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66 mustang

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Very well done film starring Ryan Gosling. Some fairly gory scenes that caught me off guard, too. Beautiful cinematography.




I thought this one fell flat and had me wondering what the hype was about. I was precariously close to nodding off throughout...


I agree. just didn't get what all the hoop-la was about. totaly dissapointed

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Schlock-tober continues with...

"Dolls" (1987)

Cartoonish horror from Stuart "Re-Animator" Gordon about a group of stranded travelers who take shelter from a storm in a mysterious old toymaker's mansion. Their host's specialty is making old fashioned ceramic dolls...that come alive at night and start picking off the newcomers one by one.

The script is painfully dumb but there's some really cool stop-motion puppetry in this one. As an added bonus, sharp-eyed geeks may recognize the cute chick from a-ha's classic "Take On Me" video as one of the victims (she's the one in full-on Madonna Wanna-Be gear)!!

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Schlock-Toberfest continues with...

"Scarecrows" (1988)



(Note: this movie is actually in English, but for some reason, the only trailers I could find on YouTube for it were in Spanish or German....)

A troop of bank robbers parachute from their escape plane and land in an abandoned farm surrounded by creepy scarecrows... which, of course, are possessed by the spirits of the former landowners, and which don't take kindly to trespassers.

Fairly brutal little flick that makes up for what it lacks in logic with some impressive gore bits (disembowelments, beheadings, etc.) and an overall atmosphere of creeping dread.

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Dark Shadows - I had high hopes for this one. The trailers indicated that it would be a pretty good comedy. But they couldn't seem to figure out what kind of movie they were filming since it jumped around from comedy to horror to romance to drama....in the end considering the talent involved they ended up with an instantly forgetable film...


Cabin In The Woods - Much better movie and while I normally dislike these sorts of films, this one had enough twists and originality to keep me interested from beginning to end...

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Sherlock Holmes 2: Game of Shadows

A good movie and every bit a worthy follow up to the first one IMO.


Harold and Kumar Christmas(or whatever is was called)

A funny throw away flick but not as good as the first one but maybe better than the second one or at least just as good. The Waffle bot ruled!

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"The Cabin in the Woods" (2012)


A gang of college kids - each representing a time honored Horror Movie Stereotype (i.e. The Jock, The Stoner, the Innocent Girl, the dumb blonde, etc.) all gather at a remote cabin for a weekend of fun. Of course, horrible things begin to happen. I can't really reveal more without spoiling the whole thing, but let's just say events quickly escalate to a hilarious "everything but the kitchen sink" level that takes nearly every horror movie cliche imaginable and turns them all sideways. A total hoot, definitely worth a watch!

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"The Cabin in the Woods" (2012)


A gang of college kids - each representing a time honored Horror Movie Stereotype (i.e. The Jock, The Stoner, the Innocent Girl, the dumb blonde, etc.) all gather at a remote cabin for a weekend of fun. Of course, horrible things begin to happen. I can't really reveal more without spoiling the whole thing, but let's just say events quickly escalate to a hilarious "everything but the kitchen sink" level that takes nearly every horror movie cliche imaginable and turns them all sideways. A total hoot, definitely worth a watch!


Yep, as stated earlier, this is an awesome film. Really, really original and great fun.

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Sherlock Holmes 2: Game of Shadows

A good movie and every bit a worthy follow up to the first one IMO.


Harold and Kumar Christmas(or whatever is was called)

A funny throw away flick but not as good as the first one but maybe better than the second one or at least just as good. The Waffle bot ruled!

Yes, I really like the 2 Sherlock Holmes movies.
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Sherlock Holmes 2: Game of Shadows

A good movie and every bit a worthy follow up to the first one IMO.

Yes, I really like the 2 Sherlock Holmes movies.


Love the two Sherlock Holmes movies!!! Robert Downey Jr....... :wub:

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"Prey For Rock 'n' Roll" (2004)

The trials and tribulations of a struggling all-girl punk rock band led by the aging (but still hot in a totally skanky way) Gina Gershon, who begins to wonder if it's worth the hassle as she approaches 40 without having "made it" in music. A cool comedic drama (or dramatic comedy?) with a kickin' soundtrack.

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The Burbs-Awesome!


My personal favorite movie ever! SO funny and instantly quotable! Joe Dante's a genious and this is Tom Hanks at his best with a supporting cast that is pure genious. And let us not forget the brilliant score!

My favorite Hanks movie, A "scary "movie I can watch with the kids.
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Blades Of Glory



Will Ferrell on skates.

I know they are basically all the same, but I like most of his stuff. I love Ron Burgundy!
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