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66 mustang

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"Fantastic Four" (2015)

This expensive turkey attempted to reboot the Marvel Comics heroes as a quartet of teenage geniuses, hired to work on a government-sanctioned experiment with inter-dimensional travel. Naturally things go wrong, endowing each of them with cool super-powers - and giving birth to a super-villain who wants to destroy our world.
I was honestly expecting much worse from this flick after all the bad word-of-mouth it got, but in the end I can understand why it got so much fanboy hatred. This is a "Fantastic Four" movie in name only, as it bears almost no resemblance to the comics aside from the characters' names and their powers. Skip it unless you absolutely have to see every Marvel movie in existence.
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Went in with high hopes after lots of good reviews.

And it lived up to them which was nice.

Additions of a couple of other superheroes added a lot to the movie and they were used really well.

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  • My Little Pony

yeah I love 'Zootopia', an Oscar-worthy movie definitely, but compared to last year's 'Inside Out', I still like the latter better

Inside Out was good, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.

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From the trailers it reminds me of the Canadian tv show Todd and the Book of Pure Evil which was epic to say the least.

Excellent show :)


I watched Angry Birds The Movie with the kids at the flicks last night,wasnt too bad and some nice laughs included for the parents :)


Goin to watch Cpt America:Civil War tonight...in an hrs in fact :)

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From the trailers it reminds me of the Canadian tv show Todd and the Book of Pure Evil which was epic to say the least.

Goin to watch Cpt America:Civil War tonight...in an hrs in fact :)

And there's a new X-Men film out tomorrow. Which I had no idea about...


I think I'm done with all these superhero flicks.

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Captain America:Civil War


was pretty good but I'm aint the biggest superhero movie fan so I wasn't gushing all over it like the friends I went to see it with were :) sometimes there is just toooooo much happening on screen for my tiny wee eyes to keep up with :wacko:

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"Stripped" (2014)

An entertaining documentary that examines the rapidly-disappearing art form of newspaper comic strips, and explores the future of cartoonists working in the digital landscape. Interviewees include old schoolers like Mort "Beetle Bailey" Walker, Bill "Calvin & Hobbes" Watterson and Jeff "Foxtrot" Amend, as well as numerous young guns making their way in the world of web comics like "The Oatmeal" and "Hark! A Vagrant."
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Not a movie but just binge watched all 6 seasons of Breaking Bad. Good stuff. I quite enjoyed the series ending alternative ending and Anna Gunn is certainly worthy of ogg'ling.



And in preparation for the new AIW film Through the Looking Glass we introduced the kids to Alice in Wonderland

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And in preparation for the new AIW film Through the Looking Glass we introduced the kids to Alice in Wonderland

Which one? The amazing Disney animated, or the live action with Johnny Depp?

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And in preparation for the new AIW film Through the Looking Glass we introduced the kids to Alice in Wonderland

Which one? The amazing Disney animated, or the live action with Johnny Depp?

Alas the John Depp remake. My daughter is jones ing for this new incarnation that is all over the tv in anticipation of its theatrical release.

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And in preparation for the new AIW film Through the Looking Glass we introduced the kids to Alice in Wonderland

Which one? The amazing Disney animated, or the live action with Johnny Depp?

Alas the John Depp remake. My daughter is jones ing for this new incarnation that is all over the tv in anticipation of its theatrical release.



The original from 1951 is one of my all-time favourite films. I often tell people, if they want to understand how my mind (mal)functions, they need to watch Alice in Wonderland and Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.


I will, one day, see this new film, as there are a bunch of parts in the book that I'd like to see realised on film.

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The Dance of Reality (2013)


Alejandro Jodorowsky's first film in 23 years. Yeah, I didn't know who that was either. This is an autobiographical musical fantasy drama film, so it's weird. Very imaginative, but I'll never watch it again.

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"Hudson Hawk" (1991)

Bruce Willis is a recently-paroled master cat burglar who wants to go straight, but he ends up getting mixed up in a plot involving the CIA, the Mafia, and the Vatican, all of whom want him to steal a long-lost treasure created by Leonardo da Vinci. Everyone involved seems to be having fun but the flick feels like it was made up as it went along. This silly-as-hell slapstick caper comedy was a vanity project for Willis and was one of the biggest box office failures of 1991.
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Apparently this is a massively popular book that is now a film. Never heard of the prose but the film is decent. Big budget solid acting from our all growled up Harry Potter. Certainly worth a watch.

Never even heard of it.

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Apparently this is a massively popular book that is now a film. Never heard of the prose but the film is decent. Big budget solid acting from our all growled up Harry Potter. Certainly worth a watch.

Never even heard of it.



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"Smokey and the Bandit 2" (1980)

The Bandit, Snowman and Frog are on the road again in the mostly unnecessary sequel to 1977's car-crash hit, racing from Florida to Dallas to deliver an elephant (?) to the Texas Republican Convention. Naturally, Sheriff Buford T. Justice (and his two brothers) are in hot pursuit, leading to the usual vehicular mayhem and goofball humor. I loved this movie when I was ten years old, but to say it's "aged badly" is putting it kindly. Stick with the original.
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"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2014)

A crime organization called "The Foot Clan" is taking over New York City, but an aspiring TV news reporter (Megan Fox) discovers that there's a new, reptilian force for good willing to emerge from their secret sewer lair to fight against them...


The '80s comic book and '90s cartoon sensation gets an expensive CGI-heavy 21st century reboot courtesy of Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes production house. The flick barely has a plot, but there's plenty of one liners and lotsa butt kicking action.


My almost-9-year old son has been asking to see this since commercials for the new sequel have been all over TV this week. Fortunately it was available on Amazon Prime streaming for nothin'. He loved it, and it was relatively painless viewing for his old retired comic book nerd Dad too.

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Batman vs Superman.

Actually thought this one was pretty good.

Possibly a classic case of hearing millions of poor reviews and going in expecting it to be complete shit.

They are clearly trying to do an Avengers type of franchise, but seems less likely given that this movie didn't do so well.

Maybe they'll do a Captain America and make movies 2 and 3 much much better and it will take off....

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I found this to be quite good, WAY over the top with CGI, but the dialogue was well done and no matter what you think of Ryan Reynolds he earns massive cool points capping on himself throughout this film. I will need to rewatch to catch all the references to other movies and people.

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