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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Well, I'll be a son of a... Happy birthday Pete, I might just grill up some floor burgers tonight in honor of your day!
  2. Jeff


    Oh Mad-Town is wicked for partying...State Street! When I first read the title of this article I thought it might one of our fellow Aussie's on the board here, but I guess not: http://www.jsonline.com/sports/autoracing/115165359.html
  3. Jeff


    That was a heckuva game, didn't quite go the way I wanted, but still very good. It was somewhat easier to handle since they won the year before. As for this Sunday, I couldn't agree more. Sunday night just needs to get here NOW! I've had friends from different parts of the world tell me they are staying up to watch this matchup even though the game starts for them at <insert random world time>! A buddy from Switzerland told me he is taking off Monday because the game starts at midnight over there but he won't miss this! The Packer haters (Vikings, Bears fans, Urlacher, etc) are looking forward to rooting for Pittsburgh, the Rothlesburger haters and Steeler haters (Ravens and Jets fans) are looking forward to a Packer victory! The Packers are favored, but everywhere I listen the radio guys are picking Pittsburgh by 3-4 points! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol? .......sorry, I just blacked out for a few minutes, I'm back. I can't wait.
  4. Jeff


    Last week there were news "theories" that the mob figures Pittsburgh will win so they have skewed it by initially betting tons of money on the Packers. The effect was Vegas moving the Packers to win by a few points. THen the mob plans to bet even more money late in the week on Pittsburgh. I have no clue if that could be true or not...how much money would you have to bet in order to change the odds? Anyway, I think this game should be a "pickem". I think the Packers are playing well, match up well and have every chance to win this game but I'm not sure why they are favored on a neutral field.
  5. Jeff


    Interesting enough, the Milwaukee Journal online blog had an article saying that the Steeler fans were more than respectful when it comes to the Green Bay Packers. The blog shared some emails from the Pittsburgh fans who basically said if it weren't the Pittsburgh against the Packers for the Super Bowl, they really sorta don't mind the Packers (I'm paraphrasing). I'm pretty amped myself, of course I have been pretty much amped for a month now since this little playoff road trip started. The closer they got each week the more cranked I get. I cannot wait for it to start so I can begin getting some better sleep!
  6. Ill NiƱo - How Can I Live Do you think of me? Do you dream of me? I always dream about you.
  7. Because you have a Coors Light in both hands Rick, and the mountains are blue! It could also be because he drank to much and passed out in the beerbarrow again. Or maybe he's crawling around on that cold garage floor looking for more scraps of floor burger. Ohhhhh, not floor burgers!!! Surely Taco has made claim to any scraps of floor burger!
  8. Jeff


    Holy Moses, 42-10??? Where is just the little bit of luv for the green and gold? Well, I have to counter after that prediction. Let's see... I like our pro bowl corner Tramon Williams against Wallace. Assuming the 2009 DPoY Charles Woodson is usually disguising blitzes around the line of scrimage from the slot, I suppose we will have rookie Sam Shields on Ward. Ward is physical so maybe they will put Tramon on him as he is physical as well. Miller...normally he would concern me a bit more than usual since we lost our best cover LB to IR mid-season, BUT the LB core has shut down Tony Gonzalez and Greg Olson (twice) in recent weeks. Mendenhall could pose a problem. We have had Cullen Jenkins back on the line for the past few games, BJ Raji has only been getting better and Ryan Pickett is full strength....they held Matt Forte (twice) and Michael Turner in check. I am figuring Clay Matthews will have his motor at the usual high RPM to get some pressure on Ben. They need to tackle him...last year in Pittsburgh I read they should have had him 12 times but were only able to sack him 5 times. On offense, I like the in doors, fast track for our receivers, the spread offense. I am not too familar with where Pittsburgh ranks versus the run but Green Bay has only recently formed a modest running game anyway. Green Bay has the hunger for a first Super Bowl (only 2 players on the team have ever been to the SB, both on the losing end) Pittsburgh has the huge edge in SB experience I suppose one could argue anything can happen after kick off, if Green Bay makes a few mistakes, but even so, I don't see the game getting out of hand like that either way. As to the refs, well, they were horrible during the regular season, but I have not had much to complain about in the playoffs, so hopefully they are in the background anyway.
  9. Jeff


