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The F*%K Thread


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This will be my last fucking post till Sunday night because we're leaving for our fucking camping trip in about an hour. I can taste that sweet, sweet Pabst Blue Fucking Ribbon already.


Have a great fuckin' weekend y'all! :tumbsup:



Drink a fucking PBR for me. :drink::chug:

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Man .. I fucking never could get into camping .. I'd fucking rub two damn sticks together and get the fire started alright but when I'd fucking rub them to make it go out it would never work worth a flippin fuck ....

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I will take my fuckin lake cabin anyday. Camping is okay but it is alot of fuckin' work........Pabst huh? I have not had a Blue Ribbon for years. I bet it tastes just as bad as it used to back then.....:yuck:

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It's Saturday and my girl had to work a 8:00am to 6:00pm shift... so 'fuck', on her behalf. Double fuck on her behalf as it's 6:37pm and she's still not back. Poor pretty little lady... :(

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Wow, we just spent a beautiful fucking day at a nice "Friendship Festival". They had a mix of all kinds of music from both Japanese and American local bands. They even had some hip-hop (which almost fucking killed me to sit through). Lots of fucking food, beer and even a fireworks show to close things out. Yes, I'd say it was a nice fucking day.

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Drink a fucking PBR for me. :drink::chug:


I'm back... and believe me, Wes, I drank a fucking PBR not only for you, but one for just about everybody on this fucking board, and then some, this fucking weekend! I returned from my fucking trip with a grand total of four fucking beers left out of a 30 pack. Not bad for only a 48 hour fucking trip. :chug:

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Drink a fucking PBR for me. :drink::chug:


I'm back... and believe me, Wes, I drank a fucking PBR not only for you, but one for just about everybody on this fucking board, and then some, this fucking weekend! I returned from my fucking trip with a grand total of four fucking beers left out of a 30 pack. Not bad for only a 48 hour fucking trip. :chug:



It's good to fucking hear that you had a good fucking time.


I went to see some cover band play in a bar in the local Holiday Inn. To be honest I was expecting the worse, but was pleasantly suprised. They started out with some Southern Rock/Country covers and then kicked my fucking ass when they went into JUNKYARD'S "Simple Man". I think I was the only fucking person there that knew the fucking song. At the end of the night they kicked it up a notch and played some Crue and Poison, but me and my friends requests for Dio songs fell on deaf ears. I'm still shocked that I heard some local band play something as obscure as Junkyard.

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The Eels won, so I didn't have to visit this fuckin' thread, but I thought I'd say 'fuck' anyway. Monday's enough cause for that.

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I'm trying to find somewhere on the fuckin' net where a bruther can purchase Summerhero's new fuckin' album 'Sound Canvas' using Paypal. I can't even find anywhere where a bruther can buy the fuckin' thing. What's up with this shit? I fuckin' want this CD!!!

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Just found the fuckin Summerhero disc at Maple Records. It's sitting there for $11.98 CAD. 'Fuckin' sweet,' I think. Canadian dollar works out pretty much the same as AUD, I think. So that's a fuckin' bargain methinks. I go to check-out, do all the steps... KAZAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nine US fucking dollars to ship to Aust-fuckin'-ralia!!!! What the fuck??? Do they think Australia's in another solar fuckin' system or something? What the fuck is up with that. If I had my can of whoop-ass with me at that moment you can bet your fuckin' life I would have opened it up on those fuckers. $9.00!!! That is about AUD $15 to get a fucking CD shipped here. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want this fucking CD. Fuck that really pissed me off.

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Fuck, I can't believe that my favorite fuckin' thread hasn't had any new fuckin posts in three fuckin' days. What the fuck, is everybody in such a good fuckin' mood that they don't feel the fuckin' need to drop a couple of fuckin' F-bombs?

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Well, I'm having a fucking shitty day so I'm back at this fucking thread for the second fucking time today. I have officially decreed that every-fucking-body in this fucking office can go take a fucking flying leap at a fucking rolling donut.

