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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I agree, I listened to this last night and it is very good. They seem to really have the raw attitude and have transferred that to the music. Aside from the songs that Geoff mentions above, Get A Gun, Addicted To Failure, Dead Boy are great too. Actually I didn't hear a track I didn't like or at least find promise in the first few times through. Kick ass guitar work is what I noticed as well. I have not listened to the Disc 2 tracks yet.
  2. Pete, care to add anything to this list, hmmm?
  3. CDJapan had License To Thrill, for those willing to pay $30-35 maybe it is worth the wait to see if they have a Japan version and get that instead. The CD is out, but I am guessing that distribution has not made it very far.
  4. There is a link at the top of their myspace page, takes you to here: http://musique.fnac.com/a3399554/Blackrain-Lethal-dose-of-Edition-limitee-CD-album I can only guess that is about 16 euro and it is "en stock"? A lot of nice website have an English version but I cannot see it for this one.
  5. For the Blackrain fans on this board. Seems like a lot of stuff here, I'll be checking it out. Their 2009 release License To Thrill was excellent so I hope for more of the same. http://www.myspace.com/blackfuckinrain Tracklisting: 1. Get a Guy 2. I Need my Doctor 3. Dead Boy 4. She's in Love 5. Baby shoot me Down 6. Overloaded 7. Burn'n' Die 8. Heart Screams 9. Into the Groove 10. Addicted to Failure 11. Rock'n'Jive 12. My Young Star 13. Shining Down on You 14. Rock your City ( new version) This also comes with a bonus 2nd disc with live songs and a few alternative versions: 1. Get a Gun (Live) 2. Nasty (Live) 3. Innocent Rosie (Live) 4. Overloaded (Live) 5. I Need my Doctor ( Live) 6. Rock Your City (Live) 7. Shining Down on You (New Version) 8. Baby Shoot me Down (New Version)
  6. Ordered up yesterday: Billion Dollar Babies - Die For Diamonds Hell In The Club - Let The Games Begin Last night used for $6 each: Queensryche - Empire (24 bit digital remaster with bonus tracks) Within Temptation - The Heart Of Everything (if you like Delain, get this)
  7. This is a very solid disc. Rock Down This Place, On The Road are my personal favorites. There are only 2 tracks that have not stuck with me yet and those are the very first and very last tracks...but I am giving them more spins.
  8. I watched this last night as well. For the below average reviews it received I thought it was pretty good. I thought the ending was decent, the acting was good.
  9. Jeff

    Dirty Passion

    The 2 songs for download are great, the rest is pretty average IMO.
  10. Arggg, somebody needs to get some of these great overseas bands over here to the US! How about a big 3-4 day event somewhere in a central location (Sioux Falls, SD perhaps?) so we can all converge and rock out. If you make one of the shows, enjoy, I am jealous.
  11. Backed what the fella's said above. That Lipstixx N Bulletz should be on your order list if it already isn't. Personally it is one of my top 10 favorite release ever, maybe even top 5.
  12. Well happy birthday to Glen and everyone else that celebrated a birthday yesterday. Oh....and happy birthday to any vagina's that are celebrating as well.
  13. So, what do you think of Parasite City, hmmmm?
  14. I have not heard or checked lately, but have they found a new lead singer yet?
  15. Very much looking forward to this CD, especially now after hearing that song!
  16. Thanks guys! I'm sure you have all had it happen...finding these old goodies just opened up a flood of memories...good times!
  17. I see some mention of this disc in some other threads but after giving it some serious spins the past few weeks I think it deserves it's own thread for discussion...or encouragement for everyone to check it out. It is really solid IMO. I see it mentioned in a sleaze thread but to me this is more Hard Rock (with some AOR) as it is not as gritty as sleaze, has some piano, the backing vocals, etc. Anyway, I had checked this one out awhile back but straight off I didn't care for the opening track "Boys Night Out" so I had down attitude on it but did find the rest to be good. Recently, spinning it more and more I really like it. My favorite track is "Second Time Around" followed closely by "Highest Mountain". Samples here: http://www.grooves-inc.com/billion-dollar-babies-die-for-diamonds-pure-rock-records-cd-album-pZZa1-859121144.html?currency=USD They definitely knock Dirty Passion out of the #20 spot for 2010 since that one did not turn out as great as I had hoped.
  18. I forgot I had them. They are not in great shape overall. They used to hand on the walls of my bedroom when I was a kid and I think I had some of them up on the walls in my dorm room my first year of college. Most of them I am pretty sure I won at the little town fair during the summer by throwing darts at balloons a board. That reminds me I have a bunch of flat glass music artwork that I won at the fair too. I must find those, hope I have them. I remember one summer the carnie that ran one of the rides played Eddie Money's "Take Me Home Tonight" over and over for all 4 days of the fair....but I digress. On the right are a couple of art projects I did when I was a freshman in high school. Guns N Roses done with pencil and if I remember correctly the idea was to use "shading" to create the drawing. The Dangerous Toys artwork started off as a black wax board...then I remember I took a pen like object with a pointed end to scratch the black wax off the board to reveal the white underneath. (any artists on here can correct my terminology...I passed the class but the art teacher mostly rolled her eyes at me or sent me to principle Friesand's office, who was also my baseball coach so he never suspended me..haha). Come to think of it, I had some Duran Duran posters too...Seven And The Ragged Tiger, Arena, etc....wonder where those are? Anyway, here is the pic:
  19. Giant - Innocent Days "A taste on my lips, a whispering word in your ear"
  20. Jeff


    Wow, what a game, thanks on the congrats everyone! I am hungover, mentally drained, exhausted. Terry, I think the only thing I would disagree with what you said is you saying "Pittsburgh rolled over so GB could be champs". I always thought Green Bay matched up very well with Pittsburgh, played physical like Pittsburgh does and in the end it wasn't like Pittsburgh wasn't trying...heck between the end of the 2nd half and beginning of the 4th quarter, Pittsburgh dominated that game. GB I thought dominated most of the first half and the 4th quarter. Really, our receivers dropped so many passes, one of them a sure touchdown, and arguably our best defensive player gets hurt it could have been a different score. In the end it wasn't about rolling over, but GB made just a few more plays than Pittsburgh. As for the CD's, that is up to Terry on posting them, I am fine with it. Terry, I'll just need the list, but take your time...I understand the next few days you won't be in the mood to deal with it...at least I know I wouldn't be, I get to mentally involved. Within the hour I am making the journey across Wisconsin to Green Bay for the Return To Titletown Party so I won't be back on the board until tomorrow night or Wednesday sometime anway.
  21. How rude. Say that to his face: I do like the comment I've seen in some blogs though... "You are one UGLY....Green Bay Packer."
  22. That's one of the few car commercials I actually like, funny
  23. Great stats there Rick but there's no mention of how many households have BeerBarrows. I wonder how much toilet paper gets used? Do you ever ask the grocery store clerk "Say, do you think I have enough toilet paper for the amount of groceries I bought?"? You'll get the strangest looks.
  24. I will partying around noon, then friends are coming over for pre-game and game. We discussed grilling burgers but the superstitious of us have decided to keep food, etc. pretty much the same as it has been for the past 3-4 weeks. I have Monday - Wednesday off next week. If a Packer loss, I will have Monday off to recover, drown my sorrows, etc. then probably back to work on Tuesday. With a Packer victory, I will buy my tickets to the party at Lambeau Field on Monday morning at 9a. Then off to Green Bay Monday night, stay overnight, then attend the Tuesday afternoon parade and party in the stadium. Wednesday is for recovery. I have my fingers crossed I will be in Green Bay on Tuesday and not at work.
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