    Well Terry, just think, at this time a week from now one of us will be elated and one of us will be deflated. Either way, I plan to be toasted. Time for my Super Bowl predictions: Final Green Bay 27 Pittsburgh 23 MVP Aaron Rodgers, 350 yds, 3 TD Receiving High Greg Jennings - 125 yds, TD Rushing High Rashard Mendenhall - 60 yds, TD Turning Point With the score tied at 17 late in the third, Aaron Rodgers scrambles and finds James Jones deep down the sideline for a TD. Ok, Terry, what do you have? By the way, Peter King picked the Steelers....that's like the kiss of death you know.
  10. Aside from a free trip to Hawaii and lots of golf for the players, the Pro Bowl is just an item that the players can put on their resume for when the negotiate contracts. I never watched it when it was after the Super Bowl and I'll never watch it since they moved it before the Super Bowl...which I agree is just stupid anyway as the players on the Super Bowl teams don't go so they find substitutes. Super Bowl is just under 7 days away, let the countdown begin. I can't wait!
  11. Hell In The Club - Let The Games Begin "Raise your drinkin' glass and take me higher! Take a shot and take me to the stars."
  12. I remember being in class in middle school and the teacher found out and allowed all of us to go to the library to watch the news. Being that young the magnitude of this tradegy did not quite compute the way it should have at the time, but enough for me to remember where I was when it happened.
  13. I heard that it was the best show that has been done in the last 20 years in the tri-state area! Plus, EVERY hot chick in the crowd had their shirts off and were throwing their bras up on stage throughout the set. Sounds like you really missed out. I heard that too Rick! Plus, they had a suprise guest, some band called Parasite City. Ever heard of them?? On a sort of related note, Dokken and Quiet Riot are scheduled to play in Medina on March 19th. So look out for that show Jeff! Chad, you planning on going I assume?
  14. I heard that it was the best show that has been done in the last 20 years in the tri-state area! Plus, EVERY hot chick in the crowd had their shirts off and were throwing their bras up on stage throughout the set. Sounds like you really missed out. I heard that too Rick! Plus, they had a suprise guest, some band called Parasite City. Ever heard of them?? Wow if that was true Jeff would literally go postal on someone. LOL, no kidding, I don't know what I would do if any of that were true! Sad thing, I actually paused for a bit wondering which I would be more pissed about missing, hot chicks throwing bras or Parasite City, but then I thought I can see a set of tits anytime...that's why they call computers "Naked Lady Machines"!
  15. Because you have a Coors Light in both hands Rick, and the mountains are blue!
  16. At work today I was thinking the same thing about how many Dirty Looks CD's I have in my collection they could be tops in number. "Consistent" is a very good word to describe Dirty Looks. Henrik Ostergaard had a great voice for that straight forward sleazy hard rock. Rest in peace, Henrik Ostergaard.
  17. Whoah! Elaborate more please Dave. A cabin by the river on the side of a mountain? That DOES sound like a dream home. Can you post a picture? I've been to Vegas a few times and while fun and all, unless you are single and want to party like a rock star, I think it is a place to visit, not live. But I await your response to tell me why I could be wrong....and a picture of your really cool sounding house...or a view from your house.
  18. I ended up staying home and took the suggestion from Wes and just spinning the first 2 releases. I think, reading the comments from you guys about some of their more recent shows that I won't regret it too much.
  19. Lindsay, this is the band you suggested I check out a few weeks back?
  20. <groan> and it's down to 19 degree's outside But I hear what Geoff is saying...by the time the weekend rolls around I might wish I'd went.
  21. LOL...yeah, that is what I was doing when I was mapping out the Station 4 building in St. Paul, knowing that they go on at 9:45, playing 90 minutes so you can figure done around midnight, home and in bed around 1a, up at 5a to make the same drive. "Oh, the humanity!"
  22. Well, tell me if you've heard of them...I have maybe heard of National Overdrive: Willie Basse Regenerators National Overdrive
  23. Good point, I certainly don't want to hear a bunch of drawn out guitar solo's with an occasional old song in there. With $18, I could get a case of Miller Lite, or perhaps my first CD purchase of 2011...though I dont know what that will be yet.
  24. My other thought is that I should go and support these bands when they are out and about so they keep travelling around, maybe putting out cd's.
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