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Well, I'm having a fucking shitty day so I'm back at this fucking thread for the second fucking time today. I have officially decreed that every-fucking-body in this fucking office can go take a fucking flying leap at a fucking rolling donut.



I feel that way every fucking day at work.

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Flying leap at a rolling fucking donut? I love it, I'd love to do it.


Well fuckers, I finally got my copy of the Summerhero album - had to resort to getting a dude to send it to me via email, but I'm fuckin happy for the moment anyway. I have the songs, they kicked my ass and I'll buy the CD when I can.


I must say 'fuck' about my ear. Do any of you guys ever get it that sometimes you sleep the entire night on one fuckin' side of your head and you wake up with a blocked fuckin' ear? I got this on Sunday morning and my fuckin' ear, on Thursday, is still blocked. I want to take to it with a fuckin' cotton bud, but I hear they do more damage than fuckin' good. But this ear's really starting to cramp my fuckin' stlye.

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Why the fuck did I get to work at 4am? Where the fuck is my coffee?


Fuckin' 4 AM? Fuckin' yikes!


My fuckin' dog has had an upset fuckin' stomach for the last fuckin' day or two...been fuckin' crappin' all over the fuckin' yard, he fuckin' whines to go outside constantly cuz he's gotta go drop another fuckin' doggie bomb. We thought he was fuckin' over it yesterday cuz he seemed more like his old fuckin' self but we fuckin' woke up this morning and found a fucking "deposit" on the fuckin' hallway floor. Not the best fucking way to greet the new fucking day!!

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Why the fuck did I get to work at 4am? Where the fuck is my coffee?


Fuckin' 4 AM? Fuckin' yikes!


My fuckin' dog has had an upset fuckin' stomach for the last fuckin' day or two...been fuckin' crappin' all over the fuckin' yard, he fuckin' whines to go outside constantly cuz he's gotta go drop another fuckin' doggie bomb. We thought he was fuckin' over it yesterday cuz he seemed more like his old fuckin' self but we fuckin' woke up this morning and found a fucking "deposit" on the fuckin' hallway floor. Not the best fucking way to greet the new fucking day!!


Fuck, that sounds pretty fucked up.

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Fuck, that sounds pretty fucked up.


Maybe if the fuckin' dumb ass mutt would quit eating grass when he goes out-fuckin'-side his fuckin' stomach wouldn't bother him... every fuckin time I take him out he fuckin' chows down on the fuckin' lawn. I'm like "Stop that you fuckin' moron, you're not a fuckin' goat!"

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Fuck, that sounds pretty fucked up.


Maybe if the fuckin' dumb ass mutt would quit eating grass when he goes out-fuckin'-side his fuckin' stomach wouldn't bother him... every fuckin time I take him out he fuckin' chows down on the fuckin' lawn. I'm like "Stop that you fuckin' moron, you're not a fuckin' goat!"


Fuck yes, eating grass and vomiting... our Schnauzer enjoys doing that from time to time... fucker... <_<

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Fuck yes, eating grass and vomiting... our Schnauzer enjoys doing that from time to time... fucker... <_<


I never had this fucking problem when we only had a couple of fucking cats. Cats fucking rock. They stay in the fuckin' house, you don't have to fuckin' walk'em in the fucking cold or the fucking rain, and they crap in a little box, nice and fuckin neat. Of course, with cats you also get fuckin' hairballs so maybe it's a fucking wash after all...

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Many Vets say dogs (& cats) fuckin eat grass when their stomache is upset. Helps 'em puke to get out the fuckin irritant. My dad put his dog on a special diet, and now she never fuckin pukes, no fuckin skin probs and has an awesome fuckin coat.

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Shane started school yesterday. Fuckin' FIFTH grade. Kid got these HUGE books. His fuckin' backpack must weigh 30 fuckin' pounds. Keep in mind the kid only weighs about 70.


It's funny, but everything that was 'cool' on t-shirts last year is no longer cool. There goes half his wardrobe. :lol:



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