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66 mustang

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I saw that one a couple of weekends ago. Effin' hilarious!!

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I saw that one a couple of weekends ago. Effin' hilarious!!


Yep. It might've been your recommendation I took. All I know is it was on my computer, and I couldn't remember who I heard it from. Great film.

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I saw that one a couple of weekends ago. Effin' hilarious!!


Yep. It might've been your recommendation I took. All I know is it was on my computer, and I couldn't remember who I heard it from. Great film.

I watched it in October- Good stuff
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Just watched, again, the 21 Jumpstreet remake and damn if it aint funny. Meaning it is flippin' funny.I can give or take Jonah Hill, but that Channing Tatum is a funny dude and as bad ass gangser Ben Gazzari would have said "He's a sexy guy."


One of my favorite lines: "I know the cause, Glee! Fuck you Glee!"

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Just watched, again, the 21 Jumpstreet remake and damn if it aint funny. Meaning it is flippin' funny.I can give or take Jonah Hill, but that Channing Tatum is a funny dude and as bad ass gangser Ben Gazzari would have said "He's a sexy guy."


One of my favorite lines: "I know the cause, Glee! Fuck you Glee!"


Yeah, I'm no fan of Jonah Hill, but now, because of this and "The Sitter," there are two films I like with him in it.

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I saw that one a couple of weekends ago. Effin' hilarious!!


Yep. It might've been your recommendation I took. All I know is it was on my computer, and I couldn't remember who I heard it from. Great film.

I agree Slither is a good gross out movie and funny as well.Watched a Australian movie last night called Mental with Toni Collette which i enjoyed.
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Just watched, again, the 21 Jumpstreet remake and damn if it aint funny. Meaning it is flippin' funny.I can give or take Jonah Hill, but that Channing Tatum is a funny dude and as bad ass gangser Ben Gazzari would have said "He's a sexy guy."


One of my favorite lines: "I know the cause, Glee! Fuck you Glee!"

I did enjoy the movie, although I didn't think I would because I watched 21 Jump Street (the show when it was on)and it's not a comedy.
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so this isn't a movie but season 2 of Gomer Pyle USMC.


see, I kind of put myself in charge of movie's at work. We have a bluray player and a 50" TV set up in our lounge. after it was first set up movies would start to appear back there. I figured I had better take control of this or I'm going to have movies taken off my floor and in the lounge then lost and "shrink" happening. Plus it would be hard telling what they would take back there and get the tv taken out of the lounge. So a couple times a month I switch the movies out. at most it is PG-13 with no nudity. You have to watch out for sexual themes and stuff. I'd rather be safe than sorry with this whole situation instead of letting people run wild picking movies out. I also have a no new release stipulation. We are in the business of selling movies so it would be stupid to take the newest movies back there to watch.

Anyway my last batch included Gomer Pyle , Hotel Transylvanis, Red Tails, August Rush, Spy Kids 4, School Of Rock, Smurfs and Amazing Racer. Gomer has gone over really good. it is fun to watch the young'uns watch it and they have never see it before in their life and they are laughing.


Today I switched out again and left Gomer, pulled everything else and took back G.I Joe, Frankenwennie, Paranorman, No Time For Sergeants, Premium Rush, Letters To God. crap, I can't remember, there was 8 movies we took back today and I can't remember them.

What do you do for work?
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It felt really short.


Not sure about that, I think it's kinda long especially the first 30 minutes which is kinda boring. Definitely the weakest of the Bourne installment, but probably this one didn't count because there's no Jason Bourne in it lol

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Been slackin' on the film watchin' lately but I just borrowed a whole heap of movies from the library. Started with these two...


"Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" (2012)

This historical action/horror flick is pretty much a one-joke premise and gets off to a slow start but once the serious butt kickin' starts around the halfway mark, you'll be rootin' for Honest Abe as he battles to save the U.S. from vampire rule. Silly fun.


"The Gorgon" (1964)

Gothic horror entry from the legendary Hammer Films, in which a turn-of-the-century village in Germany is menaced by the snake-headed female demon from Greek mythology, who hides out in a spooky old castle turning anyone who looks at her to stone. Christopher Lee and Richard Pasco want to destroy it, while Peter Cushing is the creepy old doctor trying to preserve the monster's secret. Moody and atmospheric, but also very talky. At times you get the feeling you're watching a stage play instead of a movie. There are better Hammer Horrors than this one...

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"The Changeling" (1980)


This moody supernatural who-dunit stars George C. Scott as a composer who recently lost his family in a tragic accident. After leaving New York and moving into a big spooky ole house in the Pacific Northwest, things start goin' bump in the night and he soon learns that his new digs have seen their own share of agony as well, sending him on a quest to solve a 70 year old murder mystery.


Cool, creepy stuff with loads of atmosphere, this flick actually made the hair on the back of my neck stand up more than once. "The Changeling" is regarded as a classic in some circles and I can see why. Recommended.

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Here Comes the Boom - pretty poor movie. Didn't really get into it at all, despite a couple of humerous moments. When he takes the knee to the head in his first fight I let out a solid laugh. But they were very few and far between around that moment.

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Here Comes the Boom - pretty poor movie. Didn't really get into it at all, despite a couple of humerous moments. When he takes the knee to the head in his first fight I let out a solid laugh. But they were very few and far between around that moment.

I enjoyed it.
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Lucky Number Sleven. Bought it when it came out-good stuff.

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Ice Age: Continental Drift

This was kinda boring. I didn't bother with the last ten minutes. I was FaceTubing a friend in the States, at the time, so this only needed to fill the gaps. Now that I think about it, I don't think I trust enjoyed any of this franchise.

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Ice Age: Continental Drift

This was kinda boring. I didn't bother with the last ten minutes. I was FaceTubing a friend in the States, at the time, so this only needed to fill the gaps. Now that I think about it, I don't think I trust enjoyed any of this franchise.

My kids enjoyed it.
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John Carter


[i can see why this got panned....I was expecting a lot more. The ideas were pretty good, but the execution was definitely flawed]

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Here Comes the Boom - pretty poor movie. Didn't really get into it at all, despite a couple of humerous moments. When he takes the knee to the head in his first fight I let out a solid laugh. But they were very few and far between around that moment.

I enjoyed it.


Selma Hayek > the movie

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"V For Vendetta" (2006)


Lavishly produced, well acted action epic set in a repressive, totalitarian Britain of the future. A masked "terrorist" known only as "V" begins striking back against the government, becoming a folk hero in the process like his inspiration, Guy Fawkes. Natalie Portman (hot) is a woman who has to decide whether "V" is better or worse than the leaders who are already in power. Intriguing stuff.

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"V For Vendetta" (2006)


Lavishly produced, well acted action epic set in a repressive, totalitarian Britain of the future. A masked "terrorist" known only as "V" begins striking back against the government, becoming a folk hero in the process like his inspiration, Guy Fawkes. Natalie Portman (hot) is a woman who has to decide whether "V" is better or worse than the leaders who are already in power. Intriguing stuff.


Good movie!

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