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66 mustang

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'Tomorrow When the World Began' ; good movie for an Aussie flick - well produced and nice looking. The story was silly and things ran nice and smoothly for the main characters... but overall I did enjoy it. For those unfamiliar with it, it's a flick about a group of kids who go camping for a few days and come back home to find out Australia has been invaded by some Asian army who have taken over.

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"Blade Runner: The Final Cut" (1982/2007)




"Blade Runner" has been re-released, re-edited and re-cut a number of times over the years but this 2007 version is supposedly the "definitive" edition of Ridley Scott's 1982 sci-fi cult film, with Harrison Ford as a burned out future cop tracking murderous androids through the mean streets of 2019 Los Angeles.


I've been meaning to revisit this movie for years, I first saw it when I was about 16 and I don't think I quite "got" it at the time. I was probably expecting an action packed shoot-em-up cuz "Han Solo" was in it, but it's not like that at all. It's more of a 1940s style noir/detective story that happens to be set in the future.


The flick is visually outstanding of course (the set pieces and scenery are gorgeous!) and the DVD transfer makes it look like the film was shot yesterday instead of 30 years ago. Story-wise I enjoyed it but I do have to wonder if the movie's just a wee tad overrated by sci-fi geeks. Yeah, it's good, but it's far from the "masterpiece" it's been made out to be. Maybe there's just no way it could've lived up to all the hype I've been hearing/reading about it for the past two decades...or maybe I still don't "get" it.



Either way, it's still a cool flick and definitely worth a watch.

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The Thing (2011)...decent prequel but not as good as the last one...


I am curious as to what makes this a prequel? I have yet to see it, but the adverts looked OH SO similar to the original...

If you remember the beginning of the first movie with the helicopter from the Norwegian site shooting at the dog ...that is the way this new movie ends...so its the story of the first discovery of the alien ship and the thing...

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"Blade Runner: The Final Cut" (1982/2007)




"Blade Runner" has been re-released, re-edited and re-cut a number of times over the years but this 2007 version is supposedly the "definitive" edition of Ridley Scott's 1982 sci-fi cult film, with Harrison Ford as a burned out future cop tracking murderous androids through the mean streets of 2019 Los Angeles.


I've been meaning to revisit this movie for years, I first saw it when I was about 16 and I don't think I quite "got" it at the time. I was probably expecting an action packed shoot-em-up cuz "Han Solo" was in it, but it's not like that at all. It's more of a 1940s style noir/detective story that happens to be set in the future.


The flick is visually outstanding of course (the set pieces and scenery are gorgeous!) and the DVD transfer makes it look like the film was shot yesterday instead of 30 years ago. Story-wise I enjoyed it but I do have to wonder if the movie's just a wee tad overrated by sci-fi geeks. Yeah, it's good, but it's far from the "masterpiece" it's been made out to be. Maybe there's just no way it could've lived up to all the hype I've been hearing/reading about it for the past two decades...or maybe I still don't "get" it.



Either way, it's still a cool flick and definitely worth a watch.



to me it is over-rated as I don't see the "big deal" with it either. took me a week to get through it.

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"Blade Runner: The Final Cut" (1982/2007)




"Blade Runner" has been re-released, re-edited and re-cut a number of times over the years but this 2007 version is supposedly the "definitive" edition of Ridley Scott's 1982 sci-fi cult film, with Harrison Ford as a burned out future cop tracking murderous androids through the mean streets of 2019 Los Angeles.


I've been meaning to revisit this movie for years, I first saw it when I was about 16 and I don't think I quite "got" it at the time. I was probably expecting an action packed shoot-em-up cuz "Han Solo" was in it, but it's not like that at all. It's more of a 1940s style noir/detective story that happens to be set in the future.


The flick is visually outstanding of course (the set pieces and scenery are gorgeous!) and the DVD transfer makes it look like the film was shot yesterday instead of 30 years ago. Story-wise I enjoyed it but I do have to wonder if the movie's just a wee tad overrated by sci-fi geeks. Yeah, it's good, but it's far from the "masterpiece" it's been made out to be. Maybe there's just no way it could've lived up to all the hype I've been hearing/reading about it for the past two decades...or maybe I still don't "get" it.



