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The F*%K Thread


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My fuckin' lips are fuckin' sealed bro!!

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I wont' tell your fuckin' boss if you don't tell my fuckin' boss

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Don'cha mean "you gotta fuckin' deal?"

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I had a fuckin' turkey and cheese sandwich, some fuckin' potato chips and a fuckin' Pepsi, if that fuckin' helps any

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I had a fuckin' turkey and cheese sandwich, some fuckin' potato chips and a fuckin' Pepsi, if that fuckin' helps any


Well then... I was going out for fucking lunch. Took a left out of the company driveway and BAM! fuckin' somebody driving over the painted island to make the left turn light next to us slams my fuckin' car... <_<


At least for once somebody else got the fucking ticket, but my poor fuckin' car... :(

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I had a fuckin' turkey and cheese sandwich, some fuckin' potato chips and a fuckin' Pepsi, if that fuckin' helps any


Well then... I was going out for fucking lunch. Took a left out of the company driveway and BAM! fuckin' somebody driving over the painted island to make the left turn light next to us slams my fuckin' car... <_<


At least for once somebody else got the fucking ticket, but my poor fuckin' car... :(


WOW! That fuckin' sucks Blue. How fuckin' fucked up is the fuckin' car?

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I had a fuckin' turkey and cheese sandwich, some fuckin' potato chips and a fuckin' Pepsi, if that fuckin' helps any


Well then... I was going out for fucking lunch. Took a left out of the company driveway and BAM! fuckin' somebody driving over the painted island to make the left turn light next to us slams my fuckin' car... <_<


At least for once somebody else got the fucking ticket, but my poor fuckin' car... :(


WOW! That fuckin' sucks Blue. How fuckin' fucked up is the fuckin' car?


I'm no fuckin' expert but on my fuckin' car I'd say easily over a fuckin' grand. The whole right front light assembly, bumper, fender. Still fuckin' driveable though, hers wasn't... big ol' fuckin' Lexus LS430 with the fuckin' fender all smashed up against the tire, and what looked like windshield wipre fluid/antifreeze fucking pouring out in a big puddle. Was whatever the fuck you were gonna get at Shop Rite that fuckin' important? Fucker... <_<

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Fuckin' A, that totally sucks. At least it had to be somewhat satisfying that the other fucking car (and a very expensive one at that) was more fucked up than yours?

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I had a fuckin' turkey and cheese sandwich, some fuckin' potato chips and a fuckin' Pepsi, if that fuckin' helps any

Yummy Sounds Great..Fuckin still haven't ate...fuckin fuck fuck.. :crazy:


Well then... I was going out for fucking lunch. Took a left out of the company driveway and BAM! fuckin' somebody driving over the painted island to make the left turn light next to us slams my fuckin' car... <_<


At least for once somebody else got the fucking ticket, but my poor fuckin' car... :(

Fuck..at least you weren't hurt ...that's fuckin the thing to think about...Fuckin

cars can be replaced....You can't be...fuck .... :banger:

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Fuckin' A, that totally sucks. At least it had to be somewhat satisfying that the other fucking car (and a very expensive one at that) was more fucked up than yours?


Yeah and even more so she got the fuckin' ticket. You have no fucking idea how rare that has been in my fucking driving experience.... ;)


Fuck..at least you weren't hurt ...that's fuckin the thing to think about...Fuckin

cars can be replaced....You can't be...fuck .... :banger:


Fuckin' ay, could been a lot fuckin' worse. :drink:

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The really fuckin' fun part is when you go home and tell the wife, eh?

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Yeah and even more so she got the fuckin' ticket. You have no fucking idea how rare that has been in my fucking driving experience.... ;)


I can fuckin' relate. The first fuckin' accident I had, was in my first ever new car that I'd only had for a couple of fuckin' months. I got rear ended at a fuckin' red light by some chick in a fuckin' Hyundai. The fuckin' light had just fuckin' turned green, I mean I hadn't even had time to take my fuckin' foot off the brake and fuckin' WHAM! Anyway, all I had was a little fuckin' scratch on my fucking rear bumper but the whole front end of her fuckin' car was scrunched up like a fuckin' beer can. That was pretty a pretty fuckin' satisfying sight! The fuckin' chick who nailed me also got a fuckin' ticket for not payin attention to the fuckin' road!

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Wow, I was going to arrive here and say how fucking fucked up my day was so far, and don't get me wrong, it could not be more fucked... but then I saw Pete's post. Bad luck mate, glad to hear you survived unscathed, but that's still pretty fucked. Sorry to hear it.


Anyway, fuck this day and all it fuckin' stands for. I thought Friday's were meant to be fuckin' good?

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It's still fucking thursday here. I still got one more fucking day to go before I get to get fucking drunk off my ass. I'm going to a fucking local festival that'll have bands playing friday and saturday fucking night. Firehouse is playing fucking saturday night so that should be pretty fucking awesome, I'm sure I'll spend most of my time in the fucking beer tent getting fucking wasted.

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That sounds fucking awesome H&H. Make sure you swig a few in honor of those of us who won't be lucky enough to be there!!!

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Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!

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My 1st beer will be in your honor Freddy.

I Hate to be the Fuckin' Lisa :lol: police but you did not follow the rules H. Ten lashes with Lisa's best leather whip.... :banana:

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The really fuckin' fun part is when you go home and tell the wife, eh?


Yeah, no fuckin' worries there. True to fuckin' form... I got fucking run into, the other driver gets a fucking ticket and yet somehow, some way it's still fuckin' "kind of my fault"... <_<


Apparently I should have taken the fucking back way out of my office's parking lot. Who knew? :blink:

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Damn Pete, sorry to hear about your fucking accident.


I had one myself about six months ago...or rather my car did. Some 16 girl was backing into a parking space right next to my car and nailed it. I was getting my hair cut and when I finished walked outside to see the cops standing around my car. Fucking pissed me off because I only had the car for two weeks.

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