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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Yesterday: Triage - not bad, but slow in some parts Repo Men - way too long, but I liked the ending
  2. I was able to get a handful of spins on it before compiling my list and it ended up at #15. I'm not sure where it would have ended up if it came out earlier but certianly not any lower. I agree, I would think this one makes a lot of people's Best Of list somewhere. 15. Distorted Wonderland This probably would have been ranked higher had it come out sooner but I'm really diggin' this one. Favorite track: Losing It
  3. For the Lipstixx N Bulletz, I got mine here earlier this spring, good service, fast shipping, and it is still listed for 9.99: http://www.sleaszyrider.com/html/store.htm#cd Said it before, but this CD is already one of my favorites of all time. I can and have listened to this beginning to end countless times already. Also, they have some demo songs out on the web that are worth tracking down too.
  4. I agree. Not since the bands like Shotgun Messiah, Dangerous Toys, Dirty Looks, GNR, etc. have I been so into music and this genre in particular. Off the top of my head I would say discovering Crashdiet, from this board no less, is the main reason I am back to searching out that next sleaze fix....and that has pushed me back out searching for other genres again whether it is melodic rock, melodic metal, take your pick. Basically, Crashdiet is one of the main bands that got me excited about pretty much all HH.com music again. There is life after the 80's and Headbangers Ball! Hell yeah!
  5. Thanks Lindsay, I will definitely check out LUST. I learned a while ago to check out your suggestions (similar tastes in music), in fact, I'm pretty sure that 44 Caliber was a suggestion from you.
  6. Not sure, sounds decent AND they have 3,299 of them in stock!
  7. Hansel - Wild Tonight "full moon risin' as you busted through the gates"
  8. First, my Top 4 are pretty much interchangeable. All are deserving of #1 but a Best Of list need to have rankings so here we go. TOP 20 01. Parasite City - Minstrel's Creed This is one of those discs that gets better and better with each spin for me. For awhile it was in constant rotation. Eventually I had to tell myself that if I don't stop playing it I will have a Best Of list consisting of 2-3 CD's. Anyway, these guys grew quite a bit from their debut (which was killer IMO) to this one. A lot of growth all the way around, musically, lyrically. Deep thoughts, I know. Favorite track: Seven Years 02. Crashdiet - Generation Wild What can be said that hasn't already been said about this band. Despite the lead singer changes they just keep putting out brilliant music. Favorite track: Chemical (has there been another song that goes from really good to unbelievable like this one does?) 03. Skull Daze - Skull Daze Straight ahead hard rock n sleaze glam here. It rocks more than you think or another way to put it, not as much glam as you might think. Johnny Rainbow has a great voice for this sleazy hard rock. Favorite track: Heartbreak City 04. Hansel - Never Say Die This was one of the wonderful surprises of the year for me. You can sing along to nearly every track. Sort of a melodic sleaze glam. Side note, I emailed the band a few times asking about an older CD they had and got a personal reply on both emails...very cool. The first reply was a little late and he apologized saying he was off getting married. Good stuff. Favorite track: this is the hardest one to choose a favorite for. I'll say Murder 101 but Eruption, Rock City and Wild Tonight are its equals. 05. Reckless Love - Reckless Love Everyone knows this one, great disc. Sorta pissed me off they released that Cool Edition right away though...would rather had that. Favorite track: Wild Touch (but Back To Paradise is one of the few songs of my music that Mrs. Jeff actually does a little jig to so honorable mention to that one). 06. Jettblack - Get Your Hands Dirty Well done all the way around! In your face rock n roll! Favorite track: Mother Fucker (awesome guitar work makes me wanna do the air guitar...alright, I admit, I DO the air guitar on this one) 07. 44 Caliber - Can You Handle... If the production had been way better this could have been a top 5 release, but as the volume is low and at times the instruments can seem muffled it's not. But when I get past that this band put some really catchy tunes together. Short songs, but that is what's great about it, no filler playing just to play...just rock out. Favorite track: Too Many Lies 08. Pussy Sisster Another nice surprise. Horrible name, great music. I'm not much for ballads and usually discard them but Melody Of Pain is one I can listen to over and over again. They even use the phrase "love letters in the sand" on this track but it fits. I believe it is the fret work I can hear on accoustic guitar (any guitar experts here correct me?), the deep bass and what is that wood 'clacking' they use in the percussion, anyone?. Anyway, change the band name and I would put this one up a spot or 2, or not. Favorite track: A toss up between Today and In Your Arms 09. Hardcore Superstar - Split Your Lip These guys are consistent IMO, consistently good. This could have been placed a little higher with more time, maybe. Just a few fillers but the good tracks overshadow them bigtime. Favorite track: Guestlist 10. Crazy Lixx - New