Either way, it's still a cool flick and definitely worth a watch.



to me it is over-rated as I don't see the "big deal" with it either. took me a week to get through it.


I definitely enjoyed the film more this time than when I first saw it as a teen. I decided to turn this viewing into a Hub entry if you wanna check out my thoughts: http://fatfreddyscat.hubpages.com/hub/Revisiting-Blade-Runner

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'The Change Up' ; by jeez I wish Ryan Reynolds was in more movies. His original character in the film amuses me greatly and it's a good solid, amusing film. I liked it.

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Overheard (2009)

a Hongkong thriller written/directed by Felix Chong/Alan Mak that's famous with Infernal Affairs trilogy (that's later inspired the movie 'The Departed'), but overall not as good as IA. Pretty decent I must say, and the plot is predictable and no great twist at all. A bit dissapointed because I'm expecting something big as IA and also because it's a stock-market movie, but not bad at all though.

Hopefully the sequel is better

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"Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" (2010)


Nonsensical but enjoyable swords-n-sandals adventure starring the extremely Caucasian Jake Gyllenhal (sp?) as the Persian Prince (!) of the title, who gets framed for the murder of his father the King, romances a hot princess, and protects a sacred dagger while kicking ass on a lot of armored bad guys on horseback. The special effects are impressive, which is a good thing, cuz there's no real story here, just an endless string of action sequences...which makes sense cuz this flick is apparently based on a series of video games.


This was obviously intended to become an ongoing franchise, but turned out to be one of the most expensive flops of 2010 so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a Part 2.

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"Prom Night" (1980)


Film #2 of the three-movie Hat Trick that earned Jamie Lee Curtis her Scream Queen immortality (the other two of course being the original "Halloween" and "Terror Train") is a Canadian made cheapie in which a masked killer stalks the halls of Hamilton High School on prom night to avenge the wrongful death of a little girl six years earlier. Watching this in 1982 on cable TV might have been scary. In 2011 it is a badly dated, glacially paced, poorly edited, hunk of schlock that not only steals from "Halloween" but also, unbelievably enough, "Saturday Night Fever!" (Seriously. The extended disco-dance sequences are absolutely nauseating). If these were the kind of scripts she was getting, I can see why Jamie Lee swore off of horror flicks for nearly 20 years after this mess.


Also of note: Leslie Nielsen has a bit part as the school principal in what was probably his last "serious" role before appearing in "Airplane!" and starting off on a whole new career arc.

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"Evil Bong" (2006)


An ultra-low-budget, retarded-on-purpose stoner horror comedy flick from Charles "Puppet Master" Band's Full Moon Studios.


After a stoner buys a supposedly "cursed" bong online, he and his hesher roommates smoke from it and are drawn one by one into "Bong World," an alternate dimension that's populated by strippers that wear carnivorous bras. The only hope to stop Evil Bong from taking over the world is...CHAINSAW WIELDING TOMMY CHONG!! I swear, I'm not making any of this up.


...seriously, folks, I'm at a loss for words to describe this flick. This is quite possibly the most random movie I've seen in decades, or perhaps EVER, yet I laughed all the way through it. I guess I must be easily amused.

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Carnivorous bras? Gotta see this! :headbanger::D


Oh dude, it's truly a monumental piece of work. I haven't seen a movie this ridiculous since "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes." :D

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"The Scenesters"


Very dry satire of indie filmmaking, in which a couple of wanna-be producer/directors take a job as videographers for the L.A.P.D. shooting crime scene video. When a series of murders begin to plague L.A. they simply work it into the storyline of the documentary they've been shooting on the side.


Supposedly this won all kinds of hipster/indie film awards but I thought it was pretty slow moving and not all that funny aside from a few chuckles.


Avoid unless you're a hipster douche, since that seems to be this film's target audience.

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