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The F*%K Thread


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I could never fucking get into golf. I would just go out there and whack the shit out of the fucking ball, stop by the little snack hut half way through and drink a bunch of fucking beer.


Now I do like going to the driving range. Aiming for that guy who rides around picking up all the balls is real fucking fun and it's a great stress management technique. :lol:

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Nope. :( BUT......I get to fuckin' go play fuckin' golf fuckin' tomorrow!!! :jump: Supposed to be fuckin' 80 fuckin' degrees and sunny!!!!


Fuckin' beeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooootiful!!!!!! :banana:


MJMJMJMJMJMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I fuckin go with ya tomorrow!??! I don't wanna fuckin play, I just wanna drive the fuckin golf cart! I've always wanted to fuckin drive one of them fuckers!



Looooooong fuckin day today.... 14 fuckin hours <_<


hahahaha......Fuck YEAH, Sweetie........c'mon down........up........over?? :blink:


Been up since before fuckin' SIX this morning.......too fuckin' excited. :bananamac:

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Drivin' the fuckin' golf carts is half the fuckin' fun!!!!!!!!!
fuck yeah JLP! I'm not into the golfing part, so the fuckin cart is gonna be all the fuckin fun!


Now I do like going to the driving range. Aiming for that guy who rides around picking up all the balls is real fucking fun and it's a great stress management technique. :lol:
You're just plain fuckin mean <_<


but secretly, I fuckin love it :lol:


hahahaha......Fuck YEAH, Sweetie........c'mon down........up........over?? :blink:


Been up since before fuckin' SIX this morning.......too fuckin' excited. :bananamac:

fuckin-A! I'm on my fuckin way! It's slightly north and waaaaaayy fuckin east - but I'm on my way!


btw.... you got fuckin insurance, right? :unsure:

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Fuckin' hello every-fuckin' body... gonna be a busy fuckin' day here at the fuckin' office today so you might not hear as much from ole Freddy as usual. So have a lovely fuckin' day and type to ya fuckin' later!!

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fuckin-A! I'm on my fuckin way! It's slightly north and waaaaaayy fuckin east - but I'm on my way!


btw.... you got fuckin insurance, right? :unsure:


Hahaha......I'm sure you coulda done better than the lady driving. I was leaning wayyyyyyyyyyy out the side, and she took a SHARP fuckin' left turn......and my ass went flyin' out the side.....hahahaha..........BOOM!!!!. Damn near peed my pants, laughing so fuckin' hard....... :lol:

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Hahaha......I'm sure you coulda done better than the lady driving. I was leaning wayyyyyyyyyyy out the side, and she took a SHARP fuckin' left turn......and my ass went flyin' out the side.....hahahaha..........BOOM!!!!. Damn near peed my pants, laughing so fuckin' hard....... :lol:


hehe THAT'S what I fuckin call proper operation of a golf cart :lol:


....and if you ended up peeing your pants while I was fuckin drivin'.... I woulda fuckin made ya walk :P

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How the fuck is everybody to doing today?


Is it fucking friday yet?


A-fucking-men, brutha. Get me the fuck outta here. This day has fucking sucked. I can hear the fuckin' beers calling me from my fucking fridge at home even as I type these fucking words!!

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How the fuck is everybody to doing today?


Is it fucking friday yet?


A-fucking-men, brutha. Get me the fuck outta here. This day has fucking sucked. I can hear the fuckin' beers calling me from my fucking fridge at home even as I type these fucking words!!



Do you still have those fucking newcastle's?

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I've got three of the fucking Newcastles left but by the end of tonight I doubt there will be any fucking survivors

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I've got three of the fucking Newcastles left but by the end of tonight I doubt there will be any fucking survivors



I need to buy me some fucking more Newcastle. It's fucking $9 for a fucking 6-pack here.

How much does it fucking cost in Jersey?

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I dunno how fucking much it is, but I know I can't fucking afford it. I usually drink cheap fucking stuff like Red Fucking Dog. The only fucking time I get good fucking beer is when I eat at a nice fucking restaurant or if someone hooks me the fuck up as a birthday or Xmas gift.

