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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. CureTheSane


    Toilet paper, packet pasta, nappies, hand sanitiser, paper towel, tissues, paracetemol, probably a few others that perople are clearing out. Whatever happens with the virus will happen, not much we can really do in the big scheme of things. Hasn't impacted my main business yet, but had the first school tour cancel my otehr business today because of the virus. I am supposed to be going to China end of June - unlikely to happen now. The way this will impact the world economy is yet to be seen, and it will be big. What's happening now will have a flow on effect regardless of whether the virus is sorted tomorrow. I can't get shipments out of China because the docks are barren. Factpories will have a backlog when things get back on track. The Aussie doller is pretty shit as well.
  2. Werird, my opinion was pretty much the opposite of that (samey and production) Sometimes it really just depends on the mood you're in on first listen. Even subsequent listens - I was listening to Alchemy today earlier on, and was really digging everything. Listened again tonight and it was all a bit meh. (although I had already moved the best songs to a save folder, so it was only 'the rest' I was listening to)
  3. Ok. so I've listened to it once. Expectations were low because of the HEAT let down, as well as a bit of criticism here. So overall, I loved it. For me it shits all over HEAT in most ways. Changes of tempo, production, hooks, melody, song order, etc. Harry's vocals can be a bit samey in that he doesn't vary his sound much, which is ok, if the music fits, and here it does. Also less heavy than some of their recent stuff, which I think addsa lot to the songs each being a little more differentsounding and varied. Not going to compare to otehr albums more than that but on first listen I REALLY enjoyed pretty much every song, which is pretty rare for me. Either all or most of them will be keepers, or repeated listens will make some songs a bit boring and mundane. Time will tell, but so far so good.
  4. Yeah, I thought that until I spent time in London and had 'Feel' rammed into my head every time I came near any speaker. Eventually it grew on me and I ended up buying the CD at an airport. I knew a few of his songs - Let Me Entertain You, Rock DJ, Angels, etc but I went through his older music with an open mind and was completely sold. A year or so later he toured and it was the 3rd best concert I've seen. Don't expect many here to have even heard any of his songs, but I have no issues saying that I am a fan.
  5. Can understand why. Not sure why I ever felt inspired to give it a go. usually I avoid the albums from fragmented band members who aren't singers, especially drummers But it was a pleasant surprise.
  6. Yeah, I'm just about to pick up Robbie Williams tickets at his only Aistralian show for 2020 after the F1 grand prix qualifying next weekend.. Range from $60 GA to $120 for platinum seats. And the best bit is that he will show up. Soooo happy I didn't get tix for MRF
  7. Just read it's been relocated to The Croxton Park Hotel. I'm not really familiar with this venue, and therefore suspected that it was fairly small. A quick google seach revealed that its capacity is only 900 people. Not sure what numbers they had hoped for, but this seems really low for what was a 3 day event and has now become a 1 day event.
  8. I like Dynazty and Kissin' Dynamite, but both bands (for me) are of the type where you go in to a new album knowing that it's going to take repeated listens before songs start to stand out and that it will generally be worth it. Probably two of the heavier bands I listen to new material from these days.
  9. OIf this is being likened to Cats In Space, then I'll defs give it a fair go. As for Gotthard, I really like their newer stuff, a lot. I personally think a lot of it comes close to Steve's stuff. just my opinion and I know I'm in the minority, if not all alone....
  10. Been following this on Facebook for what that's worth. Seems poor ticket sales didn't allow for flights to be paid for, and although visas were claimed to be an issue, it was counter claimed that at least some of them were arranged. I remeber talking to Jason McMaster a long time ago, and I was asking him if he had plans to come to Australia. Bit of backwards and forwards and I asked what it would take. Here is his response... what kinda money can you guaantee? also gear, transportation,airfare for 5,hotels for five. all gotta be included in the package. let me know what you can find out. haha, for a second I actually considered looking into if I could pull off some kind of pub tour or whatever, but I really had no idea how to go about it. At the time I was holed up for 9 months with a pretty badly broken leg, so I was desperate for something to occupy my time, but in the ned, no way was I even going to try something like that. Had I tried, no doubt I would have found myself in much deeper shit than Melodic Rock Fest have gotten themselves into. Glad I left tix to the last minute, and hadn't got them yet...
  11. I have a great relationship with my balls. We are like kindred spirits. I am always well aware of how they are feeling.
  12. I've never really done this band before either. Maybe some songs I've heard were to synthy and/or poppy? That's usually the reason. The song above reminds me of a Flashdance type thing - the dancing girls in it probably help that thought. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I didn't mind the song at all. I'll probably get to them some time with an open mind and see how it goes. Edit: Just listened to some more samples, and this may be stating the obvious, but a pretty huge 80's vibe to them all. I get a Gerorgio Morodo feel, sometimes Xanadu, sometimes DiAnno (the band that released on poppyish album) I think when I give them a go they will at least be easy listening. probably the kind of thing I can put on at work for a pretty large cross section of customers
  13. Just saw there are still some Maiden tickets available for Melbourne. Saw the Brazil Legacy Of The Beast show on youtube and it was pretty good (except they didn't play Wasted Years for some reason) Tix are $150 so not cheap, but I haven't seen them since 1985, so what the hell.
