are just on the racism bandwagon and otherwise don't see any racism in their societies.
  23. You seriously think we are on the same scale of racism as some Americans? We have the same issues? I'm a Swans fan, I know all about the racism taht exists here. I was at games where Adam Goodes was booed because he advocated Aboriginal rights publicly as Australia Of teh Year. I saw the worst in people making crude comments on Facebook and the like. What I didn't see was rioting in teh streets nationwide. Not for any AFL player, not for black deaths in custody (and we've had them), not for anything What is happening in the US is (somewhat) a result of years of frustration with persecution and different sets of rules. They are dealing with 13% of a black population compared to our 3%. You mentioned Dandenong, and hell, yeah, I can see a lot of racism coming out of there, but I still don't see what is going on in the US.
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