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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Finally got a chance to check out the samples last night. Sounds pretty good to these ears. Of course, they'd sound even better with a real guitarist in the band, but I guess they had to settle for whoever was available at the time...
  2. You know what they say, a fool and his money are soon parted. Got mine from CD Universe for a grand total of $12.98, including shipping. I'm not an accountant, but I'm pretty sure my price is better than your price. You might want to check your order status from CD Universe. I tried ordering it from them a few days ago too, and when I finalized my order I soon noticed that it was immediately on backorder until an unspecified date. I promptly cancelled my order and found it elsewhere. Yeah, they told me that too. I let it ride and the next day they said they found additional stock and my CD was shipped. It's called patience...sometimes it pays off.
  3. You know what they say--one man's trash is another man's treasure. As Tim will verify, I am a "lite thrash" fan, and this stuff is right up my alley. Just checked out a couple of samples and immediately added them to my never-ending to-buy list. Thanks for the "recommendation," Tim!
  4. You know what they say, a fool and his money are soon parted. Got mine from CD Universe for a grand total of $12.98, including shipping. I'm not an accountant, but I'm pretty sure my price is better than your price.
  5. Latest acquisition... Corpus Christi: "The Darker Shades of White" (Christian screamcore/metal band)
  6. OK, I probably should've just PM'd Tim(2) with info. on these guys, as he'll most likely be the only other person on the boards interested, but what the heck. While this is technically a Christian band (their name means body of Christ), the lyrics aren't preachy, with only the occasional line here & there showing evidence of their faith. They cite influences such as As I Lay Dying and Killswitch Engage, which should give you an idea of the sound they're going for. Heavy, lots of screaming, (mostly) cleanly-sung choruses, solid production. Here's the link to their MySpace page: Corpus Christi Myspace page What they do, they do pretty well, methinks.
  7. +1 (C'mon, it had to be done...you were begging for it.)
  8. Did you physically beat him for the request? I think he mildly beat him... As long as he hurt I'm happy. I told him "Fuck, no" in my sternest voice and possibly hurt his feelings...does that count?
  9. You've heard this modern melodic hard rock sound before, but damn, these guys do it so well that they deserve to be upper echelon, not unknown. Beefy guitars, strong production, the kind of hooks you can hang a hat on, plenty of backing vocals...you get the drift. Can't see why the modern rock fans on these boards wouldn't eat this one up. I know they just went on my to-buy list.
  10. Yeah Mark, I was wondering...who is Al Maniac? And how did you meet him? (I ask because your moniker 'metalmaniac777' apparently has nothing to do with actual metal music.) Yeah, I can see why you would say that, me being a fan of the following bands an' all: Halford Judas Priest Metallica Megadeth Primal Fear Sinner Testament Unrest Rob Zombie Deliverance All That Remains Trivium The Showdown In Flames Death Angel Armored Saint Demon Hunter Sanctity Shadows Fall Yep, clearly I should surrender my "metal moniker" right now...
  11. I love your vehemence, my friend, but this really comes down to personal preference, does it not? You prefer the classics, I prefer (often, but not always, mind you) the remakes. I don't have to have "a leg to stand on," because all that matters is what entertains me. You're not entertained by these remakes, don't watch 'em...just like I don't often watch the classics. You also seem to infer that I only watch these glossy American remakes, as if they are my only horror fodder. Not true. I have seen most of Takashi Miike's movies (even owned Audition for awhile...great ending, though the film is a little on the slow side), am currently loving the new extreme horror coming out of France (Haute Tension, Inside, Martyrs, Frontiers, etc.), and even have some German gore films (Barricade, for example). So just because I enjoy the remakes, don't assume I am not a "real horror fan." Or go ahead and assume if you like...we all know by know you're a person with strong opinions, and I can respect that, even if I don't necessarily hold to them.
  12. Good afternoon, Eric Brittingham Do you have something that will warm up Widda's cold ass? Buttmuffs.
  13. FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009) Jason is far & away my favorite slasher and I was psyched to see this latest incarnation. The movie isn't perfect, but none of the Friday the 13ths are, and this one did an decent job of merging the old with the new. Good cinematography, good direction, a badass Jason (he actually moves fast again!), lots of kills, tons of norks (topless waterskiing, baby!) and just enough red stuff to keep us gorehounds happy...though they really should have pushed the violence further, IMO.
  14. Your fucking ass is only 50 degrees? I've heard of coldhearted bitches, but never a cold-assed bitch...
  15. I just told a mildly-retarded inmate that he can't move to another cell.
  16. Sorry, Leykiss, but I'm going to disagree with your original rant. I'm a horror fan, and I readily acknowledge the "classics," but I also have no problem with them being remade, reimagined, reinvented, rebooted, or whatever they want to call it, and more often than not, I prefer the updated version because I appreciate the slicker production values. Now, do I wish the American movie industry came up with more original ideas for horror films? Absolutely. But the recent "reimaginings" of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes were fantastic, and I found the updated Hitcher, Halloween, and Friday the 13th to be pretty good too. Unlike you, I couldn't be happier they're remaking The Last House on the Left. The original, while admittedly sticking with you like a dirty piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe, isn't great cinema by any stretch of the imagination, I don't care how you spin it. I like a modicum of entertainment when watching my horror flicks and the original Last House on the Left didn't entertain me one iota, and that lack of entertainment had nothing to do with the subject matter. So I guess you can keep your gritty, poorly-produced, amateurishly-acted, mucho-beloved 70s horror movies and I'll stick to the slick, glossy, high-budget, FX-filled modern horror films of today (but only the R-rated ones...I like gore, not that pussified PG-13 crap). C'mon, man, even you have to admit that at least the remake of The Hills Have Eyes was far better than the original...
  17. C'mon, man, just look at her picture...you can tell she's a real ball-buster.
  18. I love a good stab in the dark! Uh, wait a minute, what are we talking about again?
  19. Wouldn't be the first guy you've called dreamy...
  20. RED: "Innocence & Instinct" It's simple, really--if you liked "End of Silence," you'll like this newie. Kudos to the band for not switching their sound despite the fact that their nu-metal-esque style is quickly fading from vogue. To my ears, they still sound like a heavier version of Linkin Park, albeit with more melody and much better songs. My instincts tell me not a whole lot of people here at Heavy Harmonies will bother with this, but those of you who are into modern hard rock/metal might find it enjoyable.
  21. That's what my renegade local indie music store owner did. Still sucked for him though, 'cause he didn't have the CD available the day it came out, which is when a lot of people wanted it, so he still lost a ton of business to Wal-Mart. When I asked him how he felt about that, he replied, "Fuck Wal-Mart," which I thought summed up his feelings quite nicely.
  22. In my opinion, nothing is wrong. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, as they say. I'm with you guys, so I guess that makes a whopping 3 of us that don't see anything wrong with the cover. No, it's not the greatest album art of all time and certainly doesn't belong in a museum next to the Mona Lisa, but it's perfectly serviceable. Eh, whatever. It really comes down to the music, and that's what I'm waiting for. Based on the samples, I expect a couple of duds, some decent filler, and a handful of really great tunes. In other words, a typical Stryper album.
  23. Music good. Vocals bad. Production good. Vocals bad. (Sorry, Tim.)
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