Religion This could have been a top 5 release if it had 1 or 2 of those killer memorable tracks that some great releases have. Even without that it is a really good disc. Favorite track: Rock And A Hard Place 11. Axident Avenue - Shaken & Disturbed This is the band that Geoff said was better than Parasite City. Obviously I don't feel quite the same way but these guys remind me of Dirty Penny and that's a good thing. Here's another one that the production could have been better IMO (at times the music seems like it's in a tin can or the vocals get drowned out a bit) but overall really good stuff. Favorite track: Holiday 12. Sister Sin - True Sound Of The Underground These guys (and gal) certainly know how to rock in an intense way. Sister Sin songs seem to aggravate me in a way where I want to take my lawn chair to the boulevard, have a six pack while I sneer at joggers, toss rocks at cars, give the finger to the mail man and tackle the neighbor dog....or is it sneer at the mail man, toss rocks at the neighbor dog, give the finger to cars, tackle joggers and drink whiskey? Either way, it would be a good day. Favorite track: 24-7 13. Chris Laney - Only Come Out At Night How does this guy find time to put a CD while producing all the other great music? Favorite track: B4 It's Too Late 14. RATT - Infestation Another nice surprise for this year. I hold excitement when one of our old school favorite bands have a new release. After this one I will be looking forward to what they do next. The only downer, and it has nothing to do with the music on Infestation, was the show I saw them at on this tour. They got bored near the end, wanted off stage, sound started to go to hell...and the merchandise was shitty. Favorite track: Lost Weekend 15. Distorted Wonderland This probably would have been ranked higher had it come out sooner but I'm really diggin' this one. Favorite track: Losing It 16. Dirty Skirty - Long Live Rock N Roll They do Buckcherry better than Buckcherry does right now IMO. Favorite track: Long Live Rock N Roll 17. Wikked Gypsy - Bed Of Flesh This is pretty darn good sleaze. Some of the vocals remind me of early Poison. Favorite track: Bed Of Flesh 18. Cyanide 4 - Critical Mental Erosion EP This is an EP but I think they will have a full release coming this year. There are some really good rockers here and if it was a full CD it would have been up a few spots. Favorite track: Temptation Failed 19. Sin 4 Sin - 7 Deadly Nice little EP here I bought directly from the band. Sorta rough unpolished sleaze with a redneck or southern element to it. Favorite track: I Quit Drinking (Again) 20. Dirty Passion - Different Tomorrow I really only had a top 19, but 20 seemed better. Based on the only 2 tracks I've heard this one would easily be in the top 20....unless the rest of the CD is absolute crap (that would be a huge let down). I'm sure I'll get a full listen to this one soon. THE REST Fozzy - Chasing The Grail As usual with Fozzy, I usually love a song, dislike a song, love a song, dislike a song and end up with 4-5 really good songs per release and the rest I discard. No different here. Buckcherry - All Night Long Have not had a chance to listen to this yet, but the few songs I have heard did not overly impress me, but hope I am wrong. Taking Dawn - Time To Burn After Dan's high praise I got this for $4 off Ebay and it was ok but nothing great IMO. I see another positive ranking for this one above...maybe I need to give it another chance. Dirty Looks - I.C.U. 3 cover songs and a live track on an 11 track release is not gonna earn high praise from me. The other songs are decent but nothing really stands out. Bangalore Choir - Cadence I need to give this one a few more spins before forming a final opinion. Nothing caught me the first time through but all the comments from board members here are quite positive so I need to find time to get to it again. Jackyl - When Moonshine And Dynamite Collide Typical Jackyl, you get what you get with these guys but they'll never match their first few releases. Bombay Black - Love You To Death I just couldn't get into this one at all. I had a hard time finding one song I liked. Maybe some of it comes from the fact when I bought the CD at DRF and having never heard it, I asked one of the band members (I forget, not good with names) what he thought of their new CD and he shrugged and said said "meh, alright I suppose". Maybe he was having a bad day! Slash Good songs here but the flow of an album is important for me and this seems more like a mix tape of various artists. Oh wait, it is. Falling Red - Shake The Faith Sort of like Bangalore Choir I've only spun this a few times and need to give it some more attention before judging. I still have a handful to check out from 2010 and some of the stuff from 2009 still gets a lot of play for me (Lipstixx N Bulletz, Debbie Ray to name a few). And looking at everyone else's list I am sure there is some releases I would like (HEAT, Treat, Bad City, maybe that Pretty Maids, etc.) Good year for music. Thanks to all for the comments, reviews, arguments, etc. over the course of the year. I wouldn't find a lot of this music without this board.
  9. Yep, I bought the Dirty Looks from FnA. No issues, CD's arrived fast. I don't think I asked any questions to them but I would certainly order again without hesitation.
  10. I do like that 220 Volt - Heavy Christmas mentioned above. It's a rocker...
  11. Jeff

