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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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This band some dude sent me called Summer Hero. Full of punkish angst. Not bad at all.


Yeah, in complete honesty it's not quite as good as I was hoping for, but there's something about it that definately struck the right chord. Punky, but a good sense of melody. Pretty easily my fave "modern" release this year so far and I get the feeling it's only going to grow with each listen. Already thrown it in my ears several times and it sounds better each time.

The vocals take some getting used to but I agree better with each spin.

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The V.U. - "Phoenix Rising"

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Fair Warning - Brother's Keeper

Fate - V

Styx - The Grand Illusion

Barney Bentall & The Legendary Hearts - S/T

Touch - S/T

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A disc of random MP3s by such bands as Adagio, Dominus Praelii, Evergrace, Flotsam & Jetsam, and others

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Reckless - NO FRILLS

Leatherwolf - S/T

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Choirboys - Big Bad Noise

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Babylon AD - Nothing Sacred


An oldie but a goody! I was listening to that one earlier this week.


Right now:


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Chastain - IN DEMENTIA

Iron Maiden - FEAR OF THE DARK (found out it's got a skip in "Judas My Guide" while playing it too, arrrrgh!) :doh:

Rage of Angels - S/T


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