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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. So do you still sing Parasite City songs to strangers when you drink to much? LOL, well I think by that time of the weekend with the amount of beer, Long Island mix and sun we had, I didn't consider you or anyone else in that garage a stranger! Yeah, for those not in the know, I'll summarize the what and the why... Before DRF this year I was going off on this board how great the new Parasite City was. Wes commented that he was pretty lukewarm on it. Of course I'm appalled and it must have settled in the back of my mind to prove Wes how wrong he was. At some point a night or two into DRF (maybe Saturday night) we are in Evil Rick's garage and I get the idea that I can make Wes like the new CD by singing the entire "Seven Years" song to him. So off I go next to the Beer Barrow while Wes, with perhaps a look of dismay, kindly (or maybe not so kindly) let's me sing the whole song, at least I think I did the whole song. At the end of it I think I was staring at him like I was expecting him to say "Minstrel's Creed is now in my top 3 of 2010!" or something but instead he says something like, "I cannot believe you know every word and sang the entire song...to me." Shook his head, laughed a little and back to drinking. That's my recollection, maybe Wes has a different take.
  2. Jeff

    Bucs get fucked

    The Packers are 8-4 are by all counts are damn good football team and will probably win 10-11 games but as of today are sitting at #7 in the NFC and outside the playoffs. They had an article about this in the Milwaukee paper yesterday. Losing conference games are a bad thing to do so losing to Chicago, Atlanta and Washington (this one pissed me off) was not good. The NY Giants game is going to be huge but Detroit will be no slouch this weekend...they are much improved. They also have the Patriots on their schedule, don't they? Yep, I believe it's: @Detroit @New England (of course I want them to win all 4 games but if they are gonna lose, this would be the game to do it) NY Giants Chicago Chicago has a tough schedule as well, @Minnesota, @Green Bay, maybe New England at home, and some other good team Yup Bears have New England in Chicago this week. From that schedule I'd be surpsised if the Packers didn't go 3-1 and to be honest they almost have to if they want to make the payoffs. The Bears will go 2-2 IMO. The thing is all year long nobody really has thought the Bears were good or Cutler, myself included. I felt Green Bay dominated that game in Chicago to open the season but the penalties and the turnovers. But Chicago keeps winning. I hope you are right. It is weird how one team can go from not making the playoffs at all to winning their division. Frustrating for the 10-6 teams that don't make it for sure.
  3. I splurged and ordered the Japan release. I really like the bonus track "Sick Mind". I am going to order the Parasite City Japan release as well since they sent me a good coupon when I ordered Generation Wild. Which reminds me I was going to make a post in the "Deals" thread...so I shall do that now.
  4. Jeff

    Bucs get fucked

    The Packers are 8-4 are by all counts are damn good football team and will probably win 10-11 games but as of today are sitting at #7 in the NFC and outside the playoffs. They had an article about this in the Milwaukee paper yesterday. Losing conference games are a bad thing to do so losing to Chicago, Atlanta and Washington (this one pissed me off) was not good. The NY Giants game is going to be huge but Detroit will be no slouch this weekend...they are much improved. They also have the Patriots on their schedule, don't they? Yep, I believe it's: @Detroit @New England (of course I want them to win all 4 games but if they are gonna lose, this would be the game to do it) NY Giants Chicago Chicago has a tough schedule as well, @Minnesota, @Green Bay, maybe New England at home, and some other good team
  5. Jeff

    Bucs get fucked

    The Packers are 8-4 are by all counts are damn good football team and will probably win 10-11 games but as of today are sitting at #7 in the NFC and outside the playoffs. They had an article about this in the Milwaukee paper yesterday. Losing conference games are a bad thing to do so losing to Chicago, Atlanta and Washington (this one pissed me off) was not good. The NY Giants game is going to be huge but Detroit will be no slouch this weekend...they are much improved.
  6. This is my "first spin impression": I LOVE what they did with the music, especially the guitar work, the ending is good too. I don't like the vocals. The chorus is ok, but the everything else...not so much. Seeing as Duran Duran was my first favorite band and I still like their stuff I will listen to this some more. Thanks for the post!
  7. You know, Oprah didn't lose weight, they just made the aisles wider.
  8. Jeff

    Bucs get fucked

    I saw that and thought the same thing. You can see the ball sliding and being trapped and pushed back up into his arms as he rolls over. Even the former NFL head of refs guy said it should not be an interception. I'll tell you though, the officiating in the NFL this year is the worst I have ever seen it in my life. It all started with them taking back Calvin Johnsons TD against the Bears in Week 1 and it has continued all season. Pile on the fact the NFL has all these new rules to protect players and what is a catch and what is not a catch. I think the refs are relying on coaches to use challenges instead of doing their job.
  9. See, Mrs. Jeff is way smarter too and mostly she sees where the movies and shows are heading before I do, but she didn't come with the pregnant wife idea either, so guess what, in my household I did! Thank Mrs. FF for me!
  10. Oh hell yeah, good thinking, I never gave that much thought, but that is a good call.
  11. Jeff


