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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Ha! I hold out hope that he will some day come to his senses and put some clothes on before he goes out to get the mail...I've heard he scares the children!
  2. I am leaning towards not going. It is about a 30 minute drive to St. Paul, it is about 20 degree's out. $18 to get in, plus parking somewhere. They go on at 9:45p and I get up for work at 5a. I've never had the chance to see Lynch Mob. I really only like their first two releases. Should I be old and lazy and stay home, or get off my ass and go? I have about an hour to decide.
  3. Oh no... does that mean I'm faulted? HA! YES, because YOU should have had Parasite City as #1, in fact now that I look at it none of you did, so you are all GUILTY !!!!! J/K of course! I like the Best Of lists for sure, it is a good place to refer to for stuff that I might want to check out.
  4. Would it be a good idea to consider breaking the Best Of lists into their sub-genres? Maybe something like the Best if Modern (whatever the definition of that is), Best of Sleaze, Best of Hard Rock, Best of AOR? Maybe that is too much work or too much gray area between genres? Just a thought. I would be willing to offer up some Sleaze suggestions on a yearly basis, my list would never be as long as what you guys have though. And remember, these are just opinions of the people doing the reviews and those of us reading them. I cannot fault Dan, Pete or Ty for any of their picks whether I agree or not. Obviously my tastes in favorite style of music is different. I also cannot fault Socratic from getting after them about the picks...after all, Dan's opening post invited any sort of agreement, flaming, etc. And the debate that follows is good...that is part of this board.
  5. Damn, seriously nice house Lindsay, congrats! My wife would be so jealous.
  6. Jeff


    Some trash talkin' goin' on....I like it, I LIKE it!!! Side note related to the game. The local sports talk show has been going off Monday and Tuesday wondering how the Packers can be favored by 2-3.5 points. They think it should be a 'pickem'...and I probably agree. Steelers have been there done that a few times recently and the Packers have a young team with only 2 guys that have ever been to a Super Bowl. Anyway, late yesterday they said some theories are starting to surface that the mob actually placed a ton of money on the Packers which made Vegas put the Packers as favorites...then come near the game, the mob will put MORE money on the Steelers as they actually feel the Steelers will win. I guess it is a common practice. I dunno, take it for what it's worth. ...and Nick, I am glad I won't be anywhere near you if coleslaw and beer is on your menu.
  7. I have never ordered from the, but I'd get all over their a$$ and ask them to make it right.
  8. Cool, I cannot listen to this now at work but will definitely check this out at home. I really like what Delain has done so far and this symphonic metal (or whatever you want to call it) always provides a nice little break from the sleazy hard rock I mostly listen to.
  9. Jeff


    Are you sure you can find 6 cd's on my trade list you actually want? Take a look and let me know. If so, since my blood flows green & gold, I accept!
  10. Jeff


    Pittsburgh vs Green Bay Super Bowl XLV Sunday, February 6, 2011, 6pm EST Dallas, TX The game should be fun. Can I interest you in a small friendly wager? If the Steelers win you pick a CD from my trade list and I'll ship it to you. If the Packers win, I pick one from yours.
  11. Dark Helmet: "I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate." Lone Starr: "What's that make us?" Dark Helmet: "Absolutely nothing!" Sorry, couldn't help it.
  12. RATT and Def Leppard, seriously? Wow. Now I am not a big Stryper fan but I "get" why people like them.
  13. Mr. Big, well Undertow is great, after that I agree with Rockposer: "bored me senseless"
  14. I picked this up at DRF this summer. I found a track or 2 that were good. To be fair tough, this is not my preferred type of rock. Bands like this I usually find a couple of tracks that are good and that held true for this one. So, it's more of musical preference and because of that I didn't spin it enough to get into the details of the production.
  15. Love this cd! Hey Chad, it says 1989 Polygram, Made in West Germany and then somewhat funny to me it say in small print on the back insert "China flies Lufthansa" LOL I guess I didn't even look into checking for the remaster version.
  16. I hear ya, I like the list too. That said, T-Bone is right, a lot of good stuff to listen to. I don't know how the guys find time to go through as much as they do considering such good stuff is being released it would be hard for me to stop listening to some of them in order to move on to the next one.
  17. I really like their first two releases though...why can't they get back to what people like...or go away.
  18. I don't have Netflix but my sister and brother in law have the online deal where they stream it to their Nintento Wii and the absolutely love it. Only thing with this method is not everything that they have on DVD is available to stream yet but it sounds like they are going that way.
  19. Not sure if this was meant to be CD's released in 2010 or not but this one is from 2009 so I'll go with... I picked up Lynch Mob's Smoke & Mirrors Monday in a used bin and holy crap it is sh*t...or holy sh*t it is crap. I am at track 10 and I have not heard one single rockin' tune. It's like a crappy version of Soundgarden with the mid to slow tempo song after song. Seems like they put zero thought into it. And it was like $9 but in mint condition so I said what the heck. FML.
  20. Ok, I will try to give this more spins as suggested above but my "First Spin Impression" = thumbs down I didn't hear the Crazy Lixx in there at all...with more spins maybe I'll pick up on it but it is gonna take a heck of a second impression to get me to like this me thinks.
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