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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. You can hire me, in the end your home will look better but I won't.
  2. When I take a day off to work around the house I usually end up causing bodily injury, pissing off Mrs. Jeff or breaking something. Looks like today I might be 3 for 3. 1. I needed to rent a floor grinder to take some adhesive off the cement in the basement before I tile it. I get the grinder downstairs and decide to test it out. Works great! The cement dust rises and the floor turns to a beautifully sanded concrete color. Only problem, I forgot to turn the furnace off and the entire house filled with concrete dust in the 10 seconds I was testing. Mrs. Jeff pissed, check. 2. Now the floor grinder couldn't reach the very edge of the floor near the wall. No problem, I put a masory disk on my angle grinder and away I go. Works great! The cement dust rises and the edge of the floor turns to a beautifully sanded concrete. But I got tired and in a hurry, my back got sore and I wasn't paying attention. I didn't realize my head was under the sink and when I lifted my head I bumped it, no big deal but I lost my balance, put my right hand on the floor to brace myself but ended up placing one of my fingers into the angle grinder (picture below). Bodily injury, check. 3. With concrete dust everywhere I started cleaning and washing clothes as Mrs. Jeff returns from work just after midnight. I just opened the washer and I see I washed my iPhone headphones. I'll be damned if they don't LOOK brand new! Now, once they dry out if they happen to work and maybe work better, then today will be a good day. I'm guessing they won't work. Break something, most likely, check.
  3. Sorry, 2 CD, not DVD. Not sure why I keep doing that. Must be this new almond milk I've been drinking.
  4. Buckcherry - All Night Long (cd + DVD combo) I have not loved what I have heard so far of this but it was on sale for $9.99 at Best Buy over the weekend and they sent me a free $10 coupon for no particular reason so I figured what the heck....it's pretty much free.
  5. Sex-Rated Female fronted sleaze/metal - some demo stuff out http://www.myspace.com/sexrated69
  6. The album is bloody good, esp the first 6 or 7 songs! Im amazed to say its up there with Hardcore Superstar and Crashdiet. Very nice. Just started spinning this one the other day and they are definitely moving up the Best of 2010 list. This is going to be a tough year to make a distinct Top 5, many are going to be interchangeable. But no complaints here!
  7. Apart from a few which have already been released, they are the ones which really excite me! Just a word on the new Bad Habit which is due for release on 21st Jan - I heard a song from it on ARFM last night and it was absolutely awesome!!!! Back to 'Revolution' quality. High hopes for this!! Re Steelhouse Lane, the last I heard was that the third album will happen. Mike Slamer is in talks, but there's no way this will be a 2011 release - more like 2012 or 2013. Also the following should be high on the killer list - Steel Panther - only heard one track so far called 'Critter' as as you would expect is is way funny and killer!!! HEAT - Cant wait to see what Erik brings to their third studio album. Journey - A concept album, but I know this is gonna be great...Schon will be all over this record...magnificent, really cant wait to hear this! Hell In The Club - could be a cool sleaze album. Heartland (21.01 release) - I really liked their last album, so defo looking forward to hearing this Cheers Anyone who likes Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx, etc, etc, should be looking forward to that Baby Jane release IMO. Do some searching on their Taste Of The Underground promo CD from 2009(?)...very good stuff. Add some killer production to songs like that and it could be a top 5 of 2011 for me.
  8. I can't stop staring at Stefan's signature picture. I thought "Merry Christmas to me" and keep hoping she will turn around so I can complete the vision. As you were...
  9. Pussy Sisster - S/T For a band with such a bad name, they do have some kick ass tunes.
  10. 1. Motley Crue 2. Miss Crazy (my newer band write in) 3. Mr. Big 4. McQueen Street 5. Metallica (like most other people, up through the Load release, with Justice being my fav)
  11. Shotgun Messiah - Second Coming Delain - April Rain
  12. Just grabbed this one the other day from the bargain bin
  13. Arrived yesterday: Crashdiet - Generation Wild (Japan release) Black Rain - License To Thrill (Japan release) Skull - No Bones About It This is an old one but a new discovery for me, and I really like it. For those of you not familar, check them out: http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=526&CDName=No+Bones+About+It I already know the music for these but I wanted to play these just to play them however it was so damn cold here yesterday that it took an hour before the moisture went away on the packaging and by then I was too tired and went to bed.
  14. Maybe you are lucky there won't be DRF this year otherwise I might have to sing the entire Beg For It CD for you! Seems people are in the love or disappointed category on this one. Count me in the love it category. Take 'Em All Out is a killer track as is Beg For It, Shades Of Grey, Illegal Fun and Innocent Boy. There were just a couple of throw aways on this one for me. "and that's why they call me, they call me a stupid man"
  15. I saved it to my computer to put on my ipod for later. It is an MP3.
  16. I hate most car commercials, but the ones I hate the most are the Toyota commercials where the have a pickup truck climbing a tower lit with fire, or going full speed towards a cliff and braking at the last second. There are others but these are the most annoying. If your truck has the best brakes don't insult me by running the truck towards a cliff and hitting the brakes at the last second....stupid.
  17. Have you heard this one yet? I LOVE it, great stuff! I am not a big KISS fan but take Stanley's voice and apply it the melodic rock they play and it is an awesome release. I still have this entire CD on my MP3 player and will listen to it multiple times some days. No I haven't yet. But it sure looks promising. I should say melodic rock with a sleaze/glam element. I shouldn't think you'd be disappointed.
  18. Have you heard this one yet? I LOVE it, great stuff! I am not a big KISS fan but take Stanley's voice and apply it the melodic rock they play and it is an awesome release. I still have this entire CD on my MP3 player and will listen to it multiple times some days.
  19. I have never thrown my cell phone but I once had a girlfriend throw one at me. Thankfully it was a glancing blow.
  20. Ran out to a cd store that I have not been to since late summer and found these: Pretty Maids - Jump The Gun or Lethal Heroes or whatever you feel like calling it. Beautiful Creatures - Deuce L.A. Guns - Hollywood Raw The Original Sessions (including 1985 EP)
  21. Yeah, Google the "Leroy Jenkins" video. I'm not sure if this is WOW or some other game but it is funny if you understand the MMO genre and the stereotypes assigned to the people who play.
  22. I have never played either but a guy at work tells me that he had to quit or else his wife was going to kick him out. He had to stop his son from playing too or he was going to flunk out of schoool So yeah, I have heard it is VERY addicting and super time consuming to the point where I don't think there is an end to it. You can keep playing and exploring and fighting and trying to become more powerful.
  23. Odd this thread would come up. I just played this one for the first time on Monday at work. Ya know how someone, probably your wife, is talking and talking in the car and all you hear is blah blah blah and you drift off into la la land? I think that is what happed to me at work. I played it all day Monday over and over again just to get a full listen. Instead of Lost Highway they could have named this one White Noise.
  24. The Who - My Generation (The Very Best Of) I was in one of those classic rock moods today which does not come along often. "I can't explain, I think it's love..."
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