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The F*%K Thread


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I think we should fuckin' designate one day a fuckin' year as "Smack the Fuck Out Of Someone day." On that day everybody gets to use one free smack on the fucker of their choice, without any retribution. I think it would reduce everybody's fuckin' stress levels BIG fuckin' time

that's the "freebie" I was fuckin talkin' about! I think it should be allowed only on June 25th, so that it would be like getting xmas twice a fuckin year :banana:


...and I'd make it a really good fuckin smack too!! serve that fuckin head up like it was a volleyball :lol:


Ahhh....the dreaded fuckin' 'volleyball' smack...... "OUCH"!!!!!!! ........we need a fuckin' emoticon for that one!!! :banana:


...then we need one and call it 'bitch slap' !!

Here's the bitch slap smilie: slap.gif


I'll look for the other one... :lol:


How's this: slap2.gif



Dude...the fuckin' 2nd one kicks ass!!



Heh heh




Ooooooops........did it again...........fuck.


I'm such a fuckin' lady it just doesn't fuckin' roll easily off my fuckin' tongue..... :lol:


Hahaha....yeah...that's a fuckin perfect one....for Drama Queens... :)

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Supposed to hit fuckin' 90 degrees out here in Jersey this weekend too, Lisa.

Of course, I'm supposed to be fuckin' doing work out in the fuckin' yard tomorrow. Fuck me.

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Keep hydrated! Fill up that fuckin ice chest full of ice, beer and water and you're in fuckin biz :)


It's going to be a home weekend for me. First official weekend since fuckin school got out and I am not even going to try to fuckin mess with that insanity.


Only thing I've got fuckin planned is to have a couple friends over for dinner tomorrow night. Wine, beer and crab legs.

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We're having a buncha fuckers over for a fuckin' Father's Day BBQ on Sunday so I gotta get the fuckin' yard in shape. I haven't mowed the fuckin' lawn in about two weeks so it looks like Jurassic Fuckin' Park right now

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ugh........fuckin' heat wave here too, kids. 87 right now......91 tomorrow.


Guess I have to break down and put my fuckin' air conditioners in, huh?

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Here's the bitch slap smilie: slap.gif


I'll look for the other one... :lol:


How's this: slap2.gif

Riiiiick... your fuckin language!


but I love the fuckin 2nd one :)

Oh Fuuuuuuck! I fucking forgot all fucking about saying fuck. Fuck!


A good friend of mine in high school used to fucking talk like that 23 hours a fucking day. The only time he didn't swear was when he was around his dad. And believe me it was very fucking hard for him to do when every other fucking thing out of his mouth was "fuck".

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ugh........fuckin' heat wave here too, kids. 87 right now......91 tomorrow.


Guess I have to break down and put my fuckin' air conditioners in, huh?



It reached 100 here today.



Fuckin' hot

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Gonna be in the 90s here all fuckin' weekend. We're supposed to have a house full of fuckin' peeps for a Father's Day BBQ on Sunday but I bet everybody else will stay the fuck in the house in the A.C. while I stand outside in the sun working the fucking grill. I thought Dads were supposed to chill the fuck out on Father's Day! What the fuck??

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Gonna be in the 90s here all fuckin' weekend. We're supposed to have a house full of fuckin' peeps for a Father's Day BBQ on Sunday but I bet everybody else will stay the fuck in the house in the A.C. while I stand outside in the sun working the fucking grill. I thought Dads were supposed to chill the fuck out on Father's Day! What the fuck??



I got a outdoor all day party tomorrow and my family is coming over for a Fathers Day bbq for my dad on Sunday. So I'll be drinking many beers in the fucking heat all fucking weekend.

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ugh........fuckin' heat wave here too, kids. 87 right now......91 tomorrow.


Guess I have to break down and put my fuckin' air conditioners in, huh?



It reached 100 here today.



Fuckin' hot


:yikes: Gack!!! Fuckin' hot, indeedy!!!


Luckily I have an attic fan that sucks in all the cooler air from outside, and sucks the hot air up and out thru the attic......so it's been pretty cool here at night.....I'm good. But......no escaping when it fuckin' hits 90 and above.....ack.

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Gonna be in the 90s here all fuckin' weekend. We're supposed to have a house full of fuckin' peeps for a Father's Day BBQ on Sunday but I bet everybody else will stay the fuck in the house in the A.C. while I stand outside in the sun working the fucking grill. I thought Dads were supposed to chill the fuck out on Father's Day! What the fuck??



I got a outdoor all day party tomorrow and my family is coming over for a Fathers Day bbq for my dad on Sunday. So I'll be drinking many beers in the fucking heat all fucking weekend.


I could use a fucking beer right now. I stopped and picked some up on the way home but they're not fucking cold yet. However, I did find a Mike's Fucking Hard Lemonade waaaaay the fuck in the back of the fridge that I didn't even fucking know I had, that'll fucking do for now.

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ugh........fuckin' heat wave here too, kids. 87 right now......91 tomorrow.


