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The Uninteresting Thread


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Caving...What's the point ?


To watch little rocks...and big rocks...and medium ones....just get among them I guess.

You need a torch I reckon......but if you didn't have one you could probably get the same feeling sitting with your eyes shut tight in Santa's Grotto.

I hear people get wet doing it too...so maybe Santa could spill his drink on you to heighten the experience!

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I turned in my resignation at work today. :headbanger:

Seriously? Wow, that is seriously metal. How did they take it? Why did you resign?

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I turned in my resignation at work today. :headbanger:

Seriously? Wow, that is seriously metal. How did they take it? Why did you resign?

Metal? I think that's so emo!!! :whistle:

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I turned in my resignation at work today. :headbanger:

Seriously? Wow, that is seriously metal. How did they take it? Why did you resign?

Metal? I think that's so emo!!! :whistle:

Nah, emo would be if he cried or cut himself until he was carried away in an ambulance and was then forced into redundancy because everyone hated him and his frown.


Resignation is pure metal.

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I turned in my resignation at work today. :headbanger:

Seriously? Wow, that is seriously metal. How did they take it? Why did you resign?


I'm moving to Wyoming at the end of the month.


No shit?

What's in Wyoming ?? :unsure::unsure:

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Plenty of news here on planet earth. The shrinky dinks planned a sit in at the westinghouse plant. It was very hot that day and the turnout was smaller than expected…..Rimshot. Now that it's getting warmer I am praticing my right to bare arms. The cast of CSI Miami still sucks. I swear Horatio is a hornblower too. Living in Oklahoma I have learned to adjust. They are bags people, not sacks. Taters come in sacks. Taters! I said it. I told you I am adjusting. It isn't a buggy. It's a shopping cart. You watch Shows on tv. You go to the theater to watch a MOVIE not a show. Queso is not a traditional mexican dish. Oh and while I am on the subject, you don't always have to use the prefab shells like Taco Bell does. Really there are these things called tortillas. Check them out. Shaving, anyone else think it's a pain in the ass? There is still a shitload of mylar balloons around here and they are pissing me off. So much thunder and lightning last night. I thought I was in the middle of a warzone. I really need to mow my lawn. Hot sweaty muscles glistening in the sun. Sorry where was I? Oh yeah, hot swety muscles in the sun, but I am doing it so no muscles. Why is that hours go buy so fast when you aren't at work, but so slowly when you are? I saw Saw. Patience is a virtue. Just hurrying up is appreciated. Jizzy Pearl. I just like saying it. Jizzy Pearl.

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Plenty of news here on planet earth. The shrinky dinks planned a sit in at the westinghouse plant. It was very hot that day and the turnout was smaller than expected…..Rimshot. Now that it's getting warmer I am praticing my right to bare arms. The cast of CSI Miami still sucks. I swear Horatio is a hornblower too. Living in Oklahoma I have learned to adjust. They are bags people, not sacks. Taters come in sacks. Taters! I said it. I told you I am adjusting. It isn't a buggy. It's a shopping cart. You watch Shows on tv. You go to the theater to watch a MOVIE not a show. Queso is not a traditional mexican dish. Oh and while I am on the subject, you don't always have to use the prefab shells like Taco Bell does. Really there are these things called tortillas. Check them out. Shaving, anyone else think it's a pain in the ass? There is still a shitload of mylar balloons around here and they are pissing me off. So much thunder and lightning last night. I thought I was in the middle of a warzone. I really need to mow my lawn. Hot sweaty muscles glistening in the sun. Sorry where was I? Oh yeah, hot swety muscles in the sun, but I am doing it so no muscles. Why is that hours go buy so fast when you aren't at work, but so slowly when you are? I saw Saw. Patience is a virtue. Just hurrying up is appreciated. Jizzy Pearl. I just like saying it. Jizzy Pearl.


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Plenty of news here on planet earth. The shrinky dinks planned a sit in at the westinghouse plant. It was very hot that day and the turnout was smaller than expected…..Rimshot. Now that it's getting warmer I am praticing my right to bare arms. The cast of CSI Miami still sucks. I swear Horatio is a hornblower too. Living in Oklahoma I have learned to adjust. They are bags people, not sacks. Taters come in sacks. Taters! I said it. I told you I am adjusting. It isn't a buggy. It's a shopping cart. You watch Shows on tv. You go to the theater to watch a MOVIE not a show. Queso is not a traditional mexican dish. Oh and while I am on the subject, you don't always have to use the prefab shells like Taco Bell does. Really there are these things called tortillas. Check them out. Shaving, anyone else think it's a pain in the ass? There is still a shitload of mylar balloons around here and they are pissing me off. So much thunder and lightning last night. I thought I was in the middle of a warzone. I really need to mow my lawn. Hot sweaty muscles glistening in the sun. Sorry where was I? Oh yeah, hot swety muscles in the sun, but I am doing it so no muscles. Why is that hours go buy so fast when you aren't at work, but so slowly when you are? I saw Saw. Patience is a virtue. Just hurrying up is appreciated. Jizzy Pearl. I just like saying it. Jizzy Pearl.


I know, that's what I was going to say too... <_<

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I almost asked for video footage of something I'm not sure I should be asking about. So instead I just posted this post, and acted as if nothing wrong had happened. And it hasn't.

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I was at my sister's this weekend... went running, rode horses, played a few games on the Wii. She kept asking me if I wanted to play with her Wii Wii. Sometimes, she scares me :unsure:


Your sister has a wii wii? :yikes:

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I have nothing interesting to add.

But you did succeed in adding something uninteresting. :)

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