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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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Listening to an old mix CD I made for the car when I first got my computer and used Napster. It's called "Stay Away Mike". I didn't want my buddy accidentally throwing it on the stereo in the car.


It's a bunch of R&B/rap/dance type stuff. It's not actually that bad (in this kind of environment, anyway), but it's so cool because it takes me back in time when you could make a mix of all kinds of stuff (when you didn't want to plunk down $15 for a disc for one song). I know, you still can if you're not a paranoid freak like me. Still cool for the nostalgia factor, though.

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These are a must, especially at Christmas time. :tumbsup::tumbsup:


Plus - ALLEN-LANDE - THE BATTLE {This is good}

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CATERIZE - Paper Wings

BLUE TEARS - Mad Bad & Dangerous

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Misery ~ "Out of My Hands".....one of the greatest Indie bands I have ever heard. And that is NO bullshit.....

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just*if*i - all one people

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Talk of the Town - "The Ways of the World"

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Silver Tears ~ "Dirty Dogs"........this is one of those indies that very few people know about...and it's not too bad either. It has a kinda sleazy vibe to it.

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Shotgun Wedding ~ "If You Only Knew"


..from the guy who brought you Pretty Vacant and the Fashion Police, Dave Belanger. This is his last studio effort until he went the 80's tribute band route!! Not a bad slice o' sleazy hard rock from my Ohio compadre!

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