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Do remember which Assault album has Hang The Pope? Talk about playing as fast as you can.


Now playing...


Big Guns - On Dangerous Ground...Thanks Lonnie awesome disc.


"Hang the Pope" was on GAME OVER. That song is hilarious. "Hang the pope, hang the pope, hang him with a f**kin' rope, let's go to the Vatican, get him outta bed, put the noose around his neck and hang him till he's fu**kin' dead!" (repeat, repeat, repeat, end) One of my buddies used to have a Nuclear Assault "Hang The Pope" t-shirt, it had a picture of a noose in front of a stained glass window on it. Tasteful, huh? :)


Now playing: Loudness - DEVIL SOLDIER

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Wild Frontier - Thousand Miles away

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Y. Malmsteen 'Eclipse'

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At home today


Get Animal 1 & 2 - Adam Bomb....great massive OTT riffs BOOM!!!!

Robby Valentine - Believing is Seeing



On the way to work


It Bites - Eat Me In St. Louis


Queued up in the player for going back


Get Animal 2 (again) ... it'll keep me awake.

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Nicholas you mad crazed Adam Bomb Stalker you. Your insane I tell you, completely insane. :lol:



In your honor, this evening I dug out (Which is the only AB disc I own)



Adam Bomb - Pure S.E.X

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Nicholas you mad crazed Adam Bomb Stalker you. Your insane I tell you, completely insane. :lol:



In your honor, this evening I dug out (Which is the only AB disc I own)



Adam Bomb - Pure S.E.X


Bit hit and miss that one innit! :lol: But it has a couple of half decent moments.

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Norway - Rising Up From The Ashes

Hartmann - Home

Toto - Fahrenheit

Foreigner - Agent Provocateur

The Poodles - Metal Will Stand Tall (Special Edition)


Nicholas you mad crazed Adam Bomb Stalker you. Your insane I tell you, completely insane. :lol:



In your honor, this evening I dug out (Which is the only AB disc I own)



Adam Bomb - Pure S.E.X


Bit hit and miss that one innit! :lol: But it has a couple of half decent moments.



Hmmm - Certainly is. I haven't played this in years. What is his best stuff as I haven't heard anything else except 'Fatal Attraction'.??

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Norway - Rising Up From The Ashes

Hartmann - Home

Toto - Fahrenheit

Foreigner - Agent Provocateur

The Poodles - Metal Will Stand Tall (Special Edition)


Nicholas you mad crazed Adam Bomb Stalker you. Your insane I tell you, completely insane. :lol:



In your honor, this evening I dug out (Which is the only AB disc I own)



Adam Bomb - Pure S.E.X


Bit hit and miss that one innit! :lol: But it has a couple of half decent moments.



Hmmm - Certainly is. I haven't played this in years. What is his best stuff as I haven't heard anything else except 'Fatal Attraction'.??



The Get Animal albums are pretty excellent and his last studio one Rock Like F*ck (which has just arrived thru the post today) is pretty fantastic IMO. Everything from New York Times onward is light years ahead of the 1st two releases (still waiting on Grave New World his 3rd) and he raises his game another notch from the Get Animal releases onward (Although New York Times was released AFTER the Get Animal releases...it was actually recorded before them and as such is really his 4th album the tapes were lost/hijacked depending on what story you believe, retrieved and released....trainspotter Nick).


I'll whizz you a compilation off over the next few weeks as a bit of a taster......some of the guitar histrionics are amazing...but wether it'll be your cuppa I'm not sure. I'm off to see him on the 8th and I don't think I've been looking forward to a gig as much for ages (I'm sure I've said this somewhere else) okay since Journey last year. If he's doing any gigs in your area over Feb / March I'd check him out mate.

Here's a link to the dates :- Adam Bomb



Anyway todays spins 'ave been


Adam Bomb - Rock Like F*ck


Gary Hughes - The Once and Future King parts 1 & 2

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Lightspeed 'Waves'

X-Savior 'Caleidoscope'

Shadow Gallery 'Room V'

UK s/t 78

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Zillion - S/T.

21 Guns - Nothing's Real.

House Of Lords - World Upside Down.

Wicked Sensation - Reflected.

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