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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. CureTheSane


    Sorry, but if nothing else, the whole world has been careful in how they are dealing with the virus. If you have a better plan, present it. Testing the entire population is obviously not an option.
  2. CureTheSane


    The normal flu will take vastly many more lives this year as 1. Socal distancing for coronavirus will reduce transmission of the seasonal flu 2. Many more people will be getting flu shots. I think its widely accepted that coronavirus causes more fatalities than the regular flu. There's no argument to be had there. The dilema is that this won't go away for 1 - 2 years (or more) without a vaccine. I believe that once you've had the virus, the antibodies stay in your system and can create false positives. This is why they have not yet agreed that the virus can be picked up twice. I would say that by now there would be some strong evidence of that if iy were the case. One person is not a gauge. 100 people getting it twice is not really an indicator either. There will be anomolies and obscure cases.
  3. CureTheSane


    So America should conduct 330 million tests? I'm pretty sure all available tests there are bing used right now. Not sure about Canada, but I doubt Americans will agree to any form of tracking. In Australia, as of 8th May, we have 29% of smartphone users over 14 years of age who have downloaded the CovidSAFE app. Target is minimum 40% which we may not reach, but amazing that over 20% of the total population have decided to download a tracking app.
  4. CureTheSane


    Then why get tested?
  5. CureTheSane


    We are entering easing of restrictions. They are recommending pretty much anyone get tested, no real requirements of symptoms needed. "If you feel a little off, get tested" Every state is winding back pretty fast except for mine, Victoria, because of our leader Kim Jong-Andrews.
  6. Awww, fuck, just read up to see if any I listed were laready done, and saw your comment about recent bands with debuts. So some of mine can be scratched in that case. *** althought many I listed are from seemingly one off collaborations, or bands who maybe haven't split up but it's been a long time since albums anyway.
  7. Apologies if any of these have been mentioned already... Addiction Alchemy Bar 7 Bloody Heals Bridgeville Candy Harlots Charlotte Dracula Gogmagog Hair Force One Josh Todd Kee Of Hearts Laney's Legion Metal Shop Night By Night Operator Reece-Kronlund Rubicon Cross Saints Of The Underground Snakeskyn Whiskey Stacey Blades Sweet & Lynch Tales From The Porn The End Machine The Fuzz Drivers Tokyo Motor Fist Toymakers Dream We Are Harlot X-Drive
  8. haha Not really, she went all indie-punk-modern with a bit id screamo nixed in, That said, she;s been to a Kiss concert with me and was looking at coming to Legacy Of The Beast tour before it got postponed to 2021 (likely 2022 in Australian leg) What I am most proud of is that she is still very anti drugs which is kinda big in the scene she's in.
  9. This is the first song of my daughter's partners band - Excuse For An Exit. For those who remember, my daughter, Paris, was in Greyview and they release an album a year or so ago. A few months ago they broke up, so she is looking at getting a new band together, playing guitar rather than bass this time. Anyway, I like this song quite a lot. See what you think. Paris makes an appearance at the 1:00 minute mark with a guitar. clip was made with restrictions in place obviously.
  10. For me Donnie is kicking EZN asses. I need to track downa couple of his solo albums, but I really like all of Wrapped Around My Middle Finger Just Enough! Beautiful Things
  11. Had a few spins now. No issues with sound quality. Stand outs are Is It Love My Vicious Way One For The Road A few others may be late bloomers, but I'm always happy to pick up a few songs from an album. If I was rating it, overall it would be pretty average I guess.
  12. Not sure what I was on about there,must have got my wires crossed with anotehr cover on an album when I commented. Of course I know the song. One of those ones that you heard 1000 times whetehr you wanted to or not. This version is far better than the Savage Garden one. Never a fan of them, but the whole damn country was for a while.
  13. There seemed to be a more varied range on the first, and also more shared vocals at times which brought it all down a bit. Frustrating as the music is great, just hard to deal with the vocals. Prime for some cover versions.
  14. Thought The First Wave was a pretty good album and have been tracking down the subsequent albums. Sadly Rob Moratti decided to sing at the very top of his range after the first album, right through the next 3. I'm talking chipmunks range here - no shit, it actually sounds a bit like the chipmunks.... Sad that they decided to go in this direction, but damhn tose songs just are too hard to get used to
  15. Listening to this a second time. (late again I know) Hoping that repeated listend will let it grow. Songs I like most are What Do Ya Think, I Can't take It and Summers End the rest is very meh Don't expect Ratt (nor do I necessarily want Ratt) just good songs.
  16. When I think rogressive I think Dream Theatre, and I've tried many times to get into that, and I can appreciate the musicianship, but I just can't get into the songs.
  17. I really hate the original song, and I expected to really hate this cover. But it was Enuffed enough to make it listenable.
  18. I'm OK with both Enuff and Donnie solo stuff. Like 'em both. I also think this song was pretty weak. Did everyone see Donnie's lockdown cover? Actually much better than I thought.
  19. I try not to judge based on what others say and if its in a genre I'm not really in to. Last year I was watching TV late and on cam a concert by Old dominion. Couldn't be bothered getting up for the remote so watched the whole show and actually enjoyed pretty much all songs. Anyway, I listened to the rest of Threshold and enjoyed it enough to commit to. Not sure when I'll get to older albums, but not opposed to it.
  20. Never dabbled in Threshold. Progressive tag probably put me off. But this one has been on my list for agaes for whatever reason. My three thoughts 1. Some songs I am digging - Stars And Satellites probably more, as it's one of the less progressive probably 2. Some songs remind me of Cats In Space - well a second tier CIS 3. Damn it's hard to give this a good listen because the songs are so... damn... long I'll keep on persisting with it...
  21. NRL are killing it in this. On the front foot and striving for a goal. They may not get there as soon as they want, but at least they have a plan. And I reckon they will start up close to when they want to and they will be leading the way. NRL has more games to get through and also needs to get going financially more desperately.
  22. Different story here in Victoria. Our premier is taking the hardest of lines with all this and we will have stricter measures in place for a longer time than otehr states. Currently a hinderance to getting the AFL season going, but soon enough I'd say that it will kick off in anotehr state of two. Possibly the grand final will be playes in SA or WA where there will likely be crowds able to go and be there.
  23. The Hunt is awesome, so is movie 43 Recently saw Extraction - pretty good, enjoyable the way through. Fantasy Island - big departure from the old TV show, but they did it well. Enjoyed it. The Rhythm Section - meh Arkansas - meh
  24. CureTheSane


    I remember Robbie Muir from my old footy cards, which I still have. An ugly son of a bitch for sure. Remember going to one of the last games at Brunswick Street Oval, not sure if it was the last, but it was the last for me (the Swans played them) Was the last game I remember seeing at a suburban ground, save Optus Oval or Kardinia Park.
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