    Now there's a woman. Jacob - no you di'nt. Wes - yes, yes you did. Can I be the first thread ruiner? Am I allowed to put this out there? Is it cool? Okay, I'm going to put it there anyway: I would not hit it. I'd hit Brianna Banks till my penis fell off on her face, but not Avril. Sorry guys, just not for me thanks. For the record, Brianna Banks: Now Geoff, you did not ruin the thread BUT I certainly cannot believe that you (or ANY of you for that matter) would not "hit" my girl A.L.. Certainly Brianna Banks is a bombshell in her own right and I'd hit that until she disintegrated on the end of my superior wang. However, to say you would not hit A.L. if she walked into your bedroom on a cool moonlit night and said "take me back to Paradise Geoffy-boy" that you would say nah, I got some posts to make on heavyharmonies.com? No way, don't believe it. That said, this dedication thread is also about her style and that nasty little attitude I think she might have. That just rev's my engine. I think everyone one the board should claim a celebrity woman (or man for the females on the board) as their own. Someone (I forget who right now, hsf maybe?) has clearly claimed Jennifer Love Hewitt though I'm not sure he has come out and claimed it.
  12. Jeff


    They can't be stuck if they never get a chance to dry! (and a bit ) You're right, I had to think a couple times after I typed that before I hit the "Add Reply" button!
  13. Taking of Pelham 123 - Worth a rental I guess. Denzel is a good actor. I'm not a huge Travolta fan and he always seems to play the crazed bad guy but he was ok. Loved the way he kept calling people "Motherf*cker!". Overall, good time waster on a boring weekend Saturday night but I won't watch it again.
  14. I liked the ending, pretty well done IMO. You knew the season couldn't end all peacefully and you had the feeling something was up with the scientist the whole time. He was a good combination of a loving, family man and a man who has lost hope or has a few wires crossed. I was a little bummed he was gone so soon. He had a certain something about him that fit well into the show. He didn't want to open the doors for them in the first place and I think once he did he figured let them party, eat, drink and be happy for their final days because there is no hope for them. I had the same thought you did for the black lady, nobody tried to get her to come along. Didn't hurt my feelings any as she is hard on the eyes anyway. Also, I had wondered all season where that grenade had gotten off to. I remember him picking it up and but couldnt remember him using it. I'm not so sure I would want a member of my group carrying it around in her purse though! LOL But it came in handy at the right time. BTW, I liked his extreme fear reaction when he pulls the pin...almost like he was frozen in fear and could hardly run for hiding. I really like this show. Even Mrs. Jeff is hooked and she does not like scary, or intense, or bloody movies.
  15. Speaking of making a person throw up a little, it is not a sticker but perhaps even worse. Is hanging a pair of balls in a sack off your bumper becoming a trend in other parts of the country/world? Who would want to do this, The Honor Student maybe? Is this an attempt by these people to make up for what they wish they had, a big set of balls?
  16. Jeff


    They can't be stuck if they never get a chance to dry!
  17. was looking at that site the other day for the vains of jenna discs but the shipping was pretty pricey They hit me $4 for the first Cd and $1 each additional, so not too bad to the US. Looks like you would get stuck with $4 per CD which doesn't give you the chance to average out the cost per disc by ordering more than one disc. the way i read it, it's a base of $4 + $4 per cd. ie it will be $8 for 1 disc, $12 for 2 discs. crazy Yep, I read it the same way for orders outside North America. That is pricey. Mine was $8 for 4 CD's ($4 base plus 1+1+1+1 for the actual 4 CD's).
  18. was looking at that site the other day for the vains of jenna discs but the shipping was pretty pricey They hit me $4 for the first Cd and $1 each additional, so not too bad to the US. Looks like you would get stuck with $4 per CD which doesn't give you the chance to average out the cost per disc by ordering more than one disc.
  19. http://www.cmdistro.com Backyard Babies - Diesel And Power (Slipcase Import) CD 1 $5.81
  20. Jeff


    Because she knows I'm out here somewhere.
  21. They should arrest the goody two shoes b*tch that keeps whining "you guys really shouldn't be recording this". I love it: "Don't tase me bro!"
  22. Jeff


    I don't care if someone else has another topic on this woman, I am having my own. My Maxim magazine arrived and on the front is a little hottie with a sleazy bad attitude look that catches my eye. Next to it says "Avril Rocks Sexiest Bad Girl". I'm thinking "Avril, Avril, some new music I have to check out, bad girl, rock, ok, I am interested." In trying to control my excitement to see more photos of this woman, not draw attention of Mrs. Jeff, hoping she is at least 20-something so I can admire her without being a perv, and get more information about what she sings, I start flipping through the pages and come to the picture below and needless to say my jaw dropped...I think I might have mumbled outloud "come to Butthead" or "She will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine" because I notice Mrs Jeff giving me an odd look to which I instinctivley divert attention by saying "you see it is going to snow tomorrow? better leave early and make sure your phone is charged". I don't know much about her music yet but the few clips I've heard it seems a little light for that image and maybe for my liking. Either way, she is now the celebrity woman I dedicate to Heavy Harmonies and none of you can have her. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Jeff's HH Woman... Avril Lavigne photo Really, I'm not sure what I will do with this thread other than already professing my fondness for this young lady and claim her as my own as far as this board is concerned. I might stop by and express additional fondness as I see fit and any of you can too, you just cannot claim her as your own.
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