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The F*%K Thread


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Misery and I are at a fuckin' stalemate. It's time for my fuckin' bishop to kick the fuck into action.

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Fuck, been a while since I visited this fuckin thread. My 4th fucking night of work, can't fuckin wait to be done. Not till fucking 6am though. I am so fucking tired and wired on Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and fuckin Reeses Pieces that I can't sit still. :shocked: 5 1/2 hours to go...Fuck!

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I FUCKIN' hate it when you run out of beer and you really have the craving for alot FUCKIN' more......Like right FUCKIN' now :crying:

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I FUCKIN' hate it when you run out of beer and you really have the craving for alot FUCKIN' more......Like right FUCKIN' now :crying:


You FUCKIN' beauty :banana: The missus just bought home another slab of the amber fluid and the Footy is about to start on the TV.......Gotta' go now and get alot more of that amber fluid into the guts where it does the damage while i watch the game......Ah...... that's life :chug::chug::chug:

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Happy fuckin' Friday indeed!!


I treated myself to a fuckin' Taylor ham, egg and fuckin' cheese breakfast sandwich from the fuckin' deli this morning. That's some gooood fuckin' eating.


The guy standing next to me at the fuckin' deli counter looked like fuckin' Silent Bob from fuckin' "Clerks" too, that was pretty fuckin' surreal.

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I FUCKIN' hate it when you run out of beer and you really have the craving for alot FUCKIN' more......Like right FUCKIN' now :crying:


You FUCKIN' beauty :banana: The missus just bought home another slab of the amber fluid and the Footy is about to start on the TV.......Gotta' go now and get alot more of that amber fluid into the guts where it does the damage while i watch the game......Ah...... that's life :chug::chug::chug:


FUCK me dead, we lost again......now i know how Ian must feel :lol: ......Oh well, at least the beer numbed the FUCKIN' pain of losing to our arch FUCKIN' enemy <_<

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Happy fuckin' Friday indeed!!


I treated myself to a fuckin' Taylor ham, egg and fuckin' cheese breakfast sandwich from the fuckin' deli this morning. That's some gooood fuckin' eating.


The guy standing next to me at the fuckin' deli counter looked like fuckin' Silent Bob from fuckin' "Clerks" too, that was pretty fuckin' surreal.


Yes, happy fucking Friday to all. :dance:

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Fokkin 'Ell G'vnern, time for tea aye..


Fook that, tyme for fookin' BEER matey! :drink:

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Saturday fuckin' morning !! What can I fuckin' say....


It's Saturday.....start drinkin' FUCKIN' beer.......who gives a FUCK if it is in the morning......there is no time like the FUCKIN' present :chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug::chug:

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I am so fucking sick of fucking rain.


Our problem here in Oz is that we are not FUCKIN' getting any of it.....We are in a FUCKIN' drought and it is getting FUCKIN' real bad.

We are just about to hit stage 4 restrictions and that means you can not use a hose outside for any reasons.

Already you are not even allowed to wash your FUCKIN' car and you are only allowed to water your garden {not lawns} 2 days a week from 6am in the morning to 8am <_< .

Who the Fuck wants to get up at 6am on Sunday morning to water the FUCKIN' garden with a hangover <_< .

Not FUCKIN' me :puke:

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