    Rose Bowl

    Well, that didn't go the way I wanted. Congrats to TCU, they certainly have a well coached group of guys that play hard. I thought at times Wisconsin was starting to push them around on offense but TCU held in there and made a play when they needed to. That said, I agree with the comments above regarding the BCS, something needs to be changed.
  12. Jeff

    Rose Bowl

    Just a shout out to for Bucky to kick some ass today!
  13. Because it's 101? Think of it this way, now you can hunt down a Glen Burtnick CD. Some chance! I have a wife-enforced resolution to buy no CDs this year. I've got loads in the post or with family en route to me, but there won't be (m)any more buys for a while, especially not rare and expensive CDs. Still, it will give me a chance to catch up on my enormous backlog... My advice: Wait until Mrs. JamesEagle starts a fight with you about something unrelated to CD's. Then buy CD's. You cannot be held accountable for things you do when you are angry at eachother.
  14. I assume you are listening to that Parasite City release again...hmmmm????
  15. Because it's 101? Think of it this way, now you can hunt down a Glen Burtnick CD.
  16. Pussy Sisster - S/T (since my other order ended up being not in stock, I had to reorder) Pussy Sisster - City Of Angels
  17. Jeff

    Chiefs 2010-11

    Now if he just remembers to slide when he's running around then maybe he will be playing for the Pack for years.
  18. Jeff

    Chiefs 2010-11

    I follow the Packers which are in the NFC and since the Chiefs are in the AFC I don't know a lot about them other than the players Wes mentions above. For this years AFC playoffs I put my money on New England going to the Super Bowl. They have home field advantage and with Tom Brady you're always in the game. I would like the Packers to get a second chance at them since I feel like the Packers dominated the regular season game, minus a few mistakes the Patriots made them pay for. BUT, the Packers are a little Jeckyl and Hyde this year and not even guaranteed a playoff spot yet.
  19. Yes, the marriage of my face into her chest has happened many times....in my mind.
  20. This is a good one. Has anyone found a reasonable price on this one, if so where?
  21. Leave it to this board to take sentimental holiday greetings and turn them into....SOMETHING SO MUCH BETTER THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINE!!!!!! Oh, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that jazz too!
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