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I pretty much fucking hate golf too, but I'm a sucker for punishment and will take to the fuckin' course again for the sake of fresh fuckin' air. Back at home we lived right near a fucking golf course - beautiful one at that - and my brothers and I used to sneak on after school every fucking day and play a few fuckin' holes. Loved those days... but man it's a fucking frustrating game. I've broken about 4 clubs - wrapped them around trees. Fuckin' pretty funny.


Funniest thing I ever saw though was one of my brother's miss an easy putt. He slammed the fucking putter into the green, pulled the shaft out and the fucking head of the club stayed lodged in the green! :lol: Laughed my fuckin' ass off.

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I pretty much fucking hate golf too, but I'm a sucker for punishment and will take to the fuckin' course again for the sake of fresh fuckin' air. Back at home we lived right near a fucking golf course - beautiful one at that - and my brothers and I used to sneak on after school every fucking day and play a few fuckin' holes. Loved those days... but man it's a fucking frustrating game. I've broken about 4 clubs - wrapped them around trees. Fuckin' pretty funny.


Funniest thing I ever saw though was one of my brother's miss an easy putt. He slammed the fucking putter into the green, pulled the shaft out and the fucking head of the club stayed lodged in the green! :lol: Laughed my fuckin' ass off.


:yikes: Yikes......you play fuckin' rough. Funniest thing I've seen / done *other than being pitched out on my ass today....lol* was that I didn't realize the head on my old wood club was loose.....and I smacked that fucker over a water hole.......only to see that it was the whole HEAD of my club......*PLUNK* right in the middle of the swamp pond. :o hahahaha. I have fuckin' fun.... :lol:

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I had to get a fuckin actuator replaced for the fucking parking brake on my car today, and while I was waiting for the fuckin service to be done.... the dealer let me take this lil fucker out for a test spin:



...talk about fuckin purrrrrr! 505 big fuckin ponies :lol:

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I pretty much fucking hate golf too, but I'm a sucker for punishment and will take to the fuckin' course again for the sake of fresh fuckin' air. Back at home we lived right near a fucking golf course - beautiful one at that - and my brothers and I used to sneak on after school every fucking day and play a few fuckin' holes. Loved those days... but man it's a fucking frustrating game. I've broken about 4 clubs - wrapped them around trees. Fuckin' pretty funny.


Funniest thing I ever saw though was one of my brother's miss an easy putt. He slammed the fucking putter into the green, pulled the shaft out and the fucking head of the club stayed lodged in the green! :lol: Laughed my fuckin' ass off.


:yikes: Yikes......you play fuckin' rough. Funniest thing I've seen / done *other than being pitched out on my ass today....lol* was that I didn't realize the head on my old wood club was loose.....and I smacked that fucker over a water hole.......only to see that it was the whole HEAD of my club......*PLUNK* right in the middle of the swamp pond. :o hahahaha. I have fuckin' fun.... :lol:


:lol: Okay, just one last fuckin' story because that reminded me... I went to the driving range with my mate and his dad once - his dad's a huge golfer. He had himself real expensive clubs. He took out a $300 wood and invited me to have a shot. I said yes, took a massive swing, dug the fucker into the synthetic grass and looked out into the air to watch my ball fly. Instead, the head of the fucking club has flown 50 metres out into the grass. My mate fucking lost it, ran out onto the grass almost stumbling over from laughing so hard as he retrieved the head of the club - he was a mess of fuckin' laughter. His dad was absolutely stunned, couldn't believe it - not laughing at all. Apparently I was pretty stunned too. Neither have ever let me forget that. Fucking tear-inducingly funny though.

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I had to get a fuckin actuator replaced for the fucking parking brake on my car today, and while I was waiting for the fuckin service to be done.... the dealer let me take this lil fucker out for a test spin:



...talk about fuckin purrrrrr! 505 big fuckin ponies :lol:


That's a nice fucker!! My buddy who was just in from Deeetroit is a fuckin' Engineer for GM.......dat's a nice ride baybee!!


*but wait till you see the fuckin' 'Blue Devil' that'll be comin' out in a couple.........*shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*


It's a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad mofo!!

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Good fuckin' morning y'all, how the fuck is everybody?

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I'm fucking already at fucking work, H&H... misery loves fucking company

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Fuckin' workin' here too... <_<


Obviously neither of us are fuckin' workin' very fuckin' hard are we Blue? :)

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