Guess I have to break down and put my fuckin' air conditioners in, huh?



It reached 100 here today.



Fuckin' hot


:yikes: Gack!!! Fuckin' hot, indeedy!!!


Luckily I have an attic fan that sucks in all the cooler air from outside, and sucks the hot air up and out thru the attic......so it's been pretty cool here at night.....I'm good. But......no escaping when it fuckin' hits 90 and above.....ack.



It gets so fucking hot in the upstairs of my house that my wife and I can't stand sleeping upstairs in the summer so we've been sleeping in the guest room, which is downstairs, for the last 6 weeks. The only fucking problem has been when her grandmother came to fucking visit we had to give up that room and go back upstairs for last weekend. Let me tell you those were the longest 3 nights of my fucking life.


Gonna be in the 90s here all fuckin' weekend. We're supposed to have a house full of fuckin' peeps for a Father's Day BBQ on Sunday but I bet everybody else will stay the fuck in the house in the A.C. while I stand outside in the sun working the fucking grill. I thought Dads were supposed to chill the fuck out on Father's Day! What the fuck??



I got a outdoor all day party tomorrow and my family is coming over for a Fathers Day bbq for my dad on Sunday. So I'll be drinking many beers in the fucking heat all fucking weekend.


I could use a fucking beer right now. I stopped and picked some up on the way home but they're not fucking cold yet. However, I did find a Mike's Fucking Hard Lemonade waaaaay the fuck in the back of the fridge that I didn't even fucking know I had, that'll fucking do for now.



I went out to eat earlier and had two Killians Red's and then had some beer I had never tried before over at my boss' place. I just picked up a cheap 18 pack of Miller Lite at the liquor store for tomorrow's all dayer. I have some Newcastle left but wanted to drink light beer since I'll be in the fucking sun all day.

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Good fuckin' call. You don't want your fucking guests trying to pinch your Newcastles anyway. I picked me up some Pabst Blue Fucking Ribbon. Nobody likes it except me so I should have most, if not all, of that fucking PBR to my fuckin' self on Sunday :)

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I went for a fucking surf today, about 16 degrees celcius, and I believe the water is still fucking warmer than that. It was fucking freezing, to the point where I almost suffocated every time I duck-dived under a wave because it was so fucking cold and I was having a lot of fucking trouble breathing. I had a spring-suit on, which is a wetsuit with short legs and singlet arms. The surf was fucking massive, I got dragged literally about 1km down the fucking beach, cuaght 1 wave and went in or I'd have snapped my board.


Make a long story short, it was fucked. The heat would have helped though.

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Good fuckin' call. You don't want your fucking guests trying to pinch your Newcastles anyway. I picked me up some Pabst Blue Fucking Ribbon. Nobody likes it except me so I should have most, if not all, of that fucking PBR to my fuckin' self on Sunday :)



I love PBR. I even have a PBR hat I bought from a LIDS store that I used to manage.



oh yeah forgot to say fuck

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Why in the fucking hell would somebody fucking create a fucking "fuck" thread? I keep fucking thinking about the fucking shit and I still haven't fucking come up with a fucking answer. I have been drinking some Busch beer today (hey... it's fucking cheap!) and it's hot as fuck here in fucking Baltimore too. It isn't even fucking summer yet and the fucking temperature wants to hit 90 fucking degrees already. What the fuck is up with that?


Hope all you fucking fathers have a great fucking father's day! Cheers!


Oh.... and FUCK. :P

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Ooooooooh......Geoff, that fuckin' sucks. Glad you're ok and posting about it past tense, though!! :headbanger:



Fuckin' hot here already. Got one air conditioner in. Fucker was heavy........Break fuckin' time. :drink:

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but isn't the fuckin worst day surfing, better than the best day fuckin working?


I don't know aything about that but I will say that the worst day fuckin' is better than a fucked day workin'.

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Whew! just finished mowing my fucking lawn, cleaning my fucking grill, trimming my fucking hedges, and weeding around the edges of my fucking driveway. Now I'm all fucking set for a house ful of fucking people tomorrow for our Father's Day BBQ. I need a fucking beer.

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but isn't the fuckin worst day surfing, better than the best day fuckin working?


:wub: True that! Even if I'd swallowed a fucking litre of water in the process it would have kicked a day of work in the fuckin' ass.


Ooooooooh......Geoff, that fuckin' sucks. Glad you're ok and posting about it past tense, though!! :headbanger:



Fuckin' hot here already. Got one air conditioner in. Fucker was heavy........Break fuckin' time. :drink:


Thanks MJ, I'm thinking of going out and doing it all again today, but this time I'll wear the fucking steamer (full length wetsuit) and I hear the surf's fuckin' cleaned up a bit too. :)




but isn't the fuckin worst day surfing, better than the best day fuckin working?


I don't know aything about that but I will say that the worst day fuckin' is better than a fucked day workin'.


The worst day fuckin' is better than the (then second) best day ever... aside from better day's fuckin'.

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