  14. Listened to this album properly a couple of times now and I like it. Died a bit in the end for me, but further listens may change that feeling. Cursed, What It Takes and Hero are the standouts for me so far.
  15. Eye Of The Storm never did it for me I guess I am one of the ones who appreciated what they did on the last album, albeit in the minority,m and it seems what they have done here appeals to a large section of fans, so good for them. In the end, they need masses to like their music. Pheudo Echo tried deviating from what the majority of their fans wanted and died in the arse, even though Race is an amazing album (for me) In the same vein, if Maiden had continued with the mainstream sound of Wasted Years, I would have stayed on board, but they got all experimental and Dream Theatreish.
  16. But % the system is gosphel Overall I'd rate the alnum as an OK album. Some great songs, but overall, as an album, I find it syrupy in the production, with very little variance. To be fair, I will compare it to the last album. Redefined has that killer drum beat, background guitar riff and feels like it flows naturally. Vocals are in the lower range Shit City is catchy as hell, and the vibe of the song is more like this recent album, but it is broken up with the verses being very different to the chorus. Time On Our Side has that regular build up and drops off to the keys and drums, again, variance within the song. Best Of The Broken starts with claps with an almost acapalla vibe before it moves into a more standard vibe, but comes back down for the verses. Blind Leads The Blind has that Maidenesque bridge vocals before it heads into the rocking chorus, pretty standard rocks, but catchy as hell. We Rule standard ballad Into The Great Unknown is an epic song which most eitehr love or hate. I love it. A thumping backbeat with a hooky chorus and lots of different 'solos' throughout. So much variance make a great album, and while I really like some songs of this new one, I think I will be a lot happier when I separate the 4 of 5 tracks I keep from the rest of the album.
  17. All of these songs are from the 2009 album Rock N Roll Circuz Kinda weird to redo only songs from one album, probably because he get more $$$ by re-releasing it. Like I said, The Road sounded no different to me.
  18. From Facebook We are proud to present the first teaser of our upcoming album. A truly exciting album for us that has already given us a lot back. This is a sneak peak of our first single ”Higher Ground”. We will play this one on the gigs with H.E.A.T and CRASHDÏET this weekend. A little treat for those of you who got tickets to these shows 😏 The full song will be released the 20th of March. Use this link to make sure you don’t miss that! 👽 https://orcd.co/higher_ground The clip is embedded in Facebook, so do a search there if you wanna hear it. Sounds really great though
  19. That's why I miss out on posting on a lot of new album release threads and am always Johnny come lately. Because I wait until it's had 6 - 10 spins so I really get a good feel for it. Based on this, sometimes after a first listen I KNOW I will never like the song. But this it pretty rare. usually I can oust a couple after a few listens for specific reasons, then I let the rest drum into my brain. Rare that a lot of time goes by and I have a change of heart, but it does happen. I didn't like God Of Thunder for like 20 years, and eventually I got it lol Same with Drive by The Cars. Hated it. Was all over radio until we couldn't bare it. Then years went by and I heard it again and I could appreciate it. I remember a guy on the old Metal Edge forums ( a long time ago) - rucknut. He reckoned that he could instantly assess any song on one listen I I felt sorry for him as I think that is total crap and he missed out on a lot of music. He was very proud of his music collection and ability to listen to pretty much every song written though.
  20. Nah if there are only 2 or 3 songs I don't care for it's a fucking great album for me. Dr. Feelgood has a couple of tracks I don't like. Hysteria has a couple as well. Appetite For Desrtuction has some very average songs for me, but also some killer tracks sometimes the amazing albums end up having tracks that might be the best songs on a lesser album but amongst the great songs they seem shitter. On the other hand, I was listiening to First Signal the other day. I picked it because every song of the 2010? album made my best of folder. All the songs are good, but only a couple of killer tracks, so overally a great album but only great, as even though every song is good and enjoyable to listen to, nothing that really wants me to make the devil sign and jump to my feet.
  21. Still a stupid concept to me. Just stick with shit, ok, good, great, excellent an d on RARE occasions, perfect How anyone can say, "oh, this one is a 9.75 and the next track is a 9.8" is just weird Sometimes people like to be so specialist and expert in these things. I don't profess to be, I simply like what I like. I get an album, then I listen to it, cut out the shit and save the good songs. A good album for me has at least 50% tracks I like enough not to throw to the curb. But then I'm just as happy to find 3 killer tracks only off a 12 track album and save them, disgarding the 9. All about saving the music I like and want to hear again without wasting my time on shittier songs.
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