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66 mustang

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"UHF" (1989) Weird Al Yankovic is a dorky dreamer who takes over a low watt small town TV station and soon incurs the wrath of a rival network when his bizarre new programs hit it big in the ratings. Silly fun with a great cast.

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The Wrestler


So depressing.

I enjoyed this one and Marissa Torme looks amazing!

It was a good film, but that doesn't make it any less depressing.

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Captain America: Winter Soldier


Good. I don't know what else to say. I'm not a comic book nerd, but my friends are and they loved it. They said there was a great deal of fan service, so I guess that's a good thing.

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Fuck x50

I heard that one wasn't as good as the award winning Fuck x49. :P

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  • My Little Pony




Fuck x50

I heard that one wasn't as good as the award winning Fuck x49. :P

Rumours says Fuck x51 is a killer!

Is that out already?

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"Maniac" (1980)




In William Lustig's notorious grindhouse splatter sickie, hulking character actor Joe Spinell plays Frank Zito - a psycho New Yorker who's kinda like a combination of Norman Bates and Son of Sam. Driven by severe Mommy issues and the voices in his head, he carves up nurses, prostitutes and disco queens and displays their scalps on the mannequin collection in his apartment.


...yyyyyep, that's pretty much the whole plot.


British scream queen and onetime Bond babe Caroline Munro shows up about halfway through and unwittingly befriends the wackjob, which lends a tragic "Beauty and the Beast" feel to the proceedings cuz you KNOW it's not gonna end well for her.


"Maniac" was shot on location on the NYC mean streets and features some truly sicko gore effects by Tom "Dawn of the Dead" Savini. In other words, this flick is gritty, sleazy, disturbing as hell, and definitely NOT for the faint of heart. You'll feel like you need a shower when it's over.

Oddly enough this flick was recently remade, with Elijah Wood (!!) of all creatures, playing the psycho....

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One of the worst movies I've ever "seen". I couldn't honestly.


I was severely disappointed by that one. $90 million budget and the best they could come up with was a giant CGI apartment building?


Stallone's "Judge Dredd" movie from the 90s was pretty terrible too, but at the very least it was a great LOOKING movie. It had cool FX and the sets had a "Blade Runner" kinda vibe.


If they could've borrowed the "look" of the Stallone movie but kept Karl Urban's more true-to-the-comics portrayal of Dredd, maybe they would've been onto something.... but they